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Apolyton Millitary Rankings

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  • #16
    Noosland population: 746 million
    GDP per capita: USD18,000
    Defense budget: 5% GDP = USD671.4 billion

    Army - 2.5 million regulars, plus reserves. Since Noosland has a compulsory military service, all man and woman must join in one of the branches for a 2 year training. Each year, everybody who is between 20-50 will be re-trained for a consecutive period of 2 months. During this time, they are on an paid leave of absence from their jobs. Equipment includes tanks, APCs, attack helicopters, self-propelled, regular and missile artillery.

    Squad - The squad is the basic unit for infantry and marine. A squad is composed of ten soldiers with standard combat gear (shown below). The composition of a squad:

    Comm. Officer
    Heavy weaponeer
    5 standard soldiers

    The leader is one with most overall training and/or combat experience in the squad. He directs the squad in actual combat. The medic is a standard soldier with paramedic training and additional medical equipment and supplies. The engineer has training in battlefield demolition and construction of hasty covers, heavy equipment is usually carried in transportation vehicles. The communication officer is charged with communicating with the squad's unit. He is also responsible to collect signal intelligence. The heavy weaponeer has additional training in firing and maintaining the squad's light machine gun and other heavy weapons.

    Standard combat gear
    GLATIIS (Global location and total information interlink system)
    W-8 6.5mm assault rifle
    Night vision goggles
    Infrared googles
    9mm automatic pistol (side arm)
    Large knife
    Emergency survival kit
    Miscellaneous items

    Total weight: ~12kg

    Each squad is issued 2 Shooting Stars (man portable anti-air missile launchers, each with 4 missiles) and 5 Roman Candles (man portable antitank missiles). Extra ammos are carried by transportation vehicles. Each squad has 1 A3A armoured personnel carrier with a 30mm chain gun and 2 Roamers (armoured car, similar to a Hummer).

    Platoon - consists of 2 squads, plus additional personnel and equipment: platoon leader, 2 dedicated combat engineers, 2 heavy machine guns, 1 mortar, plus armor (APC's) attachment. Total: 25 personnel.

    Company (mechanised infantry) - consists of 3 platoons, plus: a squad of combat engineers, recon team, a battery of field artillery, antitank and anti-aircraft squad, plus armor attachment (10 tanks, APCs). HQ consists of: commanding officer, signal and information intelligence personnel, logistics support, and maintenance support. Total: 100 personnel.

    Battalion (mechanised infantry) - consists of 4 companies, plus: battalion HQ, a platoon of combat engineers, recon squad, a platoon of field artillery, AT/AA platoon, signal and information intelligence unit, logistics support, maintenance support, plus a company of tanks. Total: 600 personnel.

    Regiment (mechanised infantry) - consists of 5 battalions, plus: regimental HQ, a company of combat engineers, recon platoon, two companies of field artillery, AT platoon, AA platoon, signal unit, intelligence unit, logistics support, mantenance support, a battalion of tanks, Special Operations attachment, plus regimental aviation assets. Total: 3500 personnel.

    Division (mechanised infantry) - consists of 4 regiments, plus: divisional HQ, a battalion of combat engineers, recon company, four battalions of field artillery, AT company, AA company, signal company, intelligence company, logistics support, mantenance support, a regiment of tanks, Special Operations attachment, field hospital, divisional aviation assets, plus other non-permanent attachments. Total: 16000 personnel.

    The division is the largest permanent unit in the Noosland army. Larger units such as Corp and Front do exist, but their organisation is not regular, and they may not be permanent entities.

    About 25% of all Noosland infantry divisions are of the "light" variety. Light infantry divisions have a lot fewer heavy equipment and are actually smaller than regular mechanised infantry divisions. However, they receive much more training and can be deployed rapidly across the globe. Light infantry divisions include alpine troops, mountain divisions, desert divisions, divisions specially trained to fight in jungles, and paratroopers. These special divisions have their own unique equipment.

    The Noosland army is divided into three Fronts: Home Front, Northern Front, and Southern Front. All the Fronts are based inside Noosland, as we do not deploy troops outside of Noosland on a permanent basis.

    Marine - 1 million. Organisation is similar to that of the army, with specialised training in amphibious assaults. Equipment includes tanks, APVs, attack helicopters, self-propelled, regular and missile artillery.

