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Apolyton Millitary Rankings

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  • Apolyton Millitary Rankings

    This will be the new thread for everyone to post their millitary here. Please no disscussion, use the old thread
    ( for disscussion.
    If you think someone millitary is too much, talk about it in that thread, not here please!!
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  • #2
    USJ Millitary

    United States of Jackson
    Population: 893 Million
    GNP:35.72 Trillion Dollars(Millitary Spending .06 of GNP)

    Troops: 3,250,000
    National Guard(reserves, not on full pay): 5,000,000
    Paratroopers: 1,000,000
    Spec/Ops: 75,000
    Tanks(Abram M2 tank):8,500
    Reserve tanks(Abrams M1A2): 2,000
    Tank Crews: 70,000
    Moblie Anti Aircraft missle jeeps: 75,000
    APC: 200,000
    Self propelled Artillery: 25,000
    Rocket Artillery: 13,000
    Jeeps and other support trucks: 358,635
    Support Troops: 1,200,000

    Troops: 1,250,000
    Reverses: 3,000,000
    Marine carriers(holds troops, helicopters airplanes and landing craft): 80
    Destoryers: 120(for grauding aircraft carriers, but the carriers are not that big)
    Attack Helicopters: 800
    Transport Helocpters : 515

    (note on airforce, half of all aircraft our kept in reverses, the other half on active duty)
    Pilots: 202,000
    Reverses: 600,000
    Support Crew: 300,000
    Fighters: 8,000
    Fighter/bombers: 8,000
    Ground-Attack Aircraft: 5,000
    Heavy Bombers(B-52): 500
    Attack Helicopters: 6,000
    Trasport Helicopters: 7,000
    Rescue Helicopters: 4,000
    Slealth Bombers: 300
    Air Transport Planes: 900
    Air Fuel Tankers:700 (able to refuel planes in flight)
    Command and Controll planes(with Radar, ect.): 200
    Gun Planes(artillery and other guns): 70

    Sailors: 475,000
    Reverses: 350,000
    Support Crew: 425,000
    Air Craft Carriers : 27
    Naval Aircraft: 4,500
    AEGIS Cruisers: 335
    AEGIS Destroyers: 290
    Anti Sub Destroyers: 140
    Missle Cruisers: 80
    Missle Destroyers: 80
    (Nuclear Missle) Subs: 30
    Attack Subs: 140
    Transport ships: 5,000
    Gun boats(mainly used close to coast and rivers): 3000
    Coast Guard Patroll boats: 1,000
    (Note all subs and carriers are powered by nuclear power)

    Nuclear Forces:
    Nuclear Warheads: 2,200
    Nuclear Bombs: 300
    ICBMs(five warhead in a missle): 200
    Nuclear Missles on Missle Subs(five warhead in a missle): 240
    Tatical Nuclear Weapons(Used by Army): 50

    ABM system: Handles 750 ICMBs.

    Special Notes:
    The total Buget for United States of Jackson is 6.408 trillion Dollars. The Defense buget is 35% of this and is 2.3 trillion Dollars(defense is main focus of our government), 400 billion of which goes toward R and D in millitary technology. The government currently is giving a bost to millitary funding due to increasing tensions around the world. OUr ABM system is being currently improved. The Draft is only used when nation is at war and dire need of troops. Other wise the millitary is voluntary and is always looking for new recuits.

    Army Deployments:
    Coming soon

    Airforce Deployments:
    Coming soon

    Naval Deployments:
    Aircraft Battle Groups on Active Duty: 19
    Aircraft Battle Groups at port: 6
    Missle subs on Patroll: 12
    Missle subs at port: 12
    Attack subs on Patrol: 70
    Attack subs at Port: 60

    East Apolyton Fleet(based in Jackson):
    Aircarft Carriers: 6
    USS Jackson
    USS Consitution
    USS Freedom
    USS Robert
    USS Hornet
    USS Apolyton
    Destoyers(AEGIS, anti sub, and Missle):84
    Cruisers(AEGIS, and Missle):72
    Attack Subs: 30
    Missle Subs: 24

    West Apolyton Fleet(based in Free State of California):
    Aircarft Carriers: 6
    USS Nimtiz
    USS Washington
    USS Kitty Hawk
    USS Lincoln
    USS California
    USS Torrance
    Destoyers(AEGIS, anti sub, and Missle):84
    Cruisers(AEGIS, and Missle):72
    Attack Subs: 30

