Re: PG2 update
You will want a fighter because the poles have some planes.
I'd pick up another arty and possibly upgrade the one you have now(I don't remember what you start with).
I wouldn't overstrength yet, except to use up left over prestige. In the early going I focus on getting units because you want as many units to get experience as you can.
Originally posted by lord of the mark
My inclination here would be to upgrade the two experienced reg inf to pioneers or engineers, to upgrade all the tank units, and to buy a fighter.
My inclination here would be to upgrade the two experienced reg inf to pioneers or engineers, to upgrade all the tank units, and to buy a fighter.
I'd pick up another arty and possibly upgrade the one you have now(I don't remember what you start with).
I wouldn't overstrength yet, except to use up left over prestige. In the early going I focus on getting units because you want as many units to get experience as you can.