Two CPC guards stood nervously at the gates to the massive (Former) Ministry of State Security underground prison facility, freezing their hands off in the uncommonly cold night. They were both young, and reckless, but even with the rumours of heavy fighting in the city, facist scum unwilling to accept the change in reality no doubt, they did not honestly expect to have to fulfill any of their duties besides standing here this night. Afterall, had not their glorious chairman defeated the hated capitalists? Had not...
Neither recieved the opportunity to complete the thought. Neither noticed as the inky blackness seemed to move behind them, neither felt the sting of the garotte wires as they wrapped around their necks, and in one swift movement silenced any protests they may have had. No alarms were raised, and none would be. Next time the commanding officer walked past for his rounds, he would notice nothing more than two guards trying to warm their hands in the frigid night.
"What was that you said about not being smart?" quiped Shinji to the commander. "While your friends have, one must admit, made for an excellent diversion for the CPC forces, did you really expect a direct frontal attack on", he made a sweeping gesture, "this, would have any real chance? We're here to rescue your President, not have him killed at the instant they become alerted to the presence of the wolf at their gates."
Draker could only scowl silently. He dare not give the Captain the piece of his mind that he so wished to, not with the risk of being discovered.
* * *
Silently, the small team melted into the building, splitting into two groups, the Captain and Centralis commander in one, the Minister and the Yokuza team in the other, leaving behind only the two "guards" (Both from the Centralis squad who'd accompanied the commander previous). While the commanders slipped off to fulfill who knows what objective, all operations such as this being conducted on a need-to-know basis only, the latter group followed the map they were provided by the minister to the location he believed, or rather, insisted, that the President would be in. None in the team especially trusted him, with his "rune casting" and other such nonsense as they saw it, but the Captain trusted him, and so they followed his directions, unhappy with the situation, but loyal to a fault to their commander.
* * *
Several small scale skirmishes later, some of those agents may have been rethinking that position. Many a guard had fallen to their blades, wires and darts, but with such a massive warren of a complex, it was only a matter of time until their handiwork was discovered by the wandering patrols. The Minister's "rune casting" supposedly made the already near silent and invisible Yokuza totally unnoticeable by the enemy, or so he said, but the team refused to simply walk past the enemy as he counciled, and slew all those they passed. This was foolishness. How could the Captain have put them under the command of a madman who thought some mystic dance could remove all trace of them from the foe's mind? Maybe the Captain was buckling under the pressure. Though....if he was going to be forced to command Operation Naga, perhaps that was understandable....
* * *
Back in his personal chambers on Alecrast, the Monarch sighed gently as he pulled out a manilla folder from the hidden compartment under the compartment for the chess pieces under the board on his coffee table. Sitting down on the leather chair, he dropped the folder on the table, picking up instead the hard drink he knew he needed. One paper now jutted out from the top of the folder after its rough landing, showing its title.
Centralis Contingency Plan Epsilion Gamma Beta - CODENAME: NAGA - Invasion and Occupation of Centralis
Neither recieved the opportunity to complete the thought. Neither noticed as the inky blackness seemed to move behind them, neither felt the sting of the garotte wires as they wrapped around their necks, and in one swift movement silenced any protests they may have had. No alarms were raised, and none would be. Next time the commanding officer walked past for his rounds, he would notice nothing more than two guards trying to warm their hands in the frigid night.
"What was that you said about not being smart?" quiped Shinji to the commander. "While your friends have, one must admit, made for an excellent diversion for the CPC forces, did you really expect a direct frontal attack on", he made a sweeping gesture, "this, would have any real chance? We're here to rescue your President, not have him killed at the instant they become alerted to the presence of the wolf at their gates."
Draker could only scowl silently. He dare not give the Captain the piece of his mind that he so wished to, not with the risk of being discovered.
* * *
Silently, the small team melted into the building, splitting into two groups, the Captain and Centralis commander in one, the Minister and the Yokuza team in the other, leaving behind only the two "guards" (Both from the Centralis squad who'd accompanied the commander previous). While the commanders slipped off to fulfill who knows what objective, all operations such as this being conducted on a need-to-know basis only, the latter group followed the map they were provided by the minister to the location he believed, or rather, insisted, that the President would be in. None in the team especially trusted him, with his "rune casting" and other such nonsense as they saw it, but the Captain trusted him, and so they followed his directions, unhappy with the situation, but loyal to a fault to their commander.
* * *
Several small scale skirmishes later, some of those agents may have been rethinking that position. Many a guard had fallen to their blades, wires and darts, but with such a massive warren of a complex, it was only a matter of time until their handiwork was discovered by the wandering patrols. The Minister's "rune casting" supposedly made the already near silent and invisible Yokuza totally unnoticeable by the enemy, or so he said, but the team refused to simply walk past the enemy as he counciled, and slew all those they passed. This was foolishness. How could the Captain have put them under the command of a madman who thought some mystic dance could remove all trace of them from the foe's mind? Maybe the Captain was buckling under the pressure. Though....if he was going to be forced to command Operation Naga, perhaps that was understandable....
* * *
Back in his personal chambers on Alecrast, the Monarch sighed gently as he pulled out a manilla folder from the hidden compartment under the compartment for the chess pieces under the board on his coffee table. Sitting down on the leather chair, he dropped the folder on the table, picking up instead the hard drink he knew he needed. One paper now jutted out from the top of the folder after its rough landing, showing its title.
Centralis Contingency Plan Epsilion Gamma Beta - CODENAME: NAGA - Invasion and Occupation of Centralis