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NASCAR Race thread
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Round 2 complete!
Code:***** ********** ************** ***************** ****** ****** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ****** **** ****** **** ******* **** ******* *** ***** ******* ******* **** * * * ********** **** * * * **** ***** **** ******* **** ****** *** ******* **** *** **** ******* **** **** **** ******* **** **** **** ******* **** **** ***** ******* **** **** *** ****** **** ********* ***** **** ******** ****** **** **** ******** **** ******** **** ******** **** ******** **** ******** **** ******** **** ******* ********|********************** ******** *******|************************ ******** ******|************45*3*6******************* *****|************************************ ****|*************2********************* ***|*************1******************** (car #, name, speed, heading, WC, orders): 1. Rah, 8, E, 6 A(m8) 2. Spaced, 8, E, 6 a(8m) 3. Skanky Burns,9, E, 5 aLR(m7) 4. Panzeh, 8, E, 5 a(a+1)(m8) 5. Jonny, 8, E, 6 aRL(m6) 6. Jamski, 10,E, 4 al(m10)
Round 3 now being accepted!
Sendification of Orderficatory Procedural Protocol is Completificated!
-Jam1) The crappy metaspam is an affront to the true manner of the artform. - Dauphin
That's like trying to overninja a ninja when you aren't a mammal. CAN'T BE DONE. - Kassi on doublecrossing Ljube-ljcvetko
Check out the ALL NEW Galactic Overlord Website for v2.0 and the Napoleonic Overlord Website or even the Galactic Captians Website Thanks Geocities!
Taht 'ventisular link be woo to clyck.
And the racers are getting ready to head into turn one.
Code:***** ********** ************** ***************** ****** ****** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ****** **** ****** **** ******* **** ******* *** ***** ******* ******* **** * * * ********** **** * * * **** ***** **** ******* **** ****** *** ******* **** *** **** ******* **** **** **** ******* **** **** **** ******* **** **** ***** ******* **** **** *** ****** **** ********* ***** **** ******** ****** **** **** ******** **** ******** **** ******** **** ******** **** ******** **** ******** **** ******* ********|********************** ******** *******|************************ ******** ******|**********************5**3***6******* *****|*********************4************** ****|**********************2************ ***|**********************1*********** (car #, name, speed, heading, WC, orders): 1. Rah, 9, E, 6 A(m9) 2. Spaced, 9, E, 6 a(9m) 3. Skanky Burns,10, E, 5 a(m10) 4. Panzeh, 9, E, 5 aRL(m7) 5. Jonny, 8, E, 6 a(m9) 6. Jamski, 11,E, 4 a(m11)
The excitement will continue in the next chapter of Nascar on the Front stretch!
Round 4 orders are ready for receiving!