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Registry of Nations in Nation States

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  • #31

    The Commonwealth of Delfinia

    "Sentio aliquos togatos contra me conspirare!"

    UN Category: New York Times Democracy
    Civil Rights: Very Good Economy: Very Strong Political Freedoms: Excessive
    Head of State: The Dauphin Prime Minister: Sagacious Capital: Delphi
    National Anthem: Holst's MarsCommon Languages: English, French, Italian Currency: The Delfino

    17 January 2003. No Dopes - No smoking in public

    Location: Apolyton

    The Commonwealth of Delfinia is a large, socially progressive nation, renowned for its barren, inhospitable landscape. Its hard-nosed, hard-working, intelligent population of 26 million enjoy a sensible mix of personal and economic freedoms, while the political process is open and the people's right to vote held sacrosanct.

    The medium-sized, corrupt government juggles the competing demands of Law & Order, Social Welfare, and Education. Citizens pay a flat income tax of 9%. A powerhouse of a private sector is led by the Gambling, Uranium Mining, and Beef-Based Agriculture industries.

    There are no minimum wage laws, young children are regularly seen wagering pocket money at blackjack tables, the latest Harry Potter book is a bestseller (much to the chagrin of the Prime Minister who thinks Harry Potter is a pile of toss), and the country's famous rainforests are being bulldozed by the mining industry. Crime is moderate. Delfinia's national animal is the dolphin, which is also the nation's favorite main course, and its currency is the delfino.

    Last edited by Dauphin; January 17, 2003, 14:05.
    One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


    • #32
      The People's Republic of Dark Valley

      "Love the weapon, hate the war."

      UN Category: Democratic Socialists
      Civil Rights: Good
      Economy: Struggling
      Political Freedoms: Very Good

      Location: Apolyton

      The People's Republic of Dark Valley is a tiny, environmentally stunning nation, remarkable for its punitive income tax rates. Its compassionate, intelligent population of 6 million are fiercely patriotic and enjoy great social equality; they tend to view other, more capitalist countries as somewhat immoral and corrupt.

      It is difficult to tell where the omnipresent, socially-minded government stops and the rest of society begins, but it juggles the competing demands of Education, Social Welfare, and Healthcare. The average income tax rate is 53%, and even higher for the wealthy. Private enterprise is illegal, but for those in the know there is a slick and highly efficient black market in Cheese Exports.

      The government is avowedly atheist and military funding has been stripped back. Crime -- especially youth-related -- is well under control. Dark Valley's national animal is the Praying Mantis, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests, and its currency is the Granite.


      • #33
        (as of 01/18/03)

        National Flag 
        The Republic of New Elysium

        "If you are alone, do not fear. For you are in Elysium"

        Riff City hit by missiles yesterday night, 70 dead, 300 wounded ... Elysian troops dig in along beaches, bridges, and cities ... Peace negociations opened

        UN Category: Libertarian Police State
        Civil Rights:World Benchmark Economy: Good Political Freedoms: Few

        Location: Apolyton

        The Republic of New Elysium is a large, socially progressive nation, notable for its barren, inhospitable landscape. Its hard-nosed, hard-working, cynical population of 29 million are proud of their wide-ranging civil freedoms, and those who aren't tend to be dragged off the streets by men in dark suits and hustled into cars with tinted windows.

        The large, liberal government juggles the competing demands of Education, Law & Order, and Social Welfare. The average income tax rate is 23%. A powerhouse of a private sector is led by the Gambling, Information Technology, and Pizza Delivery industries.

        Young children are regularly seen wagering pocket money at blackjack tables, euthanasia is legal, the police force is on a recruitment drive, and Animal Liberationists are regularly jailed. Crime -- especially youth-related -- is relatively low, thanks to a well-funded police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. New Elysium's national animal is the kiwi, which teeters on the brink of extinction due to widespread deforestation, and its currency is the leaf.

        The Republic of New Elysium
        Last edited by Lawrence of Arabia; January 18, 2003, 18:55.
        "Everything for the State, nothing against the State, nothing outside the State" - Benito Mussolini


        • #34
          The Sultanate of Cinchan
          "Sultan Before All."