    Special Forces - 350 thousand.

    Nooslandian special forces are extensively trained units that excel in surgical strikes, raids, rescues and retrivals, and other small scale unit actions.

    The Guardsmen - the Guardsmen is a special branch of the special forces extensively trained to protect prominent figures in the country, including political leaders and important scientists.

    Blacklance Knights - Blacklance Knights is a very small and highly scretive special forces group. Very little is known about them.

    Alpha Teams - consisted of the best members from other special forces, Alpha Teams are equipped with the best and most advanced devices available. Elite among the elites, they tackle the most important and difficult missions.

    Wave Riders - with members handpicked from the marines, Wave Riders are particularly suitable to perform missions on the high seas or along coastal regions.

    Nooslandians - the largest special forces group, Nooslandians closely coorporate with other regular forces, spearheading their operations. Nooslandians rarely attempt independent missions.

    Ghostlight - Ghostlight specialises in recon and target acquisition missions.

    Blue Caps - the Blue Caps is the largest non-specialist special forces group that performs independent missions.
    Last edited by Urban Ranger; May 12, 2003, 10:18.
    (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
    (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
    (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


    • #17
      Armed Forces of the Federation of Capitalstan

      Population: 1.088 billion


      Troops: 3.5 million active, 4.5 million reserve
      Marines: 900 000
      Spec/Ops: 180 000

      Tanks: 90 000
      Tank crews: 360 000
      Self-propelled artillery pieces: 120 000
      Artillery crews: 480 000
      Mobile SAM units: 220 000
      Mortars: 1 000 000

      Organization, Equipment & Basic Doctrine: See Centralis & Greater Chimerica.


      Active sailors: 280 000
      Reserve sailors: 400 000
      Naval pilots: 5800
      Support staff: 1.4 million

      Carriers: 7
      AEGIS Cruisers: 26
      Destroyers: 77
      Missile Frigates: 143
      Missile Subs: 14
      Attack Subs: 32
      Coast Guard Patrol Boats: 3600
      Naval Aircraft: 2300 (1100 strike fighters and 1200 choppers)

      Air Force:

      Pilots: 50 000
      Reserve pilots: 45 000
      Support staff: 400 000

      Fighters: 6500
      Ground-attack aircraft: 1650
      Heavy Bombers: 1550
      Attack Choppers: 7500

      Strategic Forces:

      ICBMs: 210
      Tactical Missiles: 1300
      SLBMs: 400
      Cruise Missiles: 26 000
      Multi-Megaton Warheads (ICBM & SLBM): 600
      Tactical Warheads (may be mounted on Tactical missiles, ICBMs, or SLBMs): 1450
      Neutron bombs: 720

      Active ABM forces: Organized in the same basic fashion as those of Centralis & Greater Chimerica . Numbers are:

      Laser satellites: 7
      Missile satellites: 19
      Airborne defences: 17
      Ground-based launchers: 1012

      Total Military Budget: 1.6 trillion Capitalstani dollars (5% of the GNP)
      Last edited by GeneralTacticus; July 20, 2003, 21:49.


      • #18
        Armed Forces of the Dominion of Ferrozoica

        Population: 179 million


        Troops: 1.7 million active
        Marines: 80 000
        Spec/Ops: 28 000
        Tanks: 27 000

        Organization, Equipment & Basic Doctrine: See Centralis


        Carriers: 1
        Cruisers: 5
        Destroyers: 23
        Missile Frigates: 37
        Missile Subs: 4
        Attack Subs: 9
        Coast Guard Patrol Boats: 600
        Naval Aircraft: 500 (180 strike fighters and 320 choppers)

        Air Force:

        Fighters: 600
        Ground-attack aircraft: 240
        Heavy Bombers: 95
        Attack Choppers: 790

        Strategic Forces:

        ICBMs: 0
        Tactical Missiles: 600
        SLBMs: 60
        Cruise Missiles: 4000
        Multi-Megaton Warheads (ICBM & SLBM): 0
        Tactical Warheads (may be mounted on Tactical missiles, ICBMs, or SLBMs): 300

        Active ABM forces: Organized in the same basic fashion as those of Centralis. Numbers are:

        Laser satellites: 2
        Missile satellites: 4
        Airborne defences: 5
        Ground-based launchers: 260

        Total Military Budget: 105 billion MAFTI centrals (3% of the GNP)
        Last edited by GeneralTacticus; May 26, 2003, 09:28.


