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Alecrast Broadcasting Corperation

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  • #16
    [Live from ABC Headquarters in Terribi, ABC anchor Rick Baxton]

    In their first deployment, mercenary troops hired by Alecrast on behalf of Urbanised from the The Empire of The Zod were successful in repelling an attack on the port city by a division of New Sheepstan SSS troops. More on the conflict as it develops.

    N.B. Before you start calling this god-modding, Sheep made a god-modding post earlier in which he claimed that his SSS troops had taken Urbanised. This is the version of events from the other perspective. Any further god-modding like that from him I'm simply going to consider as him acting like the Iraqi Information minister, or like the Black Knight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
    Last edited by Archaic; April 25, 2003, 02:28.
    Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


    • #17
      [On relay from Ferrorzoica, by gracious permission of the Ferrorzoican World News Network, owned by the Ferrorzoican General Worker's Union, FWNN Anchor Dave Parcelman]

      In a joint statement, the Centralian Defence and Foreign Ministries released today the exact details of the troops being comitted to the defence of Urbanised under the Fonseca Treaty. They are as follows.

      Firstly, the Centralian Third Army, the prime ground comittment, consisting of 430 000 troops and officers, with approximately 24 000 APCs, 17 000 transport trucks, 1100 combat helicopters, 3950 heavy self-propelled artillery pieces, 600 self-propelled tank destroyers, and 23 000 tanks.

      Secondly, the II & VI Air Force Wings, consisting of 4000 pilots, officers, and service personnel, 400 fighters, 250 ground-attack craft and 100 heavy bombers.

      Third, the Centralian Sixth Fleet, which contains 2 Carriers (SRC Allende, ARC Antioch), 6 cruisers, 19 destroyers, 38 missile frigates and 4 attack subs.

      Fourth, a number of elite units: the 9000 'Ironsides' troopers, equipped with pwoer armour and autocannons, expected to be able to mow down Sheepstan infantry units with ease; the First Narmenian Armour Brigade, consisting of 1000 tanks, manned by the best crews in the Centralian army; the six thousand strong 'Salamnders' unit, equipped with heavy armour and flame-throwers, who will be in the thick of any fighting which occurs and quite likely to roast alive any enemy troops who lack a great deal of protection against flame; and the 34th Integrated Infantry Corps, the 'Mailed Fist', containing 50 000 troops and officers troops equipped with heavy Kevlar armour, night vision gear and heavy assault rifles, 1500 heavy tanks, 300 combat helicopters, 2000 light mortars, and 500 self-propelled heavy artillery pieces. Adept at city-fighting and well-equipped for this, their commanders have been looking forward for a long time to an opportunity to test their skills, and their deputy commander, General Correa, stated that he was particularly pelased to be going up against the forces of 'Unified Sheepsta', which has been the object of mcuh derision among the miltiary, from the barracks to the Defence Minsiter himself.
      Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


      • #18
        [Live from ABC Headquarters in Terribi, ABC anchor Rick Baxton]

        Insurance firms around the region are starting to feel the pain as the claims from Private Enterprise which had set up shop in North and South Sheepsta find that those high premiums for being in such an unstable region were well worth the cost. Claims are streaming in from all industries, most notable of course, Nukes4U, along with other firms in the Uranium Mining business. At least one major insurance company, IHI, looks like it may end up bankrupt from this, and a number of others have already revised profit figures for the quarter, predicting now substantial losses. More as it develops.
        Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


        • #19
          [Precorded Advert for ABCCA, shown on all stations.]

          Tonight, our top exposé, New Griffith college students make ends meet by selling their kidneys while at the same time, their government run INN station broadcasts criticisms of Alecrast for allowing the same. Is this just blantant hypocrisy, a corrupt dictatorship trying to hide the truth from the world? We'll give you the facts, tonight, on ABCCA, after the main ABC news at 6.
          Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


          • #20
            occ: Hey I never said New Griffith wasn't a dictatorship. However it is still the legitimate government of the Confederacy.
            Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
            Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
            Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


            • #21
              This thread is for "broadcasts" by ABC reporters. Please, only post if you have obtained approval for your story from Archaic. All discussion of events reported on should be conducted in their proper threads, not in here.
              Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


              • #22
                [Live from ABC Headquarters in Terribi, ABC anchor Rick Baxton]

                Tensions have risen today between Alecrast and the The Federation of Mac-n-Cheese, a small Democratic Socialist nation of 16 million people in The North Pacific, who virtually since their conception have threatened war against Alecrast for no known reason.

