It would probably be D&D style RPing, but naturally the moderator is there to "keep the peace", keep it real.
Okay, here's what I've drawn up so far:
The main forums that you post in are called the UN (for authoring reasons). In the UN there are multiple fora. The main one is called the Lobby where you have your own embassy (a thread) you create yourself (I'm thinking that all stuff in the embassy is "secret", per se, but there for the "record"). In your embassy you have general discussion between two nations like trade, foreign policy, etc. etc. etc. There is a sub-forum (a bit like a "floor" of the UN buildings) which is the General Assembly. Here is where the real grudge-matches go on and things are worked out etc. The main guy is the Secretary-General who basically keeps it realistic and helps keep the "peace" S/he is elected regulary.
And that's the UN for you.
Now, the really nitty gritty comes in the role-playing aspect. In the first post/s of your "embassy" you keep an update of your nation's demographics. This is your own, it is role-played, and is used in wars etc. All complaints are to be in the General Assembly where the Secretary General will decide the best course of action for the world (and the game). For instance, if Nation A says "I've got 5000000000000000 people in my army", Nation ZZ can say "Hey, that's not fair", and complains in the General Assembly. The secretary-general could make a decision such as sanctions, where the nations are forced to reduce their stats.
Now, on the subject, let's say that Nation A says to Nation ZZ "You sniveling little git, I'm going to invade you now". All nations, separate from the UN, decide their policy, either neutrality or supporting one side or the other directly or indirectly. The UN could "call" for people to help Nation ZZ, but they are not bound.
So, you could increase the military and invade people hoping to take their possesions (say, if Nation ZZ built an arms factory the year before, Nation A would get it if the invasion was successful). Or, you could be a knot in the economic world. The choice is yours.
This is all based on trust and respect etc, but naturally if someone was a real jackass and ruined the game he would be removed easily enough from the game.
Okay, here's what I've drawn up so far:
The main forums that you post in are called the UN (for authoring reasons). In the UN there are multiple fora. The main one is called the Lobby where you have your own embassy (a thread) you create yourself (I'm thinking that all stuff in the embassy is "secret", per se, but there for the "record"). In your embassy you have general discussion between two nations like trade, foreign policy, etc. etc. etc. There is a sub-forum (a bit like a "floor" of the UN buildings) which is the General Assembly. Here is where the real grudge-matches go on and things are worked out etc. The main guy is the Secretary-General who basically keeps it realistic and helps keep the "peace" S/he is elected regulary.
And that's the UN for you.
Now, the really nitty gritty comes in the role-playing aspect. In the first post/s of your "embassy" you keep an update of your nation's demographics. This is your own, it is role-played, and is used in wars etc. All complaints are to be in the General Assembly where the Secretary General will decide the best course of action for the world (and the game). For instance, if Nation A says "I've got 5000000000000000 people in my army", Nation ZZ can say "Hey, that's not fair", and complains in the General Assembly. The secretary-general could make a decision such as sanctions, where the nations are forced to reduce their stats.
Now, on the subject, let's say that Nation A says to Nation ZZ "You sniveling little git, I'm going to invade you now". All nations, separate from the UN, decide their policy, either neutrality or supporting one side or the other directly or indirectly. The UN could "call" for people to help Nation ZZ, but they are not bound.
So, you could increase the military and invade people hoping to take their possesions (say, if Nation ZZ built an arms factory the year before, Nation A would get it if the invasion was successful). Or, you could be a knot in the economic world. The choice is yours.
This is all based on trust and respect etc, but naturally if someone was a real jackass and ruined the game he would be removed easily enough from the game.