          UN Category: Iron Fist Consumerists
          Civil Rights: Few
          Economy: Strong
          Political Freedoms: Unheard Of

          Location: Apolyton
          The Sultanate of Cinchan is a tiny, pleasant nation, remarkable for its complete absence of social welfare. Its hard-nosed, hard-working, cynical population of 5 million are kept under strict control by the oppressive government, which measures its success by the nation's GDP and refers to individual citizens as "human resources."

          The small, corrupt government is effectively ruled by the Department of Law & Order, with areas such as Social Welfare and Commerce receiving almost no funds by comparison. Citizens pay a flat income tax of 6%. A large private sector is led by the Book Publishing industry, followed by Woodchip Exports and Soda Sales.

          Crime is a problem. Cinchan's national animal is the bassett hound and its currency is the cinchy.
          "I wrote a song about dental floss but did anyone's teeth get cleaner?" -Frank Zappa
          "A thing moderately good is not so good as it ought to be. Moderation in temper is always a virtue, but moderation in principle is always a vice."- Thomas Paine
          "I'll let you be in my dream if I can be in yours." -Bob Dylan


          • #35
            The Dictatorship of Netherlandia
            "We are the best people in the world."

            UN Category: Compulsory Consumerist State
            Civil Rights: Good Economy: Thriving Political Freedoms: Few

            Location: Apolyton

            The Dictatorship of Netherlandia is a small, economically powerful nation, remarkable for its barren, inhospitable landscape. Its hard-nosed, hard-working, cynical population of 14 million are rabid consumers, partly through choice and partly because the government tells them to and dissenters tend to vanish from their homes at night.

            The large government juggles the competing demands of Education, Defence, and Law & Order. Citizens pay a flat income tax of 14%. A substantial private sector is led by the Arms Manufacturing industry, followed by Pizza Delivery and Book Publishing.

            A large-scale revitalization of the education system is underway, all major public areas are watched by police surveillance cameras, the tenet of free speech is held dear, and employers may fire workers without giving any reason. Crime is moderate. Netherlandia's national animal is the lion, which is also the nation's favorite main course, and its currency is the florin.


            • #36
              I would have sworn I posted here a week ago Oh well, here we go (again?)...

              National Flag 
              The Empire of The Collective

              "Resistance is futile"

              UN Category: Psychotic Dictatorship
              Civil Rights: Outlawed Economy: Basket Case Political Freedoms: Outlawed

              Location: Apolyton

              The Empire of The Collective is a small, safe nation, remarkable for its punitive income tax rates. Its hard-nosed, cynical population of 14 million are ruled without fear or favor by a psychotic dictator, who outlaws just about everything and refers to the populace as "my little playthings."

              It is difficult to tell where the omnipresent, corrupt, moralistic, socially-minded government stops and the rest of society begins, but it juggles the competing demands of Law & Order, Social Welfare, and Education. The average income tax rate is 100%. The private sector is almost wholly made up of enterprising fourteen-year-old boys selling lemonade on the sidewalk, although the government is looking at stamping this out.

              Animal Liberationists are regularly jailed, humans are considered a delicacy, the mining industry is making inroads into environmentally sensitive areas, and all industry is owned and run by the government. Crime -- especially youth-related -- is totally unknown, thanks to the all-pervasive police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. The Collective's national animal is the human, which is also the nation's favorite main course, and its currency is the nanoprobe.

              Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


              • #37

                National Flag 
                The Free Land Of Psychotropicana

                "Reality is an illusion caused by lack of progressivity"

                UN Category: Scandinavian Liberal Paradise
                Civil Rights: World Benchmark Economy: Weak Political Freedoms: Average

                Location: Apolyton

                The Free Land of Psychotropicana is a small, environmentally stunning nation, renowned for its complete lack of prisons. Its compassionate population of 18 million enjoy extensive civil rights and enjoy a level social equality free of the usual accompanying government corruption.

