Local media outlets in Lower Arandia are reporting that a major incident occurred earlier today along the disputed frontier between Upper and Lower Arandia. Details are still unclear, but the Lower Arandian government was quick to denounce the stalinist north for its "Flagrant aggression against the sovereignty of the free and democratic Dominion of Arandia," alleging that the incident had occurred after three tanks from the Royal Arandian Army were fired upon by Upper arandian troops while moving up to the front line. Further updates as the situation develops.
OOC: Both Upper and Lower Arandia are mine, but I've asked ACAB (who's a friend of mine IRL) to play Upper Arandia, so that I'm not just playing against myself. If any other ntions want to get involved, you're welcome to, but please at least ask me first, and try to keep things reasonable.
OOC: Both Upper and Lower Arandia are mine, but I've asked ACAB (who's a friend of mine IRL) to play Upper Arandia, so that I'm not just playing against myself. If any other ntions want to get involved, you're welcome to, but please at least ask me first, and try to keep things reasonable.