If aahz_capone calls yourself as a witness, then this will be fine. If he decides not to however, then that is his perogative.
This is an official court thread, and as I have stated, only people invited may post replies. Aahz_capone is conducting the prosecution, and so there is no need for extra questions. It goes that aahz will bring forward evidence, or a witness, and then Osweld will cross examine, and then vice versa. If you wish to add some, PM me, and if it is relevent, then I shall bring it up, or ask you to speak.
H Tower:
Unless you hadn't noticed, we are in the process of the trial. A lot has happened. We have our charges, we have had our opening statements and the first presentation of evidence. It will take as long as it takes until both parties feel that they have said what they wish to say, and then I shall give my verdict. They both agreed to mediation by myself, and it is to be conducted in an orderly fashion. This is an official court thread. If you want to make a point, then PM me. If you dislike the court, then do not take part, poarticipation it is optional. The reason I alone am hearing it, is because Osweld would not recognise the other judges, and both Osweld and aahz_capone agreed to have myself only hearing it, then that is how we must proceed. The golden rule is that if both parties, and the judge agrees, I see no reason why it should not be done?
This hearing is giving both parties a chance to have their say, and have an arbitrary ruling by a judge they both agreed upon. I think in any court, there is usually some animosity between the competeing parties, but I do not think the court added to this, and I think the resolution will help relations, as they will know where each other stands.
to everyone: Please stop sp[amming this thread! It is an official thread, and only people involved, or called to speak may post. If you are called as a winess I will PM you, and you may post. Other than that, only the judge (myself), the prosecution (aahz_capone) and the defense (Osweld) have reason to post.
Glorious Comrade President Tassadar of the Sovietskii Soyuz wishes to be recognized in order to provide a personal recount of the meat festival that he was so graciously invited to.
The government of the Republic of Centralis would like to ask the 'Free Land' of Ubinia what it's reaction would be if political groups within their country began firebombing agricultural collectives, and if furthermore these political groups were funded and armed by a neighbouring power which then demanded their amnesty for them and acted as if it's actions were indisputably justified.
H Tower:
courts been in session for 15 days now, and nothing has happened. this hearing is only creating more hatred between the two countries.
This hearing is giving both parties a chance to have their say, and have an arbitrary ruling by a judge they both agreed upon. I think in any court, there is usually some animosity between the competeing parties, but I do not think the court added to this, and I think the resolution will help relations, as they will know where each other stands.
to everyone: Please stop sp[amming this thread! It is an official thread, and only people involved, or called to speak may post. If you are called as a winess I will PM you, and you may post. Other than that, only the judge (myself), the prosecution (aahz_capone) and the defense (Osweld) have reason to post.