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Business and Commerce news

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  • Business and Commerce news

    Like UR's Science and Technology thread but for commerce news

    Newport Motors expands overseas
    Ceroo's largest automobile-manufacturing company, Newport Motors, is looking for potential new sites abroad. The shortlist includes:
    Guichet City, Tea Kaygia
    New Xianxiu, Noosland (may be hindered by the governments' apparent anti-business politics)
    Red City, Federation of Redfern
    By opening a new production plant in a nation with a weaker economy, Newport Motors plans on bringing greater prosperity to whichever nation(s) chooses to operate from (subject to governmental approvals from that nation).
    -Sir T

  • #2
    terribly sorry, but private enterprise is illegal in Tea kaygia. Newport motors is unwelcome.


    • #3
      Many Cerooan businesses are finding it hard to break into other markets in the region, due to either a ban on private enterprise, or the economy being so strong that it would be unprofitable to locate in that particular nation.
      The Foreign Office has informed Newport Motors of Tea Kaygia's ban on private enterprise and told them to screen the provided information more thouroughly before announcing shortlists.
      -Sir T