    Oakeshottland Fleet(based in Oakeshottland)
    Aircarft Carriers: 4
    USS Hood
    USS Lancer
    USS Enterprise
    USS Repulic
    Destoyers(AEGIS, anti sub, and Missle):56
    Cruisers(AEGIS, and Missle):48
    Attack Subs: 25

    Reichskamphen Fleet(based in Reichskamphen)
    Aircarft Carriers: 3
    USS Victory
    USS Ranger
    USS Stennis
    Destoyers(AEGIS, anti sub, and Missle):42
    Cruisers(AEGIS, and Missle):36
    Attack Subs: 15

    Reserves(based in Jackson):
    Aircarft Carriers: 6
    USS Lantree
    USS Repulse
    USS Cheynne
    USS Greeville
    USS Excellesor
    USS Indepence
    Destoyers(AEGIS, anti sub, and Missle):84
    Cruisers(AEGIS, and Missle):72
    Attack Subs: 30

    Note these do not include support or transport ships.
    Last edited by Jack_www; June 22, 2003, 11:34.
    Donate to the American Red Cross.
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    • #3

      The recent massive population growth in Alecrast, coupled with the massive increases in military spending by the government (With only Law & Order and Education receiving similar levels of funding), have substantially boosted both Alecrast’s' offensive and defensive capabilities. Below are the revised stats and descriptions reflecting the increased numbers, as well as being more specific on the levels of training and equipment.

      Formerly the smallest of Alecrast's military divisions, the Alecrast Army, led by Lance-General Renaldo Dantes now number approx. 3.5 million troops.

      Of these, nearly 2.1 million come from the Army Reserves, who each receive one week of training every two months and serve for at most 5 years before being discharged, unless they join the Regulars. While the reserve units are almost totally Light Infantry (approx 95%), there are a number of specialized units of Heavy Infantry, Mechanized Infantry, "Rough Riders" (i.e. Light Horse), Mechanized Cavalry (i.e. Bike Units), Marines and Paratroopers. Generally, a Reservist will be trained in several doctrines besides the standard Light Infantry, however this will by and large depend on just how much talent the reservist has displayed. No matter what type of unit, all reservist units are led by a full time career solider, usually a non-commissioned officer, though not always the case, especially as far as the specialized units go.

      Total Equipment No. for the Reserves: 20 000 tanks, 3000 self-propelled artillery pieces, 20 000 APCs, 100 000 transport trucks, 75 000 jeeps and other miscellaneous vehicles.

      The rest of the army is formed by full time career soldiers. Their force makeup is a stark contrast to the reservists, with only 30% light infantry, with another 5% being reservist unit commanders, military police, or military intelligence. The rest are split between dedicated units of specialized troops, and the renowned elite Alecrast battalions that have served in the Sovietskii Soyuz, Centralis, and Sheepsta ("Holy Empire", "Civil War" and "Protectorate" campaigns) emergencies.

      Battalions of Note:

      Foreign Legion
      While its numbers are smaller than they once were, the Alecrast Foreign Legion is still the equal largest of all the Battalions, with a full compliment of 200,000. Of these, very few are actually Alecrast nationals, as the name implies. Most that have joined this force have done so to gain Alecrast Citizenship for them and their families through national service rather than having to go through the long red tape that is immigration.

      Equipment: 5000 tanks, 2500 self-propelled artillery, 10 000 mortars, 15 000 APCs, 600 combat helicopters, 15 000 transport trucks, 12 000 jeeps and other miscellaneous vehicles.

      Knights of Flaim / Marmo / Valis
      Rarely serving in any overseas theater (Indeed, they have only been deployed outside Alecrast once in the last decade, with the Knights of Marmo and Valis deployed to North Sheepsta to defend it from New Sheepstan aggression during the Protectorate disputes, and then subsequently to defend Urbanised when it declared independence from New Sheepsta after the controversial regional court case), these three Battalions are the successors to the armies of the 3 major city states which were engaged in the Chaos Wars, the Civil War that immediately preceded the creation of the Commonwealth of Alecrast. Each numbering around 50,000 strong, these Battalions are primarily garrison troops, trained for cityfights and repulsing attacks on both fortified and unprepared positions. As such, an unusually high number of their troops are trained in the use of Artillery and AAA, and they also have the direct control of a large number of Alecrast's defensive missile stocks.

      Equipment No. per Battalion: 2500 tanks, 2500 self-propelled artillery pieces, 5000 mortars, 2000 APCs, 200 combat helicopters, 250 AAA batteries (1 battery = 4 guns), 250 transport trucks, 200 jeeps & miscellaneous vehicles.

