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Airstrip One alliance proposal

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  • Airstrip One alliance proposal

    We have received the following telegram from the Empire of Valentino:

    Greetings from Valentino!

    The Empire of Valentino is the UN delegate for Airstrip One, and we feel we share beliefs and ways with the nations of Apolyton. Therefore we would like to form an alliance between our two regions to make them stronger. Please consider this and write back.
    Thank you for your time,
    The Empire of Valentino, Airstrip One
    First of all, I took a look at his nation, and... well, the national motto did raise an eyebrow: "We throw rocks at retarded kids."

    Then I took a look at the region, and... well, it looks like they just declared war on the France region on behalf of themselves and whatever allies they find... (They don't have many, but are currently looking for more...)

    I have sent the following response as a preliminary answer:

    Greetings from Guardinia!

    We took a look at your nation, and while you said in your telegram that you feel you share beliefs and ways with the nations of Apolyton, your national motto seems to indicate otherwise.

    We also took a look at your region, where we found the following message lodged by yourself:

    [Begin quote]
    here is an exact copy of the telegram i sent to the region of france...

    "The region of Airstrip One and her allies has declared war on France, because we hate you. So bone appeite you cheese eatin' surrender monkeys!"
    [End quote]

    Do you want to tell us why we should want to be part of this?
    Unless you have a better reason than "because we hate you", then we are more inclined to talk to France than to yourself.

    Isabella Fuentes
    UN Ambassador
    Republic of Guardinia
    Regional Delegate of Apolyton
    Comments, anyone?
    "Politics is to say you are going to do one thing while you're actually planning to do someting else - and then you do neither."
    -- Saddam Hussein

  • #2
    Obviously they've proposed this alliance for no other reason than to serve themselves in their war.
    Ceroo's recomendation is to decline this offer flat.
    -Sir T


    • #3
      The Kingdom of Wine is outraged by the acts of the Airstrip One Region, for they have tried to trick us, and they have declared war on a peaceloving region, and wine exporters region such as France.

      Here in the kingdom of Wine French citizens are treated with the highest regards, for they produce very good wine, almost as good as the one produced in our kingdom.

      The Kingdom of Wine would like to ask all Apolytonians to help the fine region of France against those warmonger fools of Airstrip One.

      "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
      The trick is the doing something else."
      — Leonardo da Vinci
      "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
      "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


      • #4
        Uberlandia wants war. Uberlandia wants allies.
        Uberlandia frowns on unprovoked attacks. Uberlandia, amused, throws rocks at Airstrip One.


        • #5
          hmm, these people sure are anti-french....


          • #6
            Lets see if the Franchies want allies.
            (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
            (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
            (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


            • #7
              ...that would be a cruel twist of events for Airstrip One
              -->Visit CGN!
              -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


              • #8
                The Empire of Drunken Macaque supports an alliance with the French.
                The alcohol must flow!
                I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


                • #9
                  Originally posted by DarkCloud
                  ...that would be a cruel twist of events for Airstrip One
                  Well, they kind of asked for it, didn't they?

                  I'll have a word with the French Delegate...
                  "Politics is to say you are going to do one thing while you're actually planning to do someting else - and then you do neither."
                  -- Saddam Hussein


                  • #10
                    The UN Ambassador of Guardinia has sent the following telegram to the French UN Delegate:


                    It has come to our attention that the region of Airstrip One has recently declared war upon your peaceloving people, apparently for no particular reason other than "because we hate you".

                    The nations of Apolyton are outraged by such unprovoked aggression, and further angered by the fact that Airstrip One has attempted to trick us into an alliance against you.

                    Do you care to discuss the possibility of an alliance between France and Apolyton?

                    Isabella Fuentes
                    UN Ambassador
                    Republic of Guardinia
                    Regional Delegate of Apolyton
                    "Politics is to say you are going to do one thing while you're actually planning to do someting else - and then you do neither."
                    -- Saddam Hussein


                    • #11
                      *Sits and polishes his military, now fully rebuilt after the HSA disaster*

                      Personally, I think we were perhaps too hasty refusing the Airstrip One's so much easier to slip my covert units into their countries to launch a surprise attack with our secret French allies when they think we're on their side.
                      Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


                      • #12
                        By the way, we have received the following telegram from the Empire of Valentino:

                        The Empire of Valentino is sorry that we did not justify our motto, it is only for the sake of humor, a sick humor-possibly, but everyone is different.

                        The crude telegram we delivered to France was not just to be rude and looking for war...France has back stabbed every nation unless that nation directly helps them. They have also dropped their weapons and surrendered their forces without giving a fight, which left her allies to fight the enemy with no help. France must be punished for their lack of support of her so-called "allies".

                        Our answer:

                        Well, to us it looks like you were looking for war and attempting to trick us into it by offering an alliance under false pretences. This has angered the people of Apolyton, who will not side with those who engage in unprovoked aggression. While it is possible that "France needs to be punished", we are not convinced of that at this time, and we are certainly not convinced that war is the answer.

                        If you wish to continue this discussion, you shall at the very least have to provide some evidence to support your accusations. Furthermore, be adviced that we will also be talking to France to hear their version.

                        Isabella Fuentes
                        UN Ambassador
                        Republic of Guardinia
                        Regional Delegate of Apolyton

                        As you can see, we haven't quite slammed the door on them yet...
                        We also have not told them that we are discussing a possible alliance with France.
                        "Politics is to say you are going to do one thing while you're actually planning to do someting else - and then you do neither."
                        -- Saddam Hussein


                        • #13
                          Heh heh heh.....
                          Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


                          • #14

                            we must declare war on their region for committing such an atrocity! humoUr! with a U!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by TKG

                              we must declare war on their region for committing such an atrocity! humoUr! with a U!
                              Actually, that kind of depends on what kind of English you're writing.

                              British English is supposed to have a u in words like honour, valour, neighbour, armour, humour, etc.

                              American English tends to skip the u in these words. I.e. honor, valor, neighbor, armor, humor, etc.

                              So, a spelling mistake in Oxford is not necessarily a spelling mistake in New York.
                              "Politics is to say you are going to do one thing while you're actually planning to do someting else - and then you do neither."
                              -- Saddam Hussein