                It is difficult to tell where the omnipresent, liberal, socially-minded government stops and the rest of society begins, but it concentrates mainly on Social Welfare, although Education and Healthcare are secondary priorities. The average income tax rate is 100%. The private sector is almost wholly made up of enterprising fourteen-year-old boys selling lemonade on the sidewalk, although the government is looking at stamping this out.

                The latest Harry Potter book is a bestseller, the nation is ravaged by daily union strikes, political parties are banned from advertising and receiving private donations, and extreme political groups are outlawed. Crime is totally unknown. Psychotropicana's national animal is the psilocybine lizard, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests, and its currency is the tamashii.

                You make my life and times
                A book of bluesy Saturdays


                • #38
                  The Republic of North Texas

                  The Republic of North Texas
                  "Remember The Alamo"

                  UN Category: Corporate Bordello
                  Civil Rights: Good
                  Economy: Very Strong
                  Political Freedoms: Excellent

                  Location: Apolyton
                  The Republic of North Texas is a small, devout nation, remarkable for its absence of drug laws. Its hard-nosed, hard-working, intelligent population of 8 million are effectively ruled by a group of massive corporations, who run for political office and provide their well-off citizens with world-class goods and services. Their poorer citizens, however, are mostly starving to death while being urged to go out and get real jobs. The populace has reasonably extensive civil rights, although these are mostly aimed at allowing them to buy whatever they like.

                  The medium-sized government juggles the competing demands of Defence, Religion & Spirituality, and Education. Citizens pay a flat income tax of 15%. A substantial private sector is led by the Automobile Manufacturing industry, followed by Basket Weaving and Uranium Mining.

                  Military spending is on the increase and corporations donate huge sums of money to favored politicians. Crime is a problem, and the police force struggles against a lack of funding and a high mortality rate. North Texas's national animal is the Longhorn and its currency is the Dollar.
                  Last edited by SlowwHand; January 7, 2003, 16:18.
                  Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
                  "Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
                  He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead


                  • #39

                    The Dominion of Zoran

                    UN Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
                    Civil Rights: Excellent Economy: Strong Political Freedoms: Good

                    Zoran is a UN Member

                    The Dominion of Zoran is a large, devout nation, renowned for its complete lack of prisons. Its hard-nosed, hard-working population of 26 million have some civil rights, but not too many, enjoy the freedom to spend their money however they like, to a point, and take part in free and open elections, although not too often.

                    The tiny government juggles the competing demands of Social Welfare, Education, and Religion & Spirituality. The average income tax rate is 6%, but much higher for the wealthy. A powerhouse of a private sector is led by the Book Publishing, Soda Sales, and Door-to-door Insurance Sales industries.

                    The mining industry is making inroads into environmentally sensitive areas, military funding has been stripped back, genetic researchers have been expelled, and voting is voluntary. Crime is relatively low. Zoran's national animal is the positronic robot, which is also the nation's favorite main course, and its currency is the zora.


                    • #40
                      I started playing this a while ago

                      The Federation of Tantallon

                      "Don't look down!"

                      UN Category: Democratic Socialists
                      Civil Rights: Very Good
                      Economy: Fragile
                      Political Freedoms: Average

                      Location: the Pacific
                      The Federation of Tantallon is a very large, socially progressive nation, notable for its barren, inhospitable landscape. Its compassionate population of 114 million are fiercely patriotic and enjoy great social equality; they tend to view other, more capitalist countries as somewhat immoral and corrupt.

                      The medium-sized, socially-minded government juggles the competing demands of Education, Social Welfare, and Law & Order. The average income tax rate is 24%, but much higher for the wealthy. A healthy private sector is led by the Pizza Delivery, Beef-Based Agriculture, and Woodchip Exports industries.

                      Euthanasia is legal, citizens select which government department gets their income tax dollars each year, political parties are banned from advertising and receiving private donations, and guns are banned. Crime is well under control, thanks to a well-funded police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Tantallon's national animal is the seagull, which teeters on the brink of extinction due to widespread deforestation, and its currency is the tantamount.


