I was looking through my drawers yesterday when I found my SNES version of SimCity and started reminiscing. Anyway...
What are your TOP gaming moments? What do you remember are your best moments in the gaming industry?
Mine are:
1. Beating FF VIII. I got to the last boss and was getting my a** handed to me. The boss eliminated my summoning ability and was systematically killing off every single character in my party. Eventually it got down to Rinoa and she got a Limit Break. She had 1 H.P. left and I decided instead of healing I'd choose the Limit Break. It turned out to be 'Wishing Star' and I attacked the last boss multiple times and ended up killing it with 1 HP!!!
I was jumping up and down and yelling "Holy S***!"...I also had to work that day so I called in and told them I was going to be a little late. 
2. My second experience wasn't so action packed. I was still pretty young when I was playing SimCity for the SNES. I was strapped for cash and built a pretty big city. Well, it was pretty late and I fell asleep. I woke up around 4:00 am and the game was still running! I had about $1 Billion and half my city was in ruins from fires, emigration and what-not. I thought that was prettty funny.
What are your TOP gaming moments? What do you remember are your best moments in the gaming industry?
Mine are:
1. Beating FF VIII. I got to the last boss and was getting my a** handed to me. The boss eliminated my summoning ability and was systematically killing off every single character in my party. Eventually it got down to Rinoa and she got a Limit Break. She had 1 H.P. left and I decided instead of healing I'd choose the Limit Break. It turned out to be 'Wishing Star' and I attacked the last boss multiple times and ended up killing it with 1 HP!!!

2. My second experience wasn't so action packed. I was still pretty young when I was playing SimCity for the SNES. I was strapped for cash and built a pretty big city. Well, it was pretty late and I fell asleep. I woke up around 4:00 am and the game was still running! I had about $1 Billion and half my city was in ruins from fires, emigration and what-not. I thought that was prettty funny.