        • #19
          Armed forces of the Free Republic of Marijuania

          Our military doctrine is small and efficient, although large and efficient is the goal we are working to.

          We have found it necessary to maintain much secrecy in this, but we can release the following:

          Military budget: 8.5% Tax spending

          Military personel: 0.4% of population

          The command, distribution and specification of the land forces are classified.

          We have a number of imported tanks, and will soon bring into service our own model too, consisting of a 112mm main gun (though this can be replaced with a larger model), 2 chain gun turrets, computer targetting, fore and aft rocket launcher and AA gun and AA rocket. Thickly armoured, fast, at the expense of range (not really relevent for defensive purposes).

          Navy, consisting of 5 aircraft carriers, 8 advanced battleships, 32 frigates and 24 destroyers. We have 38 heavy cruisers and 52 light cruisers (the mainstay of our fleet). We also have 28 nuclear hunter/killer subs, 440 large gunboats. All torpedoes are conventional chemical explosives, though each sub has the ability to launch a fusion torpedo from a long range, to damage an enemy fleet. We have recently commissioned three heavy missile "Boomer" subs.

          The MSS Hood is the flagship super-battleship, 140k tons, with an integrated contingent of hastings-class fighters and escorts. It has missiles for most purposes, and can launch 6 gunboats and 1 H/K sub stored in its hull. It has 12 24inch guns, 9 18 inch guns, 9 16 inch guns, and a number of smaller ordinance, including anti-submarine and torpedo weapons. We have recently installed a Phalanx system designed to specifically cope with attacks from smaller vessels at medium-close range.

          It has been equipped with the same sensory equipment as the Hastings class fighter, with extensive enhancements to the magnetic and radar scanners, to detect stealth craft, or anything in the air that is metal, flying within 40 miles. As such, the computational requirements are met and exceeded. Needless to say, all weapons systems are tied into the sensory system, with manual overrides if need be.

          It has heavy anti-aircraft and anti-missile weaponry. Much of the ship uses parts cannibalised from old decommissioned vessels, so it is suprisingly cheap to build. The cost has been met in part by Stanleystan, in exchange for our anti-aircraft and missile cover.

          Two other Hood-class ships have recently been commissioned, the MSS Slash A (after the Frigate destroyed in the recent naval engagement) and the MSS Liberty. Stanleystan posesses two such ships, the SSS Esses and the SSS Baking Soda.

          The coastguard has 8 heavy cruisers, 10 frigates, 6 destroyers, 250 gunboats, 4 H/K subs, and a number of small, inflatable dingies.

          Air force: 370 general purpose fighters but rising, with an undisclosed number of drones for different purposes. We have 220 ground attack planes, 130 escort fighters, 55 heavy bombers, and 95 elite Hastings-class fighters. 110 attack helicopters are based on the Marijuanian Island, as well as the carriers and Hood-class ships.

          We have 25 ICBM's and 72 cruise missiles. This does not include cruise missiles and ICBM's available to the airforce, as that number is classified. Again, this number is rising. All can be armed with fusion warheads, as well as conventional chemical explosives.

          Our space-borne forces include 6 laser satellites for anti-missile purposes, though are of use against some ground and air targets. We have 8 missile satellites, launching adapted rockets towards Earth, airborne missiles and aircraft and ground targets.

          Our Marley class shuttles are capable of launching many types of missiles from space directly over a target, as well as taking out enemy space-craft, high-altitude craft, some slow planes at lower altitude.

          Six modified long-range bombers carry long-range anti-missile rockets, as well as the same powerful radar and sensor technology as the Hastings class fighters. They can also disable rockets using precision lasers.