                      • #41
                        The Republic of Karakas

                        "Liberty and Justice for Most"

                        UN Category: Capitalist Paradise
                        Civil Rights: Average
                        Economy: Very Strong
                        Political Freedoms: Very Good

                        Location: Apolyton

                        The Republic of Karakas is a very large, economically powerful nation, renowned for its barren, inhospitable landscape. Its hard-nosed, hard-working, intelligent population of 73 million are either ruled by a small, efficient government or a conglomerate of multinational corporations; it's difficult to tell which.

                        There is no government in the normal sense the word; however, a small group of community-minded, pro-business individuals concentrates mainly on Law & Order, although Defence and Education are on the agenda. Income tax is unheard of. A powerhouse of a private sector is led by the Retail, Cheese Exports, and Book Publishing industries.

                        The alarmingly racist TV show 'Bigtopians Say the Darndest Things' is a hit, voting is voluntary, corporations donate huge sums of money to favored politicians, and the mining industry is making inroads into environmentally sensitive areas. Crime is crippling. Karakas's national animal is the Galapagos turtle, which teeters on the brink of extinction due to widespread deforestation, and its currency is the Karakas Sovereign.
                        Last edited by Mr. President; January 18, 2003, 03:44.
                        Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.


                        • #42
                          The Free Republic of Ladinot
                          "Per aspera ad astra"

                          UN Category: New York Times Democracy
                          Civil Rights: Excellent
                          Economy: Strong
                          Political Freedoms: World Benchmark

                          Location: Apolyton
                          The Free Republic of Ladinot is a small, socially progressive nation, renowned for its devotion to social welfare. Its compassionate, hard-working, intelligent population of 8 million enjoy a sensible mix of personal and economic freedoms, while the political process is open and the people's right to vote held sacrosanct.

                          The large, corrupt government devotes most of its attentions to Social Welfare, with areas such as Defence and Law & Order receiving almost no funds by comparison. The average income tax rate is 24%. A healthy private sector is led by the Information Technology, Soda Sales, and Woodchip Exports industries.

                          Organ donation rates are among the lowest in the region. Crime is relatively low. Ladinot's national animal is the iberian lynx and its currency is the lynx.
                          Trying to rehabilitateh and contribuing again to the civ-community


                          • #43

                            The Commonwealth of Esparantia

                            "You're out of your league!"

                            UN Category:
                            Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
                            Civil Rights: Excellent
                            Economy: Good
                            Political Freedoms: Excellent

                            Location: Apolyton

                            The Commonwealth of Esparantia is a tiny, environmentally stunning nation, remarkable for its burgeoning bee population. Its compassionate, hard-working, intelligent population of 5 million have some civil rights, but not too many, enjoy the freedom to spend their money however they like, to a point, and take part in free and open elections, although not too often.

                            The large government juggles the competing demands of Education, Social Welfare, and Healthcare. The average income tax rate is 23%. A large private sector is led by the Beef-Based Agriculture, Basket Weaving, and Gambling industries.

                            Crime is a problem, and the police force struggles against a lack of funding and a high mortality rate. Esparantia's national animal is the bee, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests, and its currency is the half-bee.


                            • #44

                              The United States of Iest

                              Motto: "Every Kitchen Staff Supervisor For Himself"
                              Animal: Aardvark
                              Flower: Petunia
                              Currency: Crown
                              Population: 14.000.000

                              UN Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
                              Civil Rights: Some
                              Economy: Good
                              Political Freedoms: Below Average

                              Location: Apolyton

                              Tourist Information:

                              The United States of Iest is a small, environmentally stunning nation, renowned for its compulsory military service. Its quiet, industrious population of 14 million have some civil rights, but not too many, enjoy the freedom to spend their money however they like, to a point, and take part in free and open elections, although not too often.

                              The medium-sized government is effectively ruled by the Department of Healthcare, with areas such as Law & Order and Religion & Spirituality receiving almost no funds by comparison. The average income tax rate is 21%, but much higher for the wealthy. Private enterprise is illegal, but for those in the know there is a slick and highly efficient black market in Information Technology.

