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Fallout with a hint of evil

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  • Fallout with a hint of evil

    Because of VJ's Harold avatar Ive decided to play fallout again. Only this time as an evil bastard. Any suggestions or advice from the audience?

    Should I become a Slaver or would that make it too difficult even as a bad guy?

  • #2
    I take it you are playing Fallout2.

    Being a slaver does prevent you from doing some quests, as I think certain people won't even talk to you. You will also lose out on some NPC's. Sulik will leave.

    It might be doing once, but for the most part, I wouldn't recommend it.


    • #3
      do the slaver thing!
      Lysistrata: It comes down to this: Only we women can save Greece.
      Kalonike: Only we women? Poor Greece!


      • #4
        Well I tried it - lost some quests but is fun to be a bad guy! And NCR Rangers will bug you a bit!
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        • #5
          Check GameFAQ's... I believe they have an evil character quest guide... with all the possible bad things that could be done.


          • #6
            Originally posted by MrBaggins
            Check GameFAQ's...
            No! It takes the fun out of it!

            Would you rather discover all the nasty things you could do yourself?

            I did the evil thing once. Became a slaver then killed them all off. Also killed everybody in New Reno. Boy did it take a lot of time. And of course, robbed the graves.

            Surprising how many useful things you can find in them.

            Also killed off everybody in Navarro, and that was fun and gave me a lifetime supply of... Everything pretty much.

            Well, any way, it can be lots of fun to be evil.
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            • #7
              Oh yes, another thing. The one thing that really hurts you is if you kill a kid and get labeled as "childkiller". Now that makes the game tough. Many NPC's won't deal with you after that. But of course it's a must if you really are after an "evil" character.
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