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Alecrast Broadcasting Corperation

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  • Alecrast Broadcasting Corperation

    This thread is for "broadcasts" by ABC reporters. Please, only post if you have obtained approval for your story from Archaic. All discussion of events reported on should be conducted in their proper threads, not in here.

    EDIT: Once we have a nationstates mod, could that mod please delete all non-authorized posts in this thread. Thank you.

    The Alecrast Broadcasting Corperation, the former state run, now privatised, station running out of Terribi, in the Sonii islands, is the regions' leading news network, providing around the clock coverage of social, economic and political news from around the region. Available in most homes through local cable providers, the ABC is also available through a special sattelite service to nations without such facilities.
    Last edited by Archaic; April 24, 2003, 03:25.
    Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos

  • #2
    [Live from Port Urbanised, ABC's Sheepstan Corrospondent, Clive Anderson]

    Taking a look at the regional economic community, in a move expected by many for quite some time, it was announced that Nukes4U CEO Erik Bax is planning to sue "United Sheepsta" through the regional court, for having nationalized all the Nukes4U Uranium mines in both North and South Sheepsta, reducing the company's regional assets a full 20% literally overnight. We'll bring you more on that as it develops, but first, we have far more important news for our viewers.

    Alecrast Armed Forces this morning did something they have not once done before since their formation following the end of the Chaos Wars that unified the island nation. After one last P-Powder bombardment of the New Sheepstan positions, they retreated. Not through martial prowess of their foe, but though order of regional court. It is a result none of the batallion commanders ever honestly expected, and there has been a great deal of unrest amongst the troops about just how so many people could have actually voted to have their country unified under a corrupt dictatorship. Indeed, the people taking it worst of all are perhaps the North Sheepstan Brownshirts batallion, who've made a massive contribution to this ongoing war, with almost 90% of their forces having been deployed right on the battlelines in defence of their land. Massive Thunderhawk transport planes have lifted both troops and equipment northwards, toward Port Urbanised and the Alecrast Navy, where, until the astonishing announcement of a few minutes ago, they were to leave the Sheepstan island for good.

    At 1542 today, Sheepstan standard time, Darren Heimann, the mayor of Port Urbanised and surrounds, made the stunning declaration that Urbanised was to secede from the newly created "Unified Sheepsta". Talks had apparently begun between the metropolis' leaders and the governments of Alecrast and Centralis immediatly following the shocking decision of the regional court, with the announcement made only once New Sheepsta started to make their move to take the nation. This announcement, while unexpected, comes as no great surprise to most political commentators. Port Urbanised, or just Urbanised as it is now being called, is Sheepstas only major port, situated on its northern coast, in perfect position to trade with the nations of the southern tip of the mainland. As such, it has been the center of the growing trade between Sheepsta and the world under the protectorates, as well as being the main location for aid to enter the nation, causing it to develop many strong economic and political ties to a great deal of nations in the region. They've had a taste of capitalism, and of personal freedoms, that they never experienced before, even under the United States of Sheepsta regime before it fell. And from this announcement, it seems they must have liked it. Among their many complaints against the United Sheepsta, foremost was their rejection of Socialistic values. Other issues they raised included the illegality of Private Enterprise and excessive taxation by the New Sheepsta regime of its citizens, both of which are tied into the rejection of the Socialistic values, as well as its lack of political rights despite their retoric saying otherwise, and their lax care about public health by letting people go around stark naked, "like savages" one person was quoted as saying.

    Mere minutes after this announcement, it was made public that Urbanised would also be joining the Fonseca Treaty, signed in Greater Chimerica last month. Along with this announcement came the news that, by the request of the Urbanised government, Fonseca Treaty troops would move in to help prevent and defend against any attack by New Sheepstan forces.

    Surprise and relief spread through the troops upon hearing this news. Apparently, it had been kept from them until the last possible minute so as to prevent any sort of false hope developing in their number and hurting morale. A number of these soldiers had been in Sheepsta for many years while this issue waited to resolve itself, and had settled down with local people and started families. Those families they had raised, and indeed, a great proportion of the population of North Sheepsta, are now making a mass exodus to Urbanised with all they can carry, fleeing the expected advance of New Sheepstan forces once the P-Powder effects wear off.

    This mass exodus has caused Anarchy to spring up in Urbanised, the great influx of people into the city rendering the local police forces inadequate for the task, though this situation is expected to end quickly once Fonseca treaty troops move in and organise.