                              Scientists regularly clone human beings for research purposes, Harry Potter books are banned, elections have been outlawed, and military funding has been stripped back. Crime is moderate, probably because of the country's utter lack of prisons. Iest's national animal is the aardvark, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests, and its currency is the crown.

                              Click Here For Latest Chamber of Commerce Info!

                              Recent Events:
                              • Gov't Changes: Dept of Defense out, Dept of Health in
                              • Taxes Fall 2%!
                              • Labor Strikes Have Finally Ended
                              • Nation Recently Granted U.N. Status
                              Last edited by Static Universe; January 9, 2003, 14:33.
                              "We are living in the future, I'll tell you how I know, I read it in the paper, Fifteen years ago" - John Prine


                              • #45
                                As on 26/01/2003

                                National Flag The Commonwealth of Alecrast

                                "Freedom from government oppression or your money back"

                                UN Category: Anarchy
                                Civil Rights: SuperbEconomy: PowerhousePolitical Freedoms: Superb

                                Location: Apolyton

                                Alecrast is a UN Member

                                The Commonwealth of Alecrast is a very large, socially progressive nation, notable for its barren, inhospitable landscape. Its hard-nosed, hard-working, intelligent population of 56 million live in a state of perpetual fear, as a complete breakdown of social order has led to the rise of order through biker gangs.

                                The tiny, corrupt, pro-business government juggles the competing demands of Defence, Education, and Law & Order. Income tax is unheard of. A powerhouse of a private sector is led by the Gambling industry, followed by Information Technology and Retail.

                                Corporations donate huge sums of money to favored politicians, military spending is on the increase, employers may fire workers without giving any reason, and a large-scale revitalization of the education system is underway. Crime is moderate. Alecrast's national animal is the Dragon, which teeters on the brink of extinction due to widespread deforestation, and its currency is the Yen.

                                Alecrast Parliment Hansard:
                                Wednesday, 8th of January, 2003
                                • Independant city states of the isle of Lodoss join together to form the Commonwealth of Alecrast. Renowned war hero Captain Archaic of Flaim becomes the first elected Monarch.
                                • A loose coalition of sartorially-challenged individuals known as "Let It All Hang Out" called on the government to relax public nudity laws. After examining all arguments presented, the newly formed parliament elected to dismiss the issue, deciding that the public health and safety concerns justified the existing laws on the issue. As for the tightening of them as proposed noted accountant Beth McGuffin, the government decided this would unnecessarily infringe on the citizens rights, and would impinge heavily on the tourist industry, most notably the world famous nude beaches in Doujin.
                                • Alecrast's TV soaps--famous around the region--came under fire for their lack of ethnic diversity. After casreful consideration of the arguments, it was the opinion of the government that the movements by Fleur Washington and Beth Washington for ethnic quotas and government prizes for the positive portrayal of minorities were racist policies against the ethnic Lodossians, and therefore decided to follow the suggestion of Fleur Thiesen and just back off from the issue, letting society work out these things on its own.

                                Thursday, 9th of January, 2003
                                • Children as young as eight have been spotted gambling in some of Alecrast's seedier casinos. Given that many of those seedier casinos are run by enterprising youngsters who've run away from home to seek their fortune anyway, the council has found the arguement of Max Chicago to be a load of nonsense, and has adopted the position of Crown Casino chairperson Pete Barry, age 19, in making gambling in a casino legal for anyone regardless of long as they are tall enough to look over the bar.
                                  In response to this announcement, the carpenters guild send the Monarch a brand new throne in thanks for all the new work created for their industry.
                                • The latest "Harry Potter" book to hit schools across Alecrast has stirred up the greatest controversy yet. After punishing religious leader Zeke O'Bannon with the punishment for liars as stated in his own holy book, ironically the same punishment as for summoning "evil demons", the Monach publically supported Teachers union President Beth Hanover and the rest of the nations teachers and librarians in their stance of defending the children's right to read whatever they damn well please without interference from (religious) wackos.

