I believe it's Skanky... He always does the killing after he had made sure everybody's drunk, so there wouldn't be any intereference with his killing...
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Mafia XIII - Death is an unlucky number on Friday on the Nile (part 2)
Kass, I hate to be the one to break the bad news to you, but no-one cares about your domestic security arrangements!
Oh, and Skanky Burns gets my vote once again.Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
Jamski ought to send me a clue, one would think he's conspiring to get me executed. Don't force me to fabricate a clue, dear GM.
(On the other hand I have now rendered any clues I might get invalid as everyone will think they are forgeries. Drat!)Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
This might keep the moaning hordes happy, not naming any names......
Clue sent to Zopperoni
Chaunk was strangled with a light-grey tie bearing the golf-club's logo.Clue sent to Spiffor
Your friend Rasputin told you that he heard lots of things in the confessional. Noone confessed to being a killer though.Clue sent to Skanky
GJRamsey, Felch and the Duke left your bar early before closing time. They weren't "in the mood", they said.Clue sent to Ghengis
Captain Garlic was never in the navy. He was on a fishing boat with the father of ADG and Guynemer.Clue sent to Drogue
Jon Miller never drinks. That's why you noticed when he turned up in the bar last night in time to go up to the church with the village.Clue sent to Guynemer
There were 3 empty bottles of communion wine in the booth with FlameFlash.Clue sent to me
The kipper Zopperoni served you for breakfast was a smoked kipper. They are very unusual in Apolytown.Clue sent to HongHu
You remember Mr Baggins saying something while at Theban's about "...not going to eat anything today then, am I...?" But that's all you overheard. For some reason it stuck in your head.Clue sent to Spaced Cowboy
It all looked too neat from your angle. HongHu never wears hairspray, and it burnt too quickly, more like oil or parafin.Clue sent to Thibbing
The only person you think didn't kill Guynemer was Skanky, who was busy taking the beer to the lake, and then serving it.Clue sent to Ghengis
Someone has been weakening the landslide-dam north of the village. After the heavy rains, if this breaks the whole village will be flooded.Clue sent to Skanky
Felch really wanted to put that whiskey on the fire. You needed the help of Guynemer and ADG to stop him.Clue sent to mart7x5=35!
Rah's pub is geometrically in the dead center of the town, and almost everyone drinks there," observed Mart7x5 "Have you ever noticed that?
[edit] - mart's clue is not in order because I'm dumb!!Last edited by duke o' york; March 24, 2004, 06:25.
I make that 12 clues, from 16 sent, with the possibilty that any of those are forgeries.
I'll not say anymore on this subject.
-Jam1) The crappy metaspam is an affront to the true manner of the artform. - Dauphin
That's like trying to overninja a ninja when you aren't a mammal. CAN'T BE DONE. - Kassi on doublecrossing Ljube-ljcvetko
Check out the ALL NEW Galactic Overlord Website for v2.0 and the Napoleonic Overlord Website or even the Galactic Captians Website Thanks Geocities!
Taht 'ventisular link be woo to clyck.
Originally posted by Kassiopeia
Jamski ought to send me a clue, one would think he's conspiring to get me executed. Don't force me to fabricate a clue, dear GM.
(On the other hand I have now rendered any clues I might get invalid as everyone will think they are forgeries. Drat!)
Thanks everybody, for relieving me from my growing agonizing life.Just a note though. I said that I would vote for Skanky in that round that skanky tied with tuberski. Appearantly nobody remembered to count my vote. On the other hand I have repaid Skanky's debt for not sending him to his death I guess. So I can leave without a regret.
Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
Apparently the clues are sent out according to the Jamski random number generating system (Patent pending), so that could be the reason why Kass hasn't had one yet. I always go and check my PMs every "morning", but seem to return disappointed.
Or Kass could be the mafia, and just not telling us about clues he has received. GF and Skanky have had two each though, the lucky sods.
Felch and Mart have been quiet lately...I'm consitently stupid- Japher
I think that opinion in the United States is decidedly different from the rest of the world because we have a free press -- by free, I mean a virgorously presented right wing point of view on the air and available to all.- Ned
As I stated before, I got a clue in the first or second round. I've deleted it since then, but it said,
"SC (me) said that Rah's was not the same since he banned smoking."
Mind you that is not word for word, but I did not know what to make of it, so I did not post it thinking that it was senseless.
BTW, I have to vote for Skanky, sorry bro.We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.