The RPG is my favorite genre of computer games, but I think I've mined what is available dry. At least the quality CRPGs with a semblance of story and char-dev; the rest out there, I dread, is merely the slush pile. I'm a tad picky, admittedly.
I've played the old Bioware/Black Isle CRPG legacy to death: BG1, BG2, FO1, FO2, IWD1, IWD2, PS:T, Arcanum. I feel these were the creme ala creme of the genre.
I was burned by Ultima: IX, found Betrayal at Antara to be a pixelated wasteland, found Daggerfall and Co. to be a non-linear, homogenous wasteland, and read atrocious things about Return to Krondor, Descent to Undermountain, Neverwinter Nights, Pool of Radiance 2, and Temple of Elemental Evil which kept me at bay. I've never been a fan of the Final Fantasy series.
The only CRPGs I know little about which might have been worthwhile sleepers are The Summoner and Wizardry 8 (any good?).
I think the CRPG, in the traditional single-player sense (I won't touch Diablo-style dross or MMORPGs with a ten-foot pole), is a rapidly dying genre. With the continuing dominance of consoles over the old PC format, developers and gaming companies going bankrupt, and stockholders/upper-management bigwigs generally taking less risk and relying more on cash-cow names (I'm finding sequel-itis everywhere on the shelves), creative gambits like Arcanum and Fallout seem to have disappeared. I can't even think of any upcoming CRPGs in the works that I'm interested in.
What's left to play? And is the CRPG going to end up the domain of a few dedicated cult modders tinkering with existing engines (Forgotten Wars Projects, uploaded Arcanum/Fallout modules, etc.) whilst the rest of the gaming world passes them (and us) by?
I've played the old Bioware/Black Isle CRPG legacy to death: BG1, BG2, FO1, FO2, IWD1, IWD2, PS:T, Arcanum. I feel these were the creme ala creme of the genre.
I was burned by Ultima: IX, found Betrayal at Antara to be a pixelated wasteland, found Daggerfall and Co. to be a non-linear, homogenous wasteland, and read atrocious things about Return to Krondor, Descent to Undermountain, Neverwinter Nights, Pool of Radiance 2, and Temple of Elemental Evil which kept me at bay. I've never been a fan of the Final Fantasy series.
The only CRPGs I know little about which might have been worthwhile sleepers are The Summoner and Wizardry 8 (any good?).
I think the CRPG, in the traditional single-player sense (I won't touch Diablo-style dross or MMORPGs with a ten-foot pole), is a rapidly dying genre. With the continuing dominance of consoles over the old PC format, developers and gaming companies going bankrupt, and stockholders/upper-management bigwigs generally taking less risk and relying more on cash-cow names (I'm finding sequel-itis everywhere on the shelves), creative gambits like Arcanum and Fallout seem to have disappeared. I can't even think of any upcoming CRPGs in the works that I'm interested in.
What's left to play? And is the CRPG going to end up the domain of a few dedicated cult modders tinkering with existing engines (Forgotten Wars Projects, uploaded Arcanum/Fallout modules, etc.) whilst the rest of the gaming world passes them (and us) by?