    In South Sheepsta, matters seem just as unstable. The White Guard, South Sheepsta's own military, has seemed to melt away into the civilian population with the leaving of the Bulbagarden forces. Their intentions are uncertain, and rumours have flown fast and furious about them. Are they adopting a wait and see approach, or are they planning some sort of resistance? We simply don't know. All we can say is that they won't likely get much help from Bulbagarden, which is suffering from its own internal conflicts at this point in time.

    Bringing you further news as it develops, this is Clive Anderson, live from Urbanised, for the Alecrast Broadcasting Corperation.
    Last edited by Archaic; April 24, 2003, 03:50.
    Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


    • #3
      occ: Sorry for posting, but can you look at what I have been posting. Who said anything about buying out private companies? This is why I need the passwirds to North and South Sheepsta so I can do things and you can then make you stories out of that!
      Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
      Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
      Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Sheep
        occ: Sorry for posting, but can you look at what I have been posting. Who said anything about buying out private companies? This is why I need the passwirds to North and South Sheepsta so I can do things and you can then make you stories out of that!
        Whoever said buying out private companies indeed. You didn't buy them out. You nationalised them, just like many socialistic nations have done in the past with private enterprise. Look at your nation of "New Sheepsta". Private Enterprise is illegal. It's a reasonable RP.
        Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


        • #5
          occ: Have you even read through the reuinfication talks. I didn;t think so. Have you seen the apporach I have taken. No I didn;t think so. New Sheepsta is but a province of the Unfied Sheepstan state. Just the same as North and South Sheepsta. Also I don;lt appreactiate this Urabanised fiasco. I would of thought youy would of realised I don't like you being on my island, as much as you wouldn;lt like me being on yours.
          Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
          Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
          Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


          • #6
            I'll repeat.....

            This thread is for "broadcasts" by ABC reporters. Please, only post if you have obtained approval for your story from Archaic. All discussion of events reported on should be conducted in their proper threads, not in here.

            Get off this thead already. If you want to discuss it, go to the other thread. As for your RP, yes, I've read it. And I've taken the approach that your retoric is worth nothing when your nation description doesn't match up to it at all.
            As for what you like and don't I don't like you acting like a petulant child when people make reasonable RP that you don't like, but I can't exactly stop you, can I?
            Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


            • #7
              No I am just making sure my rights and wishes are accounted for while you do what you wish. As for the fact that my 'nation' does not descirbe things as they rerally are, perhaps the ABC, which I am presently arguing on has distorted the real figures, that the region sees. Isn;t it funny how a company that is committed to bringing us information does not allow us free speach?

              I am telling you know New Sheepsta is but one province oif the Unfied Sheepstan nation. North and South which I hope you give me the passwords are the other two. So I ask you can you talk about this on AIM where neither of us will upset the other by posting on threads.
              Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
              Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
              Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


              • #8
                This thread is for "broadcasts" by ABC reporters. Please, only post if you have obtained approval for your story from Archaic. All discussion of events reported on should be conducted in their proper threads, not in here.
                Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


                • #9
                  thanks for proving my point there.
                  Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                  Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                  Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                  • #10
                    This thread is for "broadcasts" by ABC reporters. Please, only post if you have obtained approval for your story from Archaic. All discussion of events reported on should be conducted in their proper threads, not in here.
                    Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


                    • #11
                      sounds like a broken record
                      Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                      Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                      Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                      • #12
                        Sheep, maybe you should actually read what he's psoting for a change, hmmm? If you want to comment on anything that's been posted here, do it somewhere else.


                        • #13
                          [Live from Port Urbanised, ABC afficiliate Centralis Channel Two Reporter Miranda Goldsborough interviews Darren Heimann, the Mayor (now Premier) of Urbanised]

                          Miranda Goldsborough: "Mr. Premier, could you explain to our viewers the exact reasons why you chose to declare independence?"

                          Darren Heimann: "Well Miss Goldsborough, there's a number of reasons. Foremost I suppose would be that, while our people did wish for a re-unification of Sheepsta, we didn't wish for our nation to be a unified Sheepsta under a corrupt military dictator."

                          Goldsborough: "I see. Were there any other reasons?"

                          Heimann: "Several. As you might imagine, with this being a bustling trade port, we've had rather a lot of contact with outside nations over the past few years. We've come to enjoy our current way of life, and we don't find the socialist ideas of New Sheepsta appealing in the slightist. Nor do we find appealing the idea that we'd be forced to break off our longstanding trade ties with Alecrast, Centralis, Bulbagarden or Karakas, which have brought great wealth to this region, and improved our quality of life dramatically."