                                Friday, 10th of January, 2003
                                • Last night the respected tabloid TV show "60 Minutes" ran a report on Alecrast's rising divorce rate. What is happening to the nuclear family? Well, apparently it's following the same trend as recently witnessed in the Japanese Schoolgirl population and there's a lot more same sex couples out there. Divorce rates haven't really risen, it's only that the only same sex couples in the country are the Felix and Black families, and they both just divorced on actions initiated by their wives. Therefore the council has decided to follow the recommendations of gay rights activist Max Winters in abolishing the arcane laws prohibiting same sex marriages.
                                  The Monach would like us to note here for some reason that he's straight, and that he's currently not in any relationship.
                                • Dorothy Terwilliger lies immobilized in a hospital bed, unable to move. She has end-stage cancer, and wishes to end her struggle against death. However, laws prevent her doctors from obeying her wishes. Dorothy and her family are campaigning for a "Dying with Dignity" bill, to change this situation. She implores the government to legalize euthanasia. Well, we gave in. Frankly, we're suprised the law was in place anyway. It should've been repealed long ago. As for freelance medical writer Anne-Marie Spirit and Bishop Colin Barry....we're wondering if euthanasia on them might be a way to stop our people winning so many darwin awards.

                                Saturday, 11th of January, 2003
                                • In response to a slow news week, certain highbrow newspapers have stirred up the debate over voluntary vs compulsory voting. This was something that came up in the original election for the Monach, so it wasn't difficult to find a solution. The government supports the position by civil rights activist Zeke Mistletoe in making voting voluntary. Afterall, if your preference is "I don't give a damn" or "None of you bastards", you should be free to express that by not voting.
                                • It's time for the government to hire a new religious advisor. Our people have narrowed down the candidates to Catholic Archbishop Clint Jefferson, New Age thinker Calvin Dredd and ex-schoolteacher Freddy Mistletoe. Given that this government is based upon the principles of humanist morality, we cannot support the Catholics and their highly immoral and contradictory Bible, or can we support a cult. Freddy Mistletoe sounds like he's got the right sort of ideas, so congrats Freddy.

                                Sunday, 12th of January, 2003
                                • Some people say Alecrast's policy on free speech has gone too far. We say it's not going far enough! "We need more free speech, not less," argued civil rights campaigner Pete Mistletoe, and he's right. "Free speech allows ideas to be explored, challenged, and discussed in a productive, open forum. It teaches our kids to be critical thinkers. And dirty words, of course, but that's just the price you pay." Sucks be to religious whingers, or people who can't take it how people think, because as far as we're concerned, you can say what you want!
                                • The Police department is considering installing surveillance cameras in all major public areas, in an effort to crack down on crime. Agreeing with Police media liaison Thomas Hamilton that these cameras will be extremely helpful in reducing the national crime rate and that they do not unfairly infringe on civil liberties, the Monach has decreed that they shall be placed in all major public places forthwith.

                                Monday, 13th of January, 2003
                                • Commentators have warned that Alecrast's social inequalities threaten to make it an international pariah. And here we are thinking we were already. Chamber of Commerce spokesperson Beth Dredd failed to note, we already have no taxes, and military honcho Max Jefferson's warmongering isn't to our taste. The government backs social worker Hack du Pont in his request for welfare for those who actually deserve it, but not the lazy bastards who refuse to work.
                                • UN Re-classifies Commonwealth of Alecrast from Capitalizt to Left-Leaning College State. The Monarch vows to fix this state of affairs ASAP. It seems the new Department of Social Welfare went a little too overzealous. Bastards set up Income Tax.
                                • It's time for the government to allocate spending for the coming year, and as always, special interest groups are keen to have their say. Hey, look, what perfect timing. Teachers Union leader Billy Dodinas has some great ideas....but noted libertarian and bird-watcher Beth Jefferson has the one we want. Let's wean those people off the government teat and set things to how they should be. And maybe start encouraging people to set up Private Schools.