          We have 620 anti-aircraft/missile batteries throughout Marijuania at undisclosed locations. They have an integrated radar and their network covers 96% of Marijuanian soil, including all inhabited areas, and 100% of Stanleystan.. 30 of these are adapted for shooting down objects in earth orbit, including ICBM's that are en-route to other nations (those targetting us would be at a lower altitude over Marijuania, so can be downed by all aam batteries), enemy satellites and space shuttles.
          Last edited by Whaleboy; May 27, 2003, 07:05.
          "I work in IT so I'd be buggered without a computer" - Words of wisdom from Provost Harrison
          "You can be wrong AND jewish" - Wiglaf :love:


          • #20
            "Military budget: 8% GDP

            Military personel: 2% of population, though this looks like it will grow"

            Did we say that? Ah well.... another admin error.

            Military budget is 8% of TAX spending, while army is 0.3% of population, or 2.5 million (816M total pop).
            "I work in IT so I'd be buggered without a computer" - Words of wisdom from Provost Harrison
            "You can be wrong AND jewish" - Wiglaf :love:


            • #21
              Free State of California

              Free State of California
              Population: 310 Million
              GNP:13.02 Trillion Dollars(Millitary Spending .05 of GNP which is 651 Billion dollars.)

              Troops: 1,000,000
              National Guard(reserves, not on full pay): 1,500,000
              Paratroopers: 400,000
              Spec/Ops: 20,650
              Tanks(Abram M2 tank):1500
              Reserve tanks(Abram M1A2 tank): 3000
              Tank Crews: 20,000
              Moblie Anti Aircraft missle jeeps: 3,000
              APC: 60,000
              Self propelled Artillery: 4,200
              Rocket Artillery: 1,500
              Jeeps and other support trucks: 250,983
              Support Troops: 600,000

              Troops: 250,000
              Reverses: 500,000
              Marine carriers(holds troops, helicopters airplanes and landing craft): 22
              Destoryers: 40(for grauding aircraft carriers, but the carriers are not that big)
              Attack Helicopters: 300
              Transport Helocpters : 255

              (note on airforce, half of all aircraft our kept in reverses, the other half on active duty)
              Pilots: 20,000
              Reverses: 60,000
              Support Crew: 30,000
              Fighters: 725
              Fighter/bombers: 865
              Ground-Attack Aircraft: 320
              Heavy Bombers(B-52): 50
              Attack Helicopters: 625
              Trasport Helicopters: 650
              Rescue Helicopters: 650
              Slealth Bombers: 20
              Air Transport Planes: 70
              Air Fuel Tankers:90 (able to refuel planes in flight)
              Command and Controll planes(with Radar, ect.): 20
              Gun Planes(artillery and other guns): 30

              Sailors: 70,000
              Reverses: 60,000
              Support Crew: 50,000
              Air Craft Carriers : 6
              Naval Aircraft: 1000
              AEGIS Cruisers: 63
              AEGIS Destroyers: 56
              Anti Sub Destroyers: 44
              Missle Cruisers: 42
              Missle Destroyers: 42
              Attack Subs: 75
              Transport ships: 500
              Gun boats(mainly used close to coast and rivers): 900
              Coast Guard Patroll boats: 500
              (Note all subs and carriers are powered by nuclear power)

              ABM system:
              Handles 750 ICMBs(Jackson system covers Free State of California).

              Special Notes:
              The Free State of California and the United States of Jackson millitary forces work closely togather to help denfend each other. Jackson gives California millitary aid in the form of equipement such as tanks, fighter planes, and destroyers and other such things. There forces train togather often and can conduct joint operations, and the air denfense system is of Jackson and Free State of California are under joint controll.
              Last edited by Jack_www; June 22, 2003, 11:42.
              Donate to the American Red Cross.
              Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


              • #22
                Armed Forces of the Rogue Nation of Elethar

                Population: 124 million


                Troops: 2.5 million active
                Marines: 40 000
                Spec/Ops: 12 000
                Tanks: 14 000

                Organization, Equipment & Basic Doctrine: Classified


                Carriers: 0
                Cruisers: 9
                Destroyers: 32
                Missile Frigates: 51
                Missile Subs: 3
                Attack Subs: 7
                Coast Guard Patrol Boats: 400
                Naval Aircraft: 200 choppers

                Air Force:

                Fighters: 550
                Ground-attack aircraft: 260
                Heavy Bombers: 80
                Attack Choppers: 860

                Total Military Budget: 15 billion Eletharian crowns (7.5% of the GDP)


                • #23
                  I think that before making up your army, you guys should read this. Its actually very interesting.