      Something of an embarrassment to the Alecrast armed forces, the Madboyz Battalion is formed of all the hot heads who simply wouldn't fit in with their units, but are simply far too talented to let waste away in a remote Foreign Legion outpost, in the brig, or to court-martial. Certainly the least disciplined, and usually the poorest equipped except when they loot something from their foes, you'd never know just how little training they do when you see them on the battlefield. In one famous engagement, a DRUNK unit of Madboyz wandered onto the battlefield in a jeep at slow speeds and blundered into an entire enemy regiment.... and less than an hour later, that entire unit wandered back into the bar all in one piece, while the enemy regiment littered the ground like so many flies.

      Equipment: Varies depending on who they’ve just been fighting.

      North Sheepstan Brownshirts
      A rather odd battalion in the scheme of things. Patterned after the Rangers, the 40,000 strong Brownshirts are the remains of the North Sheepstan military's Brownshirts regiment (The other 10,000 having either fled to Centralis, Karakas or Bulbagarden after the court decision in the Protectorate disputes), which left with the Alecrast military (And taking their families with them) rather than live under New Sheepstan rule. Already having gained much experience against the New Sheepstan military, this battalion is currently on semi-permanent assignment in Urbanised, to protect the newly independent territories from New Sheepstan aggression. They will likely merge into the Urbanised military force at some point, owing to the fact that they hold their loyalty to Sheepsta first above all else. As such, while they are for the moment nominally considered part of the Alecrast contribution to the defense of Urbanized, they are not truly part of the Alecrast armed forces, instead considering themselves part of the Fonseca treaty forces, and so should be considered as such by the forces of other nations.

      Equipment: 1500 tanks, 1000 self-propelled artillery pieces, 4000 mortars, 3000 APCs, 200 combat helicopters, 2500 transport trucks, 2000 jeeps & miscellaneous vehicles.

      Praetorian Guard
      The Monarch's Personal Guard, the Praetorians are Alecrast's equal smallest elite Battalion along with the Yokuza, at only 5,000 strong. Indeed, with the large numbers of secret operatives of the Yokuza, the Praetorians are likely the smallest of all Battalions. While now primarily an honour guard, the Battalion is still well trained, though its functions are limited, with much of the Battalion being mechanized infantry, with only a small contingent of snipers and combat engineers.
      While hard to identify on the battlefield, with their markings being very similar to those of the Knights Battalions, the Praetorians have one defining characteristic. The Monarch's personal transport has a bull’s-eye painted on the top hatch, and on the end of the main gun. To this day, the transport has not once been disabled or wrecked in battle.

      Equipment: 200 tanks, 500 mortars, 450 APCs, 50 combat helicopters, 250 transport trucks, 200 jeeps & miscellaneous vehicles.

      A battalion having served in all three of the Sovietskii Soyuz, Sheepsta and Centralis emergencies, the Rangers are truly the elite of the Alecrast army. Taking a similar role to Marines in most forces, the Rangers are the equal largest of all the battalions, at a full 200,000. These forces are dispersed pretty much equally amongst the various Alecrast duchies (With the exception of the Sheepsta Protectorate, which has its own special Battalion taking a similar role to the Rangers, the Brownshirts, which is completely comprised of Sheepsta Nationals, with the exception of some of its command staff (Many of which were defectors from the former "Holy Empire", or are of immediate Sheepstan descent)), though some of the smaller duchies such as Doujin and Teribii of course are represented by a smaller division of troops.
      Trained for combat in any terrain and under all weather conditions, and equipped with the best Alecrast has been able to produce or procure, the Rangers are generally the first response to any new threat, and have thus far completed all their assigned tasks superbly, to the point where other battalions, especially those dating back to the armies of the various nation states that now make up Alecrast's duchies, feel somewhat resentful towards them, stemming from feelings that they've been marginalized. Only time will tell if the Rangers continue to spearhead the Alecrast Army or if internal politics will see the other battalions take the lead in future deployments.

      Equipment: 4000 tanks, 2000 self-propelled artillery, 12 000 mortars, 20 000 APCs, 600 combat helicopters, 18 000 transport trucks, 15 000 jeeps and other miscellaneous vehicles.