                                Tuesday, 14th of January, 2003
                                • The monach apologies for the continued "Left-Leaning College State" status, and has already made public that the people responsible for this decision have been fired. We hope to fix this situation soon. Citizens of Alecrast, please bear with us.
                                • A group of emergency room doctors has petitioned the government to introduce mandatory organ donations. While we wouldn't mind people actually donating or selling their organs if they so wish, we have no right to take them, regardless of the state of our health system. Thus, legislation has been enacted to prevent Organ Harvesting.
                                • National marijuana consumption has hit an all-time high, with alarming results, a new poll has found. If only we could tax it without going against our libertarian principles.....oh well. In any case, while one is allowed to do whatever they want with their weed, it really should be done *at home*, not in the workplace. The government supports the proposition of employer Miranda Spirit to return the drug to where it belongs.

                                Wednesday, 15th of January, 2003
                                • Workers across the nation have gone out on indefinite strike over what they claim are substandard wages in the Gambling industry. Quite this supposed to be something we're supposed to deal with? This is an industry dispute, and one it'll remain. The government refuses to put in place either inefficient wage laws or to relax the laws preventing unfair dismissal. This issue is dismissed!
                                • Hospitals have requested that they be allowed to pay people for donating blood and other bodily organs, such as kidneys. We'd like to know.....why aren't they already allowed to do this! One hospital administrator Beth Summers, guess what? Your recommendations are approved! Hospitals may now pay for whatever people will sell to you, from arms to willies.

                                Thursday, 16th of January, 2003
                                • Cheap, foreign-made cars are becoming increasingly popular, causing concern in Alecrast's automobile manufacturing industry. The parliment however must agree with noted economist and chat-show regular Clint Falopian in that we need to face facts. We live in a global economy now, and automobile manufacturing just isn't Alecrast's strong suit. There's no point taking money from taxpayers in order to line the pockets of a few greedy workers and corrupt managers in a doomed industry. Let the market sort itself out.
                                • Following a tragic double-murder, capital punishment has surged as an election issue. There now appears a real possibility that right-wing candidate Pip Trax, running on a "Do the Crime, pay the Penalty" platform, will gain power. While society's intelligentsia is outraged, debate rages as to whether the government should intervene. Well, as Professor Billy-Bob Fellow of the University of Greater Alecrast said, "This is a democracy, remember? That means that if the people want something, the people get it. I hate to say it, but in the name of political freedom, we need to accept that our country will have the death penalty."

                                Friday, 17th of January, 2003
                                • UN Re-classifies Commonwealth of Alecrast from Left-Leaning College State to Civil Rights Lovefest. The Monarch vows to fix this state of affairs ASAP and get us back to Capitalizt. At least this is one step closer to where we want to be.
                                • What is it with these nudists? A loose coalition of sartorially-challenged individuals known as "Let It All Hang Out" has once again called on the government to relax public nudity laws. Well....this time around, the government appears slightly corrupt. Maybe it's the tourism issue with other nations nearby allowing this sort of thing. Maybe it's the fact that the protesters were of mixed genders this time. But whatever it is, we're allowing it, for some reason.
                                • A well-heeled lobby group is pushing for the elimination of regulations that prevent corporations from donating money to political parties. Well, this is supposed to be a democratic country, as Gambling industry spokesperson Prudence McGuffin pointed out. It's time to stop treating voters like children, and trust them to make up their own minds. And if they can't....we'll improve the education system.

                                Satursday, 18th of January, 2003
                                • UN Re-classifies Commonwealth of Alecrast from Civil Rights Lovefest to Anarchy. The Monarch vows to fix this state of affairs ASAP and get us back to Capitalizt where we belong. At least the first order of business today is appropriate for the situation and will take us one step closer to where we want to be.
                                • As crime rates rise, some in the community are calling for increased policing. As much as we'd like to agree with conservative leader and gun enthusiast Hack Falopian, sentences like public floggings go against the very fibre of this nation and infringe on our peoples civil rights. No, what we'll do instead is just give our Police Force a healthy shot in the arm through increased police numbers.
                                • Several major city streets were clogged with bicycles this morning, as the environmental group 'Two Wheels Good, Four Wheels Bad' staged a protest. Several hundred riders ambled through downtown streets, blissfully ignoring the torrent of abuse hurled at them by thousands of people trying to flee to bomb shelters while fighting went on in the streets after the attacks on Alecrast today. What are these bikers on? Issue dismissed! We've got bigger things to worry about!