                First Message:
                hello I HOPE KNOW THIS IS WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                Their poor spelling and grammar aside, the nation, while supposedly having a "compassionate, intelligent population" according to the UN, seems to have elected a foolish leadership. After having been threatened by Alecrast with retaliation and invasion, with the intention of securing the state as an Alecrast colony, to any attacks, they replied

                well i craft dinosaurs! thell eat were men like noodles!
                After again having been threatened with the full force of the Alecrast armed forces, they again replied, with a strange sentance that our translators assure us is a declaration of war in their traditional native language.

                Is there a real place we can start war? (website)?
                The war is expected to be brief. More news as it develops. As always, ABC will be right there on the front lines......assuming that the war lasts long enough for us to even reach them that is.
                Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


                • #23
                  [Live from ABC Headquarters in Terribi, ABC anchor Rick Baxton]

                  Alecrast's Foreign Minister tonight blasted the Sheepstan state for its anti-capitalistic stance, accusing them of putting their communistic agenda ahead of the welfare of their citizens.

                  "Their citizens are enjoying a recent large cut in taxes, yet the average income tax rate is still100%. Private enterprise we've all known for a long time is illegal in their nation, however now they don't even try to hide the fact that all industry is owned and run by the government, something they've been denying for months on end. It's national animal, the sheep, is supposedly a protected species, yet it's also the nation's favorite main course! They're only proving Friedrich Hayek's theories right. Any attempt to achieve social goals through pure government means simply ends up creating a totalitarian police state headed by a corrupt dictator!"
                  Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


                  • #24
                    [Live from the ABC Offices in Poyais, ABC anchor Rick Baxton]

                    Good evening. Tonight, we come to you from the ABC Offices in Poyais, Greater Chimerica, where starting from tomorrow nations signatory to the MAFTI treaty will meet to debate on a resolution for a common currency for the member nations. More on that later.

                    Our top and breaking story tongiht, Crisis in Sheepsta. For the 4th time in 2 generations, the established government of the nation has fallen, with the previous Unified Republics of Sheepsta, a government not actually recognised by many nearby nations amongst alegations of election rigging and corruption, having been replaced in an armed coup by Sheepsta's Field Marshall Philip Dunning, who has suddenly instated many rather questionable policies, condoning racism and "might is right" mentalities. While some firms are welcoming the newfound economic freedoms allowing them to reenter the market, investors still appear to be worried about the intentions of the government. One has been quoted as saying "We wanted a free market in Sheepsta, but not at this price."

                    Political reactions to these events have also been mixed. President Arrayende of Centralis made the following statement earlier this evening.
                    "Well, so much for their pretensions to 'democracy'. They've now dumped even the sham that they maintained previously and restored the Holy Empire in all but name. I hope other states in the region will finally start waking up to the monsters they've allowed to grow unchecked here before they decide to extend their aggression - or use their nukes to aid someone else's."
                    The new government of Karakas under General Brian Adams however, itself being critized after what some are calling a coup, others calling inevitable, and most others just not knowing what to call it in the first place, has actually made moves to normalise relationships with Sheepsta in the wake of current events, going so far as to allow the reopening of the Sheepstan Embassy. In a statement made earlier today by the Karakas Ministry of Information,
                    "The General made no attempt to deny that he desires to re-open relations with Sheepsta. He said, however, that "Karakas will maintain its relationships with its traditional friends, including Alecrast, Centralis, Noosland, Dakmoristan, and all others.""
                    As of yet, there has been no official statement from the Alecrast Council, who have been sequestered behind closed doors ever since these events broke. The Council's press secretary has refused to comment. Coming on the eve of what should have been the day when the election date was announced, this issue can be expected to feature prominently in most party's campaigns. Political analysts have expressed worries about the Sensate's chances if they do not drop their usually pacifistic stance. The Senates of course are coalition partners with the Cyphers, forming government. If the Sensates lose seats, the Cyphers, with the Monarch being a member of their faction, will likely be forced to go into coalition with another faction, with most in the know pointing towards the Dustmen as the likely choice for any such team up.

                    And now to what would've been our cover story tonight if not for the Sheepstan Crisis.

                    Officials from the Marmo agreement on Freedom of Trade and Investment today publicly stated that delegations from all MAFTI members would be arriving tonight in Poyais, Greater Chimerica, to begin the process of finally figuring out how to convert the currencies of member states to a single standard. Our reporter on the spot, Maria de Lanza, will be giving live coverage. Over to you, Maria.