      A battalion with close links to the Military Police and Military Intelligence, the Yokuza are Alecrast's primary counter-intelligence and counter-terrorism unit, having served in all three of the Sovietskii Soyuz, Sheepsta and Centralis emergencies. They also have also been used in an urban warfare role in the past, though only units having served in the Sovietskii Soyuz have any real combat experience in that regard. Generally operating in "units" ranging in size from a single operative to perhaps a dozen men, the Yokuza are Alecrast's equal smallest force elite Battalion at only 5,000 least by the official figures, though it's somewhat of an open secret that the Yokuza could be practically everywhere. Including, right behind you, your most trusted bodyguard...up until now. Acting in a similar manner to some terrorist organizations of the past, units tend to form "sleeper cells" which activate as needed to protect Alecrast and its allies, allowing for rapid response to any crisis.
      While the Yokuza are known as perhaps the most highly trained force of all Alecrast’s' military, equipment standards in the battalion are relatively low compared to others, such as the Rangers, Windriders. Indeed, no other elite unit besides the Mad boyz likely has such a low standard in this regard. At least the Yokuza have an excuse though, as unless they are an "official" unit operating from Alecrast itself, they must often rely on weaponry and miscellaneous equipment of local manufacture, and which would be available to a civilian of that area without attracting suspicion. However, that's not to say a "sleeper cell" would necessarily be poorly equipped, and there's at least one documented circumstance of a local gun nut and military buff, with several supposedly aging and "permanently disabled" pieces of large military hardware in his backyard turning out to be a Yokuza agent. Thankfully, in that instance, when his cover was blown upon his death from natural causes, the government of that nation agreed to cover up the incident so that both nations could save face. Alecrast for having had him there, the other nation for having had such a massive hole in its intelligence services.

      Equipment: Not applicable due to unit structure.

      Formerly the equal largest of Alecrast's military divisions, the Alecrast Navy, led by Admiral Beata Norseworthy now numbers approx. 700,000 seamen and women.

      Of these, about 200,000 come from the Navy Reserves, who each receive three weeks shoreside and three weeks at sea of training every year and serve for at most 5 years before being discharged, unless they join the Regulars. Reservists serve mainly as seamen and women, however there are small clusters of reservists serving in the weapon crews, and in engineering. Most of those people eventually go on to join the regulars at some point. There are no officers, non-commisioned or otherwise, within the Reservists, and they are commanded at all times by full time regulars.

      The rest of the Navyis formed by full time career soldiers. Their force makeup is a stark contrast to the reservists, with only 30% seamen and women. The rest are split between the officers, engineers, weapon crews, special forces (The Kraken), Navy Aerospace (Pilots) and Navy Aerospace (Deck Crews) in the ratio of 10/30/10/20/5/15.

      There are six main battlegroups in the Alecrast Navy, each serving out of a specific major port, those being Flaim, Riod, Marmo, Sonii, Doujin and Port Urbanised (Formerly North Sheepsta, now Urbanised). The Port Urbanised battlegroup, obviously enough, is specifically charged with the protection of Urbanised terratorial waters, and like the Army Brownshirts regiment, is crewed completely of Sheepsta Nationals, with the exception of some of its command staff. These battlegroups are obviously nowhere near being of equal size or importance, and as such are ordered here by size.

      Marmo Battlegroup
      With Alecrast's Navy having its primary HQ here in Marmo, it is no small wonder that its main battlegroup would also be based here, with its central position in the Alecrast islands allowing it quick access to both the mainland, and to Sonii and Doujin. (North and West Alecrast of course being protected by the Flaim Battlegroup, the 2nd largest of the 6 main groups.) Being personally commanded by Admiral Beata Norseworthy herself, the battlegroup boasts an unusually high ratio of ships to submarines, with very little in the way of either troop transports or supply ships, simply because of its primary function as a defensive battlegroup. However, while it may be low in quantity submarine wise, it is not low on quality. Indeed, all ships in the battlegroup are Nuclear Powered, with backup Diesel generators.

      Composition: 2 carriers, 9 cruisers, 23 destroyers, 32 missile frigates, 3 missile subs, 4 attack subs, 3 troop/supply transports.

      Flaim Battlegroup
      Composition: 1 carrier, 6 cruisers, 14 destroyers, 26 missile frigates, 4 missile subs, 6 attack subs, 6 troop/supply transports.

      Port Urbanised Battlegroup
      Composition: 2 carriers, 11 cruisers, 15 destroyers, 29 missile frigates, 6 missile subs, 3 attack subs, 8 troop/supply transports

      Sonii Battlegroup
      Composition: 1 carrier, 5 cruisers, 11 destroyers, 21 missile frigates, 3 missile subs, 6 attack subs, 6 troop/supply transports.

      Riod Battlegroup
      Composition: 1 carriers, 6 cruisers, 10 destroyers, 19 missile frigates, 1 missile sub, 7 attack subs, 5 troop/supply transports.

