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UN Report: Income equality in Apolyton

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  • UN Report: Income equality in Apolyton

    Today's United Nations Report
    The Most Income Equality in Apolyton
    Citizens in these nations earn very similar incomes: their nations only have small gaps between the rich and poor.

    # Nation UN Category Motto
    1. The Free Republic of Terminal Dogma :Tyranny by Majority
    2. The Dictatorship of Lemmington :Psychotic Dictatorship
    3. The Disputed Territories of The Mad Capitan : Scandinavian Liberal Paradise
    4. The People's Republic of Brelgovar : Corrupt Dictatorship
    5. The Free Land of Ubinia : Left-wing Utopia
    6. The Holy Empire of Laguza : Psychotic Dictatorship
    7. The Free Republic of Greater Finland : Scandinavian Liberal Paradise
    8. The Commonwealth of Akiria : Scandinavian Liberal Paradise
    9. The People's Republic of Zephyra : Left-wing Utopia
    10. The People's Republic of Suomi : Democratic Socialists

    For the record I am 27 out of 34, so not that bad.

    However I do want to stress that while reducing the gap between rich and poor is good and noble, this list does not take into account if the income is high or low. So the gap could be nothing but everybody leads a poor and decrepid lifestyle. That seems to be the case in most of these nations, therefor I am happy I am not one of them. Only SOME of my people live at the lowest living standard, were as the top 5 obviously communist lands are far from paradise.

  • #2
    I am 17th. Long live Redfern!


    • #3
      I am proud to have Ubinia in the top 5, and commend those who have managed to create a high equality of the people.
      Last edited by General Ludd; December 27, 2002, 12:31.
      Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

      Do It Ourselves


      • #4
        I am last...
        Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
        Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


        • #5
          I'm 8th, and very happy about that. Not only is it the greatest number in the world, but it means I have good equality, but still room for manouver, for bettering yourself, and for growth.
          For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
          But he would think of something

          "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker


          • #6
            having a flat income tax, and not having an opportunityt o change it, unless you count that stupid military budget increase proposal, it's not my fault. just wait a couple days and I vow to move up the ladder of income equality


            • #7
              the Dominion of Tea Kaygia is 25th


              • #8
                The Republic of Centralis is ranked at number 14.


                • #9
                  income equlity

                  you get what you deserver. Although I was amazingly high up at 13.


                  • #10
                    income equlity

                    you get what you deserver.
                    That's exactly why high levels of inequality are bad. How, exactly, does someone whose job is to dispense advice on economics, or politics, or whatever, deserve more than someone who works obscenely long shifts making clothes that then sell in shops for vastly inflated amounts?


                    • #11
                      Well I won't comment on the real world. Such is the way things work.

                      But in my nation, wages will be based on the amount of intelligence required or phsical labour needed. You work hard, you get good pay whether that hard work is physical or mental.


                      • #12
                        In that case, such inequality is not bad, as long as it is not excessive.