                    *Cut to a young woman standing in front of the Ministry of Finance building in downtown Poyais, with police helicopters hovering in the background*

                    "Well Rick, in advance of the meeting, central Poyais seems to have been converted into virtually an armed camp; there are soldiers patrolling the streets and police helicopters hovering above them, as I'm sure you can see behind me. It's kind of scary, really; it reminds me of when Chimerica was still a Compulsory Consumerist State and practically every city in the country was like this.

                    "Needless to say, the city has been considerably emptier than usual with all this extra security around; the streets around the Finance Ministry complex are pratically deserted, and those elsewhere in the city centre are much quieter...

                    "Anyway, enough of that. The media and general populations of the seven MAFTI member nations have been wondering for quite a while when the single currency was actually going to be organized, and it seems we've finaslly got an answer: now, or in the near future. Most of the delegates have yet to arrive, but the Chimerican Finance Minister Rosario Rosanes is, naturally enough, already here, and Finance Minsiter Alice Beadle of Centralis arrived in an armoured limo about twenty minutes ago; I here the Dakmoristani Trade Minister Robert Salgado will be here soon too. I don't know anything about the other delegates."

                    *Cut back to Rick Baxton at ABC Studios*

                    "Thanks for that, Maria. We'll be asking for more from you as the meeting continues.

                    "Now, in other news, the esteemed historian at Centralis University, Hal Gandolfo, has sated that he expects his new book, A Brief History of Centralis - From the Stone Age to the Present, to be completed and published within the next few months. Mr. Gandolfo is a world-renowned academic and has written many best-selling books and articles on the history of Centralis and many other nations."

                    Alecrast today through the Council's press secretary has issued a stern warning towards its traditional allies in the BMGf region, the Federation of Bulbagarden, as their UN rating today plunged from Benevolant Dictatorship to Compulsory Consumerist State. Bulbagarden's Diplomat to Alecrast, Damian Silverblade, has pleaded that this is simply because of the state of Social Security in the country at this present point in time, and that new draft resolutions have already been written up to solve this situation. Until such time however, Bulbagarden seems to have been taken off the list of Alecrast Favoured Trading Nations, though this is not likey to have any effect other than symbolic given Alecrast's international trade laws.

                    *Checks his earpiece for a second, nodding at something only he can hear*

                    And now, we bring you a special report from Akbar Laden, ABC investigative journalist.

                    *Cut to a middle aged man standing in an abandoned factory*

                    Thanks Rick. Well everyone, tonight I've got something special for you.
                    Camera Pans over slightly to show a long tall metal object which Akbar is standing next to

                    Beside me here is the ABC's first nuclear weapon. Yes, that's right folks, Nuclear Weapon. Guess that means we're on par with those bastards in the INN with their corrupt government owners, eh? You wouldn't believe how easy it is to get your hands on this stuff folks. Tonight's Expose, "Weapons & Rogue Nations", or "What I picked up at the flea market".

                    What's standing to me tonight is the result of me being smart enough to have a lot of cash on hand when news breaks, and wise enough to know the right people in the intelligence community so that I don't have to do the smuggling. As you might have heard announced over the wire, the Armed Republic of Sheepsta just sold its first nuclear weapon to a "Mr. Laden". Well, guess who that was? I guess for once the Sheepstan government isn't lying, because I AM very pleased with my new toy. Right now, I'm waiting for the arrival of Arms Experts from the Brownshirts to help me find out just how effective this weapon would be. It certainly doesn't appear on the outside to be as modern as an Fonseca weapon, and given Sheepstas lack of technology inputs these recent years it's unlikey that there's even that much real Plutonium in there, but if this is a dirty bomb like many feared Sheepsta would employ, then even if it is rather weak compared to what other nations have available, it's still enough to render a whole damn city uninhabitable. If it got through the ABM's that is. Anyway, the inspectors have arrived, so I'll talk to you more once they've told me what I need to know. back to you Rick!

                    *Cut back to Rick Baxton at ABC Headquarters*

                    *Rick just has his mouth wide open, shaking*

                    *Cut to a card reading "We are currently experiencing technical difficulties. ABC News will return shortly
                    Last edited by Archaic; June 6, 2003, 07:28.
                    Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


                    • #25
                      [Live from the ABC Offices in Star Peninsula in North Spire, ABC sub-anchor Morgan Ray]

                      We apologise for the interruption. Rick Baxton has suffered a heart attack, and has been rushed to Poyais Hospital for emergency treatment. Our thoughts go with him.

