As of this moment forth, Marijuania, Stanleystan and Oral FIxation, will be united under one government, called the Federation of Mill Limit Nations, or simply, the Libertarian Federation.
While this government takes over matters of Federal justice and defence, as well as the space programme, everything else, including economies to a great degree, will be left to the consitutuent states, so they can still be regarded as separate nations.
A group of Marijuanian academics is currently preparing the groundwork for a new colony, called New Marijuania, which, upon its foundation, will also join the LF.
All Marijuanian, Stanley, and Orally Fixated sea and space ships will have their registry changed from MSS, SSS and OFSS respectively, to FSS, they shall all share a single currency. The capital of the LF is the capital city of Marijuania; New Amsterdam, though this will cycle every century.
While this government takes over matters of Federal justice and defence, as well as the space programme, everything else, including economies to a great degree, will be left to the consitutuent states, so they can still be regarded as separate nations.
A group of Marijuanian academics is currently preparing the groundwork for a new colony, called New Marijuania, which, upon its foundation, will also join the LF.
All Marijuanian, Stanley, and Orally Fixated sea and space ships will have their registry changed from MSS, SSS and OFSS respectively, to FSS, they shall all share a single currency. The capital of the LF is the capital city of Marijuania; New Amsterdam, though this will cycle every century.