      Doujin Battlegroup
      Composition: 1 carrier, 7 cruisers, 13 destroyers, 24 missile frigates, 2 missile subs, 5 attack subs, 6 troop/supply transports.

      Air Force:

      Only approximate equipment numbers exist of Alecrast's shadowy Air Force, the Assiah. Their leadership structure, support crew, even their bases, remain a tight secret, with the force reporting only to the council.

      7000 fighters, comprising unspecified numbers of FY-19 "Isamu", FY-21 "Guld", SA-5 "Lugia" and SA-4 "Ho-oh" aircraft
      1500 ground-attack aircraft
      1750 heavy bombers, comprising unspecified numbers of FW-3 "Articuno" and FW-2 "Moltres" aircraft
      6000 attack choppers, including unspecified numbers of Jangle Jangle Ridge "Blackjack" choppers.

      Active ABM forces

      Sufficient to stop varying numbers of nuclear warheads (depending on how they're launched and where) in a zone covering Centralis, Alecrast, and the surrounding area. Forces consist of the following, all of which are joint products of the Alecrast/Centralis Military Buildup Bulk Purchase:

      Five orbital satellites equipped with heavy lasers with enough fuel for 20 shots each, with one shot sufficient to destroy virtually anything without substantial armour.

      Twenty orbital satellites with missile racks for use against enemy ICBMS; missiles are fired in twos, and each satellite has 72.

      Fifteen converted passenger jets equipped with state-of-the-art radar and sensor equipment and heavy lasers using advanced mirrors and the onboard sensors to focus sufficiently on a single point to destroy any incoming misisle or aircraft; each aircraft carries enough fuel for 24 shots.

      A total of 1250 ground-based ABM launchers spread throughoutt he country; each has two 36-missile racks firing the same type of missile as the satellites, except that these are launched singly. The launchers have their own radars, but are also guided by a large network of radar towers that send their information into a central processing system for distribution. The effective range of the missiles in 40 km from the launching point, though they can only go that far accurately if guided by the central radar system. The launchers are largley spread evenly across the country, with each one having several other launchers covering the space aorund it to make it harder to open up gaps. The launchers are clustered much more heavily around major cities or military bases.

      The rest of the unconventional forces coming when I can be bothered
      Last edited by Archaic; May 14, 2003, 05:35.
      Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


      • #4
        occ: I hope you don't mind Jack but your classifications seem one of the best so I borrowed it.

        Unified Republics of Sheepsta (under New Sheepsta in NS)
        Population: 211 million and 10 million in the Dominion of Jobedpet.

        Troops: 2,000,000
        National Guard(reserves, not on full pay): 3,500,000
        Paratroopers: 500,000
        Spec/Ops: 100,000
        Tanks(Abram M1A2 tank):100,500
        Tank Crews: 370,000
        Moblie Anti Aircraft missle jeeps: 100,000
        APC: 200,000
        Self propelled Artillery: 23,000
        Rocket Artillery: 10,000
        Jeeps and other support trucks: 700,472
        Support Troops: 700,000

        Troops: 1,500,000
        Reverses: 1,000,000
        Marine carriers(holds troops, helicopters airplanes and landing craft): 80
        Destoryers: 90(for grauding aircraft carriers, but the carriers are not that big)
        Attack Helicopters: 800
        Transport Helocpters : 515

        Pilots: 104,000
        Reverses: 600,000
        Support Crew: 300,000
        Fighters: 10,000
        Fighter/bombers: 5,000
        Ground-Attack Aircraft: 3,000
        Heavy Bombers(B-52): 100
        Attack Helicopters: 10,000
        Trasport Helicopters: 8,000
        Rescue Helicopters: 7,000
        Slealth Bombers: 50
        Air Transport Planes: 100
        Air Fuel Tankers:90 (able to refuel planes in flight)
        Command and Controll planes(with Radar, ect.): 20
        Gun Planes(artillery and other guns): 70

        Sailors: 450,000
        Reverses: 300,000
        Support Crew: 400,000
        Air Craft Carriers : 25
        Naval Aircraft: 4,000
        AEGIS Cruisers: 400
        AEGIS Destroyers: 100
        Missle Cruisers: 75
        Missle Destroyers: 75
        (Nuclear Missle) Subs: 30
        Attack Subs: 130
        Transport ships: 5,000
        Gun boats(mainly used close to coast and rivers): 3000
        Coast Guard Patroll boats: 1,000
        (Note all subs and carriers are powered by nuclear power)

        Startegic Forces:
        Nuclear Warheads: classified
        Nuclear Bombs: cssified
        ICBMs(five warhead in a missle): Classified
        Nuclear Missles on Missle Subs(five warhead in a missle): Classified
        Tatical Nuclear Weapons(Used by Army): Classified
        Biological Warheads: Classified
        Chemcial Warheads: Classified

