The interim President Nigel Stillman has called for the first true elections of the Union of Sheepstan States to be held in one years time. The election campaigns of the USS began in earnest as the mulituted of parties which wish to have a slice of power vie for air time and promote promises, kiss babies and go dorrknocking. Who will be the most convincing is only for the people of Sheepsta to decide.
The follwoing parties and there stance is as follows.
Green Party - The current ruling faction this party wants presevation of the jungles that make Sheepsta renown and mainly Socialist ideals
Communist Party - The wish for a communist society where there is no classes.
Social Democrats - They are closely aligned to the Greens.
Republican - Call for the introduction of private enterprise to the Sheepstan people
Militarists - Call for the strengthing of the Sheepstan military for defence against outside threats.
Fascist - Wish for a fascist dictatorship and for the overthrow of the 'enemy' and 'subhuman' regimes of Alecrast, Centralis and Bulbagarden. They have a small follwowing mainly in North and South Sheepsta where the environment has been damaged by captalist politics.
The follwoing parties and there stance is as follows.
Green Party - The current ruling faction this party wants presevation of the jungles that make Sheepsta renown and mainly Socialist ideals
Communist Party - The wish for a communist society where there is no classes.
Social Democrats - They are closely aligned to the Greens.
Republican - Call for the introduction of private enterprise to the Sheepstan people
Militarists - Call for the strengthing of the Sheepstan military for defence against outside threats.
Fascist - Wish for a fascist dictatorship and for the overthrow of the 'enemy' and 'subhuman' regimes of Alecrast, Centralis and Bulbagarden. They have a small follwowing mainly in North and South Sheepsta where the environment has been damaged by captalist politics.