                  • #24
                    We have read it (or at least I have, and anyone who hasn't should). However, please do your discussion in this thread: for discussion.
                    Last edited by GeneralTacticus; May 27, 2003, 04:23.


                    • #25
                      edit: Ynagtze is no longer part of apolyton. The new Republic of Barow has no active military.
                      Last edited by Space05us; May 28, 2003, 04:32.


                      • #26
                        Repost from other thread - Nooslandian Navy

                        Command ships: 3 (Artic Glow, Pacific Sunrise, High Noon)
                        Battleships: 3 (Indomitable, Impassable, Invincible)
                        Heavy Battlecruiser Paris Commune
                        Heavy missile cruisers: 7
                        Light missile cruisers: 19
                        AEGIS anti-missile cruisers: 17
                        Missile destroyers: 25
                        ASW destroyers: 59
                        AEGIS anti-missile destroyers: 21
                        Missile frigates: 55
                        Frigates: 75
                        AEGIS anti-missile frigates: 35
                        Escorts: 97
                        Missile Boats: 173
                        Coastal patrol crafts: 335
                        Hydrofoils and hovercrafts: 753
                        Amphibious assault transports: 237

                        Diesel attack boats: 359
                        Nuclear attack boats: 35
                        Nuclear missile boats: 9

                        The naval force is divided into the Home Fleet, First Fleet, and Second Fleet. Occasionally, task forces and battlegroups will be formed to carry out specific assignments.
                        (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
                        (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
                        (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


                        • #28
                          The Libertarian Federation

                          Budget: 8.5% of tax spending

                          Armed forces personel: 0.05% of population (1.1 million at time of writing). Includes all sectors of armed forces inc marines.

                          The structure, precise numbers, and organisation of the land-based armed forces is classified, though the following information is available:

                          8000 tanks
                          2500 attack helicopters
                          1800 support/transport/spec ops helicopters (like the USA black hawks)

                          24 carriers, each with squadrons of Hastings-class fighters and Scavenger-class escort fighers (faster, better range, more maneuvreable, less able for groud attack), as well as interceptors, , surveillance drones, bombers and very high altitude fighters. Has limited armaments, though strongly armed in anti-aircraft weapons.

                          32 advanced battleships, armed with cruise and ballistic missiles, 9x 18 inch guns, 12x 8 inch guns, numerous large and small calibre machine guns and cannons for anti-ship, anti-aircraft and anti-sub warfare, as well as strafing coastal positions. Equipped with "hedgehog" anti-sub systems, as well as torpedoes, depth charges, mines and advanced torpedo-like underwater drones. Anti-aircraft missiles, rockets, shells, "grapeshot" and guns are provided in healthy numbers. Also equipped with "phalanx" coordinated small arms systems designed to deal with small attacking ships in large numbers. The vessels are equipped with the latest trans-EM sensory system, scanning all the EM bands, not just Radar, as well as sonar, ultrasound, magnetism and gravitation. The also have two Hastings-class fighters stored below deck for surveillance and limited defence/offence purposes.

                          18 Hood-class superbattleships, armed with the same anti-aircraft and anti-sub systems as the smaller battleships (although greater in number). Armed with 12x 24 inch guns, 9x 18 inch guns, 9x 16 inch guns, 28x 8 inch guns and 4x 5 inch guns. Lots of machine gun positions, as well as rockets, cruise missiles as one of the main armaments. 1 Hunter Killer sub stored within hull, a number of Hastings-class fighters, and six gunboats which serve as a means of attack, also suppliments the escape capacity of the ships. These superbattleships are the fastest vessels we have, probably the fastest ships in the world over sustained distances.

                          84 heavy cruisers, including the infamous FSS Judas. Same anti-sub, anti-aircraft, sensory and missile systems as above. 12x 15 inch guns, 8x 9 inch guns, as well as machine guns. Smaller and more maneuverable.

                          140 light cruisers. Same as heavy cruisers except 9x 15 inch guns and 6x 7 inch guns. Smaller, faster, best in fleets.

                          200 destroyers. 4x 15 inch guns, 4x 7 inch guns, More reliant on machine guns, cannons, rockets and missiles. Effective heavy escorts to the larger ships. Only has hedgehogs, torpedoes and ability to fire into water to counter subs, relies more on speed, agility and acceration to defend against submarines. Moderate anti-aircraft guns and missiles.