                      In a story I'm sure my mentor would've wanted to report for its sheer absurdity, Field Marshall Philip Dunning of Sheepsta has decreed that all time in his nation is to be run on a variation on Metric Time, which he calls Decimal time. However, since the new time system still uses the same length of time in its Second as in the Imperial Second, Sheepstan "years" will be approx 60% shorter than other nation's, and a day will rarely be comprised equally of day and night. More news as it develops.
                      Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Archaic
                        [Live from the ABC Offices in Poyais, ABC anchor Rick Baxton]

                        Good evening. Tonight, we come to you from the ABC Offices in Poyais, Greater Chimerica, where starting from tomorrow nations signatory to the MAFTI treaty will meet to debate on a resolution for a common currency for the member nations. More on that later.

                        Our top and breaking story tongiht, Crisis in Sheepsta. For the 4th time in 2 generations, the established government of the nation has fallen, with the previous Unified Republics of Sheepsta, a government not actually recognised by many nearby nations amongst alegations of election rigging and corruption, having been replaced in an armed coup by Sheepsta's Field Marshall Philip Dunning, who has suddenly instated many rather questionable policies, condoning racism and "might is right" mentalities. While some firms are welcoming the newfound economic freedoms allowing them to reenter the market, investors still appear to be worried about the intentions of the government. One has been quoted as saying "We wanted a free market in Sheepsta, but not at this price."

                        Political reactions to these events have also been mixed. President Arrayende of Centralis made the following statement earlier this evening.

                        The new government of Karakas under General Brian Adams however, itself being critized after what some are calling a coup, others calling inevitable, and most others just not knowing what to call it in the first place, has actually made moves to normalise relationships with Sheepsta in the wake of current events, going so far as to allow the reopening of the Sheepstan Embassy. In a statement made earlier today by the Karakas Ministry of Information,

                        As of yet, there has been no official statement from the Alecrast Council, who have been sequestered behind closed doors ever since these events broke. The Council's press secretary has refused to comment. Coming on the eve of what should have been the day when the election date was announced, this issue can be expected to feature prominently in most party's campaigns. Political analysts have expressed worries about the Sensate's chances if they do not drop their usually pacifistic stance. The Senates of course are coalition partners with the Cyphers, forming government. If the Sensates lose seats, the Cyphers, with the Monarch being a member of their faction, will likely be forced to go into coalition with another faction, with most in the know pointing towards the Dustmen as the likely choice for any such team up.

                        And now to what would've been our cover story tonight if not for the Sheepstan Crisis.

                        Officials from the Marmo agreement on Freedom of Trade and Investment today publicly stated that delegations from all MAFTI members would be arriving tonight in Poyais, Greater Chimerica, to begin the process of finally figuring out how to convert the currencies of member states to a single standard. Our reporter on the spot, Maria de Lanza, will be giving live coverage. Over to you, Maria.

                        *Cut to a young woman standing in front of the Ministry of Finance building in downtown Poyais, with police helicopters hovering in the background*

                        "Well Rick, in advance of the meeting, central Poyais seems to have been converted into virtually an armed camp; there are soldiers patrolling the streets and police helicopters hovering above them, as I'm sure you can see behind me. It's kind of scary, really; it reminds me of when Chimerica was still a Compulsory Consumerist State and practically every city in the country was like this.

                        "Needless to say, the city has been considerably emptier than usual with all this extra security around; the streets around the Finance Ministry complex are pratically deserted, and those elsewhere in the city centre are much quieter...

                        "Anyway, enough of that. The media and general populations of the seven MAFTI member nations have been wondering for quite a while when the single currency was actually going to be organized, and it seems we've finaslly got an answer: now, or in the near future. Most of the delegates have yet to arrive, but the Chimerican Finance Minister Rosario Rosanes is, naturally enough, already here, and Finance Minsiter Alice Beadle of Centralis arrived in an armoured limo about twenty minutes ago; I here the Dakmoristani Trade Minister Robert Salgado will be here soon too. I don't know anything about the other delegates."

                        *Cut back to Rick Baxton at ABC Studios*

                        "Thanks for that, Maria. We'll be asking for more from you as the meeting continues.

                        "Now, in other news, the esteemed historian at Centralis University, Hal Gandolfo, has sated that he expects his new book, A Brief History of Centralis - From the Stone Age to the Present, to be completed and published within the next few months. Mr. Gandolfo is a world-renowned academic and has written many best-selling books and articles on the history of Centralis and many other nations."

                        Alecrast today through the Council's press secretary has issued a stern warning towards its traditional allies in the BMGf region, the Federation of Bulbagarden, as their UN rating today plunged from Benevolant Dictatorship to Compulsory Consumerist State. Bulbagarden's Diplomat to Alecrast, Damian Silverblade, has pleaded that this is simply because of the state of Social Security in the country at this present point in time, and that new draft resolutions have already been written up to solve this situation. Until such time however, Bulbagarden seems to have been taken off the list of Alecrast Favoured Trading Nations, though this is not likey to have any effect other than symbolic given Alecrast's international trade laws.

