Alright, that last thread was a mistake in itself, but I rather liked the idea of a thread for mistakes people have made in games... so let's have one, minus the spam.
I made a huge, huge, mistake today in Master of Magic. I found a nice little place to build a city that was within range of four (4!) wild game resources., and with all of those food bonuses combined that city basically fed my entire army by itself. But what was my mistake? Only putting one swordsman on garrison there.
I let an enemy swordsman unit walk through my territory thinking it was no threat, and when it attacked that city I wasn't too concerned... I can buff up my swordsman and it'd be a piece of cake.... ah, but the enemy wizard cast black sleep and I had no means to dispell it. 
Needless to say, the city was taken (and razed) with no effort what so ever. The next turn, every single one of my units disbanded due to lack of food.

I made a huge, huge, mistake today in Master of Magic. I found a nice little place to build a city that was within range of four (4!) wild game resources., and with all of those food bonuses combined that city basically fed my entire army by itself. But what was my mistake? Only putting one swordsman on garrison there.

Needless to say, the city was taken (and razed) with no effort what so ever. The next turn, every single one of my units disbanded due to lack of food.
