The pencil and paper variety, mind you.
What sort of unusual items have you received or given out in RPG campaigns?
This one I got in an AD&D campaign was quite powerful. A pair of gloves that cannot be pierced, cut, torn, or otherwise damaged, it grants +2 strength and halves distance penalties for ranged attacks. The unusual part is my character could "grab" incoming spells from mid-air. If successful, that spell is negated. Furthermore, he could use the levels in grabbed spells to power his own [he's a ranger -- what else do you expect
] without using up the ones in his memory.
What sort of unusual items have you received or given out in RPG campaigns?
This one I got in an AD&D campaign was quite powerful. A pair of gloves that cannot be pierced, cut, torn, or otherwise damaged, it grants +2 strength and halves distance penalties for ranged attacks. The unusual part is my character could "grab" incoming spells from mid-air. If successful, that spell is negated. Furthermore, he could use the levels in grabbed spells to power his own [he's a ranger -- what else do you expect