                        *Checks his earpiece for a second, nodding at something only he can hear*

                        And now, we bring you a special report from Akbar Laden, ABC investigative journalist.

                        *Cut to a middle aged man standing in an abandoned factory*

                        Thanks Rick. Well everyone, tonight I've got something special for you.
                        Camera Pans over slightly to show a long tall metal object which Akbar is standing next to

                        Beside me here is the ABC's first nuclear weapon. Yes, that's right folks, Nuclear Weapon. Guess that means we're on par with those bastards in the INN with their corrupt government owners, eh? You wouldn't believe how easy it is to get your hands on this stuff folks. Tonight's Expose, "Weapons & Rogue Nations", or "What I picked up at the flea market".

                        What's standing to me tonight is the result of me being smart enough to have a lot of cash on hand when news breaks, and wise enough to know the right people in the intelligence community so that I don't have to do the smuggling. As you might have heard announced over the wire, the Armed Republic of Sheepsta just sold its first nuclear weapon to a "Mr. Laden". Well, guess who that was? I guess for once the Sheepstan government isn't lying, because I AM very pleased with my new toy. Right now, I'm waiting for the arrival of Arms Experts from the Brownshirts to help me find out just how effective this weapon would be. It certainly doesn't appear on the outside to be as modern as an Fonseca weapon, and given Sheepstas lack of technology inputs these recent years it's unlikey that there's even that much real Plutonium in there, but if this is a dirty bomb like many feared Sheepsta would employ, then even if it is rather weak compared to what other nations have available, it's still enough to render a whole damn city uninhabitable. If it got through the ABM's that is. Anyway, the inspectors have arrived, so I'll talk to you more once they've told me what I need to know. back to you Rick!

                        *Cut back to Rick Baxton at ABC Headquarters*

                        *Rick just has his mouth wide open, shaking*

                        *Cut to a card reading "We are currently experiencing technical difficulties. ABC News will return shortly
                        Only just realised this now. Hey isn;t it funny how I have only just started selling the nukes to nations. this is godmodding,
                        Look what I have made.
                        SHEEPSTAN INGNORE CANNON
                        Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                        Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                        Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                        • #27
                          1) I've told you before, discuss things in other threads.

                          2) You'd stated in another thread about a week ago that you'd already made a sale to a "Mr. Laden". I ran with it. Not godmodding at all.

                          Below cross-posted to the Sheepsta Warhead Export thread.

                          For reference Re: The "Mr. Laden" issue.

                          Originally posted by Sheep
                          The Armed Republic of Sheepsta will like to announce that it has sold its first nuclear warhead. The Buyer a Mr. Laden is very pleased with hsi new toy.

                          There are nine left in the sellable stoickpile left to go.

                          Originally posted by Sheep
                          To futher the incentives a buy one get one free nuke deal will be on for the next 25 hours. 25 hours is how long Sheepsta now recognises the day to be.
                          Last edited by Archaic; June 16, 2003, 04:11.
                          Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


                          • #28
                            I thought Akbar Laden was funny. Didn't you think he was funny, Sheep?
                            Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.


                            • #29
                              Yes however Mr. Laden was the agent for one of the nations not the ABC. Do not use my RP Archaic. It stuffs up the story hey.

                              the SHEEPSTAN IGNORE CANNON remains in place.
                              Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                              Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                              Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                              • #30
                                [Live from ABC Headquarters in Terribi, ABC anchor Rick Baxton]

                                In a joint statement, the intelligence and security forces of Alecrast, Greater Chimerica, Centralis, and Capitalstan ahve anounced that in view of recent reports from intelligence agencies regarding the potential for terrorism against these and other states, along witht he recent bombing of Foreign Minister Andreas Von Weiser's transport aircraft when he arrived in Larkinia for a conference on Third World development, new security measures are necessary to ensure that such attacks do not occur. The recommended measures have gone into effect immediately in all of these states, including:

                                - Stringent new ID testing, including the activaton of checkpoints to scan for ID in all major arcologies;
                                - Greatly stepped-up border security, focussing particularly on border with nations belonging to the Treaty of Mt. Gravatt;
                                - National efforts to ensure that no chemical, biological, nuclear, or other dangerous material can be smuggled in, and also to find any that may already be present;
                                - And stepped-up police and intelligence survelliance of communications chatter and so forth, watching for anything that might indicate an upcoming attack.

                                No comment has yet been recieved from elsewhere regarding this move; more news as we have it.