        Special Notes will come out soon.
        Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
        Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
        Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


        • #5
          Armed Forces of the Republic of Centralis

          Population: 1.16 billion


          Regular Troops: 4.7 million
          Marines: 600 000
          Shock Troops (crack heavy infantry): 550 000
          Special Ops: 130 000

          Tanks: 87 000
          Tankers: 450 000
          Self-propelled artillery pieces: 68 000
          Artillery crews: 300 000
          Mobile SAM units: 140 000
          Mortars: 600 000

          Notes on force organization:

          The main large unit of the Centralis army is the Integrated Infantry Division, composed of 12 000 (3000 combat troops, the rest support staff; this 3:1 ratio is repeated down to battalion level) troops equipped with Kevlar armour, G-11 assault rifles, pistols, HE grenades, and advanced night-vision and infra-red vision gear. Unit division is as follows:

          4 infantry brigades of 2000 troops each.
          Each brigade contains 4 battalions of 500 troops each.
          Each battalion contains 4 platoons of 50 troops each.
          Each platoon contains 5 squads of 10 troops each. *

          In each squad, the soldiers are equipped thus:

          All have the standard equipment mentioned above.
          1 trooper has an anti-tank rocket launcher with 32 rockets.
          2 troopers, between them, carry a mortar which 100 mortar bombs.
          1 trooper has a shoulder-mounted anti-aircraft missile launcher with 36 missiles.

          In addition, each squad has a heavily armoured APC with room for the entire squad and their weapons (which is armed with a remote-controlled heavy machine gun), and a two-man infantry fighting vehicle, which is equipped with two launchers for anti-tank or aircraft missiles, a heavy machine gun, and a chain gun.

          The remaining troops in the division belong to the armoured section, which has 320 tanks and 4000 troops and is organized as follows.

          8 armoured brigades, each containing 40 tanks 160 troops, and 340 support staff, mechanics, etc.
          Each brigade contains 8 tank squadrons of 5 tanks and 20 tankers each.

          The tanks are of several different types, but the most prominent type is the Ferrozoica-made CMBT-42, which is as follows:

          Speed: Approx. 80 km per hour.

          Armament: 120 mm main gun, capable of firing most known munition types; .50 cal. coaxial machine gun; two heavy machine guns operated by remote control; remote-controlled anti-aircraft missile launcher on turret.

          Armour: 15 cm layered DU and steel on the front, turret, and engine block; 7.5 cm of the same material elsewhere.

          Crew: 4.

          * Most platoons also have an attached mobile SAM platform for extra firepower against enemy aircraft.


          Active sailors: 250 000
          Reserve sailors: 320 000
          Naval pilots: 11 200
          Support staff: 1 750 000

          Carriers: 11
          AEGIS Cruisers: 27
          Destroyers: 89
          Missile Frigates: 134
          Exterminator (Trident-equivalent) Missile Subs: 19
          Attack Subs: 28
          Naval aircraft: 4400 (2000 strike fighters & 2400 choppers)

          Air Force:

          Pilots: 56 758
          Reserve pilots: 60 000
          Support staff: 480 000

          6800 fighters (2 crew each) 13 600
          1800 ground-attack aircraft (4 crew each) 7200
          1650 heavy bombers (7 crew each) 11550
          7600 attack choppers (3 crew each) 22800
          67 upgraded AWACS aircraft (24 crew each) 1608

          Strategic Forces:

          ICBMs: 360
          Tactical missiles: 1900
          SLBMs: 1680
          Cruise missiles: 28 000
          Multi-megaton nuclear warheads: 900
          Tactical nuclear warheads: 3600
          Neutron bombs: 820

          Active ABM forces: Sufficient to stop varying numbers of nuclear warheads (depending on how they're launched and where) in a zone covering Centralis, Alecrast, Karakas, and the surrounding area. Forces consist of the following:

          7 orbital satellites equipped with heavy lasers with enough fuel for 20 shots each, with one shot sufficient to destroy virtually anything without substantial armour.

          19 orbital satellites with missile racks for use against enemy ICBMS; missiles are fired in twos, and each satellite has 72.

          14 converted passenger jets equipped with state-of-the-art radar and sensor equipment and heavy lasers using advanced mirrors and the onboard sensors to focus sufficiently on a single point to destroy any incoming misisle or aircraft; each aircraft carries enough fuel for 24 shots.

