This is complete nonsense, Imran. There's no way they could have "holdover" code from GTA3 for MP and then have it suddenly work in GTA3 by turning it on...
I dunno. Just a guess. How different can multiplayer code be anyway?
Sony has been known to give Rockstar oodles of cash for certain things before, so why is it so out of the question for them to pay Rockstar to keep GTA's multiplayer disabled until it can become the killer app for PS2 Online with GTA4.
If the m-player code is totally new, then why would Rockstar include any multiplayer code at all then if Sony gave them money not to? That simply doesn't make sense (and is perhaps greater nonsense ).
The most likely explination is what I said in the earlier thread. They played around with multiplayer, then decided that it wasn't going to their liking. They wanted new, original multiplayer modes, but they didn't get what they originally wanted so they decided to shelve it, but left the basic code in, so if they could get something original thought up, they would at least have the basics still in there.
As I said, it smells of politics...
Only because you are always looking at conspiracy theories. Anyway, I'll go ahead and say it.