                          Goldsborough: "Thank you, Mr. Premier. How high would you estimate support for this move to be?"

                          Heimann: "We'd estimate that over 90% of our people are in support of this move, given the proportion of the vote in favour of remaining an Alecrast protectorate that we had here. Indeed, we're actually quite amazed that the majority of the nation could somehow vote to be part of a corrupt dictatorship. It's no secret that we suspect vote tampering."

                          Goldsborough: "Given that government, Alecrastian, or Bulbagardenese troops controlled the entire area in which the voting was taking place, and there was no real threat that New Sheepstan troops would break through, who do you think could have tampered with the votes?"

                          Heimann: "Well, it's not as if the troops were actually anywhere near the polling boothes Miss Goldsborough, and they weren't supervising the vote either. We suspect that those who were tallying the votes would have been to blame. How this was not noticed by the international observers, we don't know."

                          Goldsborough: "On to the next question then. How long do you expect it to take to restore central control over the city?"

                          Heimann: "To be honest Miss, I don't know. Depending on just how many refugees keep coming in from down south, we could be looking at weeks, perhaps even months."

                          Goldsborough: "Do you expect forces from ‘Unified Sheepsta’ to invade and attempt to retake the area?"

                          Heimann: "We wouldn't have invoked the Fonseca treaty otherwise."

                          Goldsborough: "Well, that brings us on to another question: Do you anticipate effective support from Centralis, Alecrast, and the rest of the Fonseca Treaty nations?"

                          Heimann: "Most certainly. Why shouldn't we?"

                          Goldsborough: It seems we're running out of time, so this will have to be our last question I'm afraid. Having (briefly) been a member of the government of ‘Unified Sheepsta’, do you have any response to the statements made by them?

                          Heimann: "What government? I saw a parliment that suddenly formed within 5 days, with an "election" even more speedy than the original Alecrast referendum. All I have in response to their statements is scorn. They seem to be under the impression that we would only declare independance if an outside nation, such as Alecrast, had interfered. Do they really have such little respect for other peoples intelligence that they think we can't make up our minds for ourselves? Both sides were giving a hell of a lot of propaganda there. However, we were never once denied the ability to watch the free media, regardless of who it might be, even INN, regardless of its claims otherwise."

                          Goldsborough: "Thank you for your time, Mr. Premier. I am sure our viewers have been very interested in hearing what you had to say."

                          Heimann: "My pleasure Miss Goldsborough. I'm just glad that for once, the truth will be heard."

                          *end interview*
                          Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


                          • #14
                            [Live from ABC Headquarters in Terribi, ABC anchor Rick Baxton]

                            The lawsuits just keep flying today as "Independant News Network" INN gets sued by not one, not two, but three different parties over alegations made in their broadcast earlier tonight.

                            Firstly, Alecrast Minister for Defence and Nukes4U CEO Erik Bax has sued INN for defamation in the regional courts after their comments earlier tonight regarding. When asked what he thought of the network by our reporters, he stated "If INN was a newspaper, they'd be a tabloid rag. Just how they could spew crap like this is beyond me. Who writes their material? A thousand sheep working at a thousand typewriters?"

                            Secondly, a number of governments of Apolyton, including Alecrast, have joined together to sue INN over alegations that they have banned its supposed "tendacy to expose them."

                            Finally, the Alecrast government have sued INN over the comments made by them, where they sa....oh, sorry, apparently we have a clip.

                            "This is futhger proof that the Corporate Bordello in Alecrast pressures people into thinking what they want to think, buying what they want to buy and allowing the people of Alecrast to suffer as they grow richer"
                            ......this just in, INN has just been sued by the ABC over the implications made by INN in their statement just broadcast here as part of a story about INN having been sued by three seperate parties for defemation. More as it develops.
                            Last edited by Archaic; April 24, 2003, 05:12.
                            Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


                            • #15
                              [Live from ABC Headquarters in Terribi, ABC anchor Rick Baxton]

                              Harsh words were exchanged today between the Alecrast and Bulbagarden heads of state as Alecrast's monarch blasted Bulbagarden for its slide into dictatorship. Speaking to a news conferance earlier today, he said he was "Upset" that Bulbagarden had still failed to move further towards granting more political freedom to its people. In his defence, the Bulbagarden Admin B G Girafarig stated that his nations first and foremost focus was on allievating the current social problems before freeing up the ballot box, pointing to his current civil rights rating of "Very Good" from the UN, up from last months "Fair", as an indication of his progress.
                              Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos

