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Anyone played Knights of the Old Republic for the X-box?

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  • Anyone played Knights of the Old Republic for the X-box?

    I hear they are porting it to the PC. It will have even more dialogue options in the PC version.

    It is a RPG made by bioware. A good company for sure. That's why I'm interested in it. And this game has a lot of praise.

    Anyone played it?

  • #2
    not me thats for sure


    • #3
      its a great game, but Im sure Im biased as I love Star Wars, it linear though. If you ever need help, which I HIGHLY doubt you will, unless they make huge game play changes to the pc version, then just ask!


      • #4
        I loved it and I think 99.9% of Star Wars games suck. I played through once as a Jedi and I'm about halfway through playing as a Sith. As a Sith, you can talk your teammates into killing each other. How cool is that!


        • #5
          As a Sith, you can talk your teammates into killing each other. How cool is that!
          I feel as though I should say something but I won't because it would be a spoiler. I'll put it this way, Harry isn't telling you everything.