          A total of 1459 ground-based ABM launchers spread throughoutt he country; each has two 36-missile racks firing the same type of missile as the satellites, except that these are launched singly. The launchers have their own radars, but are also guided by a large network of radar towers that send their information into a central processing system for distribution. The effective range of the missiles in 200 km from the launching point, though they can only go that far accurately if guided by the central radar system. The launchers are largley spread evenly across the country, with each one having several other launchers covering the space aorund it to make it harder to open up gaps. The launchers are clustered much more heavily around major cities or military bases.

          Total Military Budget: 2.1 trillion MAFTI centrals (~5% of the GNP)

          Major Units: (including those contributed to Fonseca Treaty command)

          ‘Condor’ Battalion:

          3000 troops & officers, elite counter-insurgency paratroopers. Formed during the civil war and employed until recently to hunt the remnants of the rebel armies, a task which they completed with zealous efficiency.

          ‘Ironsides’ Division:

          9000 troops & officers, heavy infantry using experimental power armour and autocannons (see below for details). Primarily used for frontal attacks one enemy positions with no or minimal heavy weapons.

          Power Armour: Developed by a private contractor in Ferrozoica in co-operation with Centralis Defence Industries, this consists of several layers of Kevlar and other materials, several centimetres thick, which covers the entire body (including the head), and uses a mechanical exoskeleton to help the wearer move. It has proven virtually invulnerable to small-arms fire, and has been known to survive being caught in the blast of tank shells.

          Autocannons: Developed in conjunction with Power Armour, this is a effectively a 20 mm Gatling gun, which fires explosive shells at more then 1000 rounds per minute. It has an ammunition belt reaching into an ammo container stored on the back of a power armour suit, which contains enough shells for more than an hour’s firing. It is capable of penetrating tank armour if it finds weak spots, and a single hit anywhere on a human body is usually enough to either kill or irrevocably cripple the target. The shells also have a fragmentation effect, which can cause serious injury to anyone nearby when it goes off.

          ‘Raven Guard’ Brigades:

          20 000 crack troops trained in guerrilla warfare and sabotage. Intended to operate behind enemy lines, attacking isolated targets and rallying opposition fighters (if any). Equipped with Kevlar armour under a variety of camouflage gear, and silenced weapons for maximum stealth.

          First Narmenian Armour Brigade:

          Approximately 1000 tanks manned by crack crews (the brigade was founded in the province of Narmenia, in northeast Centralis; hence the name); intended to use their tanks en masse to break through enemy lines and inspire terror through numbers and skill. Have been known to successfully use exceedingly tricky tactics, including driving through enemy formations from opposite sides and reforming on the other sides (maneuver known as ‘the scissors’). Has yet to lose a single tank to friendly fire or collision with units members, a record unmatched by any other units in the Centralian military.

          XXXVI Integrated Infantry Corps, ‘The Mailed Fist’:

          50 000 troops and officers troops equipped with heavy Kevlar armour, night vision gear and heavy assault rifles, 1500 heavy tanks, 300 combat helicopters, 2000 light mortars, and 500 self-propelled heavy artillery pieces. This division was formed during the Sheepstan civil war, in order to prosecute urban warfare against the forces of Sheepstan fundamentalism, though they did not play a major role. They were instrumental in seizing control of Neuvostan from the rebels in the following civil war in Centralis, and developed into the primary city-fighting unit in the Centralian army.

          'Salamanders' Battalion:

          This unit (comprised of approximately 6 000 troops and officers) is another heavy infantry one, trained mainly in close-quarter fighting.It's members are equipped with heavy, multi-layered armour and their primary weapon is a large flamethrower. They proved to be horrendously effective at attacking enemies in trenches during the Centralian civil war, but the alrge fuel tanks they carry on their backs proved to be quite dangerous, requiring heavy armour on it as well. This has resulted in Salamnder troopers moving quite slowly, and they have welcomed the recent introduction of Power Armour into the Centralian military. The first units of Salamanders expect to be outsfitted with them quite soon.

          Hawk Wing:

          This is unquestionably the finest wing in the Centralian air force, comprised of 72 two-man aircraft with several hundred reserve pilots, officers, and support personnel, who train almost constantly in aerial combat and ground attack missions. They are the first to have been equipped with the new K-46 'Night Hunter', an upgraded version of the K-45 'Intruder' fighter developed in co-operation with Karakas. It is the first Centralian aircraft to be equipped with a crude neural interface with the pilot, allowing information and commands to be processed much more quickly. It has a top speed of over Mach 4 and is capable of either air to air or air to ground strikes with equal effectiveness.