                                Sunday, 19th of January, 2003
                                • The increasingly militant Animal Liberation Front struck again last night, freeing dozens of chickens bound for delicious snack packs. They were then shot by the owners of these farms, who are quite sick of these raids against their properties. Let this be a message to further militants that such incidents will not be tollerated.
                                • Scientists using cloned human embryos for research are on the verge of a medical breakthrough. It's really very exciting," says lab head Hope Licorish, and we agree. Especially with the state of the country after the blasts, health care is a top priority.

                                Monday, 20th of January, 2003
                                • The Department of Defense has put its case for a substantial increase in funding for the coming financial year. After the recent can we say no? Defense Chief Zeke King, you get your wish.
                                • Far-right-wing Nazi supporters plan to stage a rally in the city center tomorrow, giving voice to their violent, racist views. Well, it's not like we have the manpower to stop them anyway. Hell, it's exactly because we're civilized that we must let the demonstration proceed. We may not like what they have to say, but in this society, people have the right to argue whatever political view they want, no matter how hateful, selfish, or stupid it is.

                                Tuesday, 21st of January, 2003
                                • Prospecting company Nukes4U has uncovered a large uranium deposit in Alecrast's south-west. With military spending on the increase, you can guess what the Generals want to do with this. The nation's all wasteland anyway thanks to that blast and the wars 10 years previous. Nukes4U gets its permit.
                                • A group of emergency room doctors has petitioned the government to introduce mandatory organ donations. AGAIN. Look guys, we didn't allow it last time, and we're sure as hell not going to allow it this time. Besides, the organs would be worthless with all the radiation.

                                Wednesday, 22nd of January, 2003
                                • A loose coalition of sartorially-challenged individuals known as "Let It All Hang Out" has called on the government to relax public nudity laws. AGAIN. Look guys, we already said you can do it if you want, so stop bothering us about it, please.
                                • In response to a slow news week, certain highbrow newspapers have stirred up the debate over voluntary vs compulsory voting. AGAIN. Like we said last time, if your preference is "I don't give a damn" or "None of you bastards", you should be free to express that by not voting.

                                Thursday, 23rd of January, 2003
                                • A well-heeled lobby group is pushing for the elimination of regulations that prevent corporations from donating money to political parties. Didn't we already address this issue? Must be something to do with the martial law after the attacks. Time to let them at our ballot box again.
                                • The Department of Defense has put its case for a substantial increase in funding for the coming financial year. AGAIN. But after the recent can we say no? Defense Chief Chastity McGuffin, you get your wish. More spending it is.

                                Friday, 24th of January, 2003
                                • Workers across the nation have gone out on indefinite strike over what they claim are substandard wages in the Information Technology industry. Quite frankly.....what the hell are you people doing striking over wages when you damn well know we were just nuked! Stop complaining, because your workers now are able to fire on the spot, though independant tribunals will still be run to investigate unfair dismissal.
                                • The Department of Defense has put its case for a substantial increase in funding for the coming financial year. AGAIN. But after the recent can we say no? We need this.

                                Saturday, 25th of January, 2003
                                • UN Re-classifies Commonwealth of Alecrast from Anarchy to Capitalizt. The Anarchy is over people! Celebrate good times, and let's rebuild this proud nation!
                                • It's time for the government to allocate spending for the coming year, and as always, special interest groups are keen to have their say. The military wants yet more, but it's not getting it. We've already cut welfare spending, so we're not going to increase it, and we've already eliminated taxes. Looks like education gets its boost this time around!

                                Sunday, 26th of January, 2003
                                • Workers across the nation have gone out on indefinite strike over what they claim are substandard wages in the Information Technology industry. Well guys....they're not, but don't worry, we're not giving employers any more leyway than they already have there. Issue DISMISSED!
                                • The government of Alecrast has decided to discontinue the Hansard, owing to the fact of post character limits.
                                Last edited by Archaic; January 26, 2003, 06:11.
                                Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos

