Objective: for the Mafia Families is to wipe out all other Families. For the Bystanders, to stop this from happening.
1. Each turn, each Family may conduct a Hit against a specific person.
2. Each Hit may be carried out by one or more members of the same Family.
3. If the Hit is successful, the target is eliminated. If it is not, the target survives, and all the attackers except one escape* (exception: see 5)
4. The specific for various positions are:
5. A Bystander cannot be killed. A Bystander cannot initiate attacks. Any Mafia member sent to Hit a Bystander is dead instead.
6. Each family knows who everybody in their own family are, but have no idea who are in the other families and who are the Bystanders.
7. When the turn is up, the results are tabulated and posted. The moves are first sorted according to their speed, and then executed. The speed of a move is simply the number of attackers involved, so the speed of a move with just a lone Hitman attacking somebody is 1, while the speed of two Hitmen putting the move on a suspected Lieutentants is 2, and so on. All moves with a speed of 1 are all executed at the same time, then moves with speed of 2, and so on.
* This rule has been changed
The two Mafia Families in this game come from the Lower East Side of Manhattan. They are now fighting to dominate the pizza delivery business.
Objective: for the Mafia Families is to wipe out all other Families. For the Bystanders, to stop this from happening.
1. Each turn, each Family may conduct a Hit against a specific person.
2. Each Hit may be carried out by one or more members of the same Family.
3. If the Hit is successful, the target is eliminated. If it is not, the target survives, and all the attackers except one escape* (exception: see 5)
4. The specific for various positions are:
- Mafia Don - can kill anybody, except a Bystander.
- Mafia Lieutentant - can kill an opposing Lieutentant or hitman. Needs two or more to eliminate an opposing Don.
- Mafia Hitman - can kill an opposing hitman. Needs 3 or more to rubout an opposing Don. Needs 2 or more to kill and opposing Lieutentant.
5. A Bystander cannot be killed. A Bystander cannot initiate attacks. Any Mafia member sent to Hit a Bystander is dead instead.
6. Each family knows who everybody in their own family are, but have no idea who are in the other families and who are the Bystanders.
7. When the turn is up, the results are tabulated and posted. The moves are first sorted according to their speed, and then executed. The speed of a move is simply the number of attackers involved, so the speed of a move with just a lone Hitman attacking somebody is 1, while the speed of two Hitmen putting the move on a suspected Lieutentants is 2, and so on. All moves with a speed of 1 are all executed at the same time, then moves with speed of 2, and so on.
* This rule has been changed
The two Mafia Families in this game come from the Lower East Side of Manhattan. They are now fighting to dominate the pizza delivery business.