                          250 frigates. 4x 9 inch guns, 2x 5 inch guns + machine gun and cannon positions. Hedgehod, limited torpedoes and can fire into water to disrupt subs. Fast and agile. Light escorts to larger ships, mainstay of light taskforces and patrols. Limited anti-aircraft weaponry, guns and light rockets. More limited version of the larger ships sensory systems.

                          800 large gunboats. 1x 9 inch gun, 2x 5 inch gun, + 5 machine guns and 2 heavy cannons. No anti-sub systems, reliant instead on speed and small size. Light anti-aircraft weaponry. Escorts to larger vessels, effective light patrols and means of countering threat from Q-ships.

                          75 Hunter/Killer subs, separate to those in Hood class ships, and 18 missile launching "Boomer" subs.

                          Coastguard has 15 heavy cruisers, 24 light cruisers, 48 frigates, 300 gunboats, 5 H/K subs.

                          Airforce has 850 general purpose fighters, 400 ground attack fighters, 350 escorts, 120 heavy bombers, and a separate 180 Hastings-class long range fighters.

                          A classified number of air-superiority and attack helicopters, as well as other support aircraft. The nuclear ballistic missile and cruise missile program is also classified.

                          Our space-borne forces include 8 laser satellites for anti-missile purposes, though are of use against some ground and air targets. We have 10 missile satellites, launching adapted rockets towards Earth, airborne missiles and aircraft and ground targets.

                          Our armed Marley-class shuttles, of which we have a fleet of 5 provide an additional space-borne bombing, anti-missile, anti-aircraft, anti-spacecraft, and surveillance capability.

                          28 modified long-range bombers carry long-range anti-missile rockets, as well as the same powerful radar and sensor technology as the Hastings class fighters. They can also disable rockets using precision lasers.

                          We have 650 anti-aircraft/missile batteries throughout the LF at undisclosed locations. They have an integrated trans-EM system and their network covers 98.2% of Marijuanian soil, including all inhabited areas, 100% of Oral Fixation and 100% of Stanleystan.. 60 of these are adapted for shooting down objects in earth orbit, including ICBM's that are en-route to other nations (those targetting us would be at a lower altitude over the LF regions, so can be downed by all aam batteries), enemy satellites and space shuttles.
                          Last edited by Whaleboy; June 29, 2003, 13:13.
                          "I work in IT so I'd be buggered without a computer" - Words of wisdom from Provost Harrison
                          "You can be wrong AND jewish" - Wiglaf :love:


                          • #29
                            The Libertarian Federation

                            Ahem. This is a dud post, i clicked the button twice and figured people wouldnt want to read this! We really should get faster servers....
                            Last edited by Whaleboy; June 9, 2003, 17:32.
                            "I work in IT so I'd be buggered without a computer" - Words of wisdom from Provost Harrison
                            "You can be wrong AND jewish" - Wiglaf :love:


                            • #30
                              Re: The Libertarian Federation

                              Originally posted by elijah
                              Budget: 8.5% of tax spending

                              8000 tanks
                              2500 attack helicopters
                              1800 support/transport/spec ops helicopters (like the USA black hawks)

                              15 carriers
                              18 advanced battleships
                              6 Hood-class superbattleships
                              65 heavy cruisers
                              102 light cruisers
                              120 destroyers
                              160 frigates
                              700 large gunboats
                              60 Hunter/Killer subs, separate to those in Hood class ships, and 16 missile launching "Boomer" subs.

                              Coastguard has 14 heavy cruisers, 22 light cruisers, 40 frigates, 280 gunboats, 5 H/K subs.

                              Airforce has 700 general purpose fighters, 300 ground attack fighters, 250 escorts, 100 heavy bombers, and a separate 165 Hastings-class long range fighters.
                              Could you explain kindly how you afford all that equipment?

                              Originally posted by elijah
                              Our space-borne forces include 8 laser satellites for anti-missile purposes, though are of use against some ground and air targets. We have 10 missile satellites, launching adapted rockets towards Earth, airborne missiles and aircraft and ground targets.
                              IIRC, an UN treaty prohibits having space-based weapons, particularly ones that are not for self-defense.
                              (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
                              (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
                              (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."