          'Ghost' Regiment:

          Containing approximately 12 000 crack commandoes, this secretive unit is the primary Centralian counter-terrorist unit, trained in all manner of situations. They are also well trained in assassination, sabotage, and infiltration, and their skill in doing so without detection was what earned them the 'Ghost' title. The assassination of a number of key rebel miltiary officers during the civil war (carried out in a joint attack with the Alceast Yokuza units) was crucial in bringing about the collapse of the rebel army, and they also took part in the later hunt for surviving rebel guerillas.

          XVI Artillery Division; 'Devastators':

          Tis unit contains approximately 500 self-propelled artillery pieces, each with a three-man crew, along with several aerial reconaissance squadrons to pinpoint targets. They are brought in when themilitary needs to reduce a spefici target to rubble without risking aircraft and with a high degree of precision, which this unit is more than capable of delivering. Although they were created after the civil war and hence have yet to see actual combat, during exercises they have proven their ability to fire with amazing accuracy and efficiency.
          Last edited by GeneralTacticus; July 20, 2003, 21:43.


          • #6
            Armed Forces of the Incorporated States of Greater Chimerica

            Population: 1.131 billion


            Troops: 4 million active, 7 million reserve
            Marines: 750 000
            Spec/Ops: 160 000

            Tanks: 98 000
            Tank crews: 400 000
            Self-propelled artillery pieces: 150 000
            Artillery crews: 600 000
            Mobile SAM units: 180 000
            Mortars: 1 000 000

            Organization, Equipment & Basic Doctrine: See Centralis


            Active sailors: 200 000
            Reserve sailors: 250 000
            Naval pilots: 8 700
            Support staff: 900 000

            Carriers: 8
            AEGIS Cruisers: 26
            Destroyers: 77
            Missile Frigates: 144
            Missile Subs: 17
            Attack Subs: 36
            Coast Guard Patrol Boats: 3700
            Naval Aircraft: 3400 (1500 strike fighters and 1900 choppers)

            Air Force:

            Fighters: 8400
            Ground-attack aircraft: 2000
            Heavy Bombers: 1750
            Attack Choppers: 8000

            Strategic Forces:

            ICBMs: 450
            Tactical Missiles: 2800
            SLBMs: 2000
            Cruise Missiles: 32 000
            Multi-Megaton Warheads (ICBM & SLBM): 1350
            Tactical Warheads (may be mounted on Tactical missiles, ICBMs, or SLBMs): 3250
            Neutron bombs: 1100

            Active ABM forces: Organized in the same basic fashion as that of Centralis. Numbers are:

            Laser satellites: 7
            Missile satellites: 22
            Airborne defences: 15
            Ground-based launchers: 1100

            Total Military Budget: 3.4 trillion MAFTI chimers (7.5% of the GNP)
            Last edited by GeneralTacticus; July 20, 2003, 21:47.


            • #7
              The Free Republic of Marijuania

              Military: None

              English Football hooligans: The entire population, more than capable of defence against any foe... especially Argentinians

              Starships of the Marijuanian Space Programme (not military, but still armed): 200
              "I work in IT so I'd be buggered without a computer" - Words of wisdom from Provost Harrison
              "You can be wrong AND jewish" - Wiglaf :love:


              • #8
                The Commonwealth of Akiria
                Akiria has quite some army. However, we do not believe in having enormous masses of rank and file troops. As such, and with the control of Akizeta, we have a large array of computer operated and automated weapons, mainly for defence, combined with a very tooled up 'standard' army. As such, the amount of military power we have should not be purely represented in the number of troops we have, but taking into account their quality, of both training and equipment. My military budget is about 6.5 times the size of the US (but then my population is much bigger, as is tax rate) so all equipment should be about that much more numerous. If I have the US figures for equipment wrong, please PM me with link, so I can rectify. Thank you.

                Population: 1876 million
                Total Personnel: 20.5 Million (<1.2% total population, or ~4% Men aged 18-50) plus 17 Million Reserves, who can be called up, but on 1/3 pay.
                Total Budget: 2674.5 Billion

                Wages & Training: 598 Billion
                Equipment and Transport: 623 Billion
                Supplies: 250 Billion
                Research and Development: 1047 Billion
                Military Construction and housing: 40 Billion
                Miscellaneous: 116.5 Billion

                Total Regular Troops: 7 Million – All armed with either assault rifles or sub-machine guns, pistols, night/thermal-vision, Gorelarä Body Armour and camouflage as appropriate unless otherwise stated. All specialists train ordinary troops.

                Akirian Based
                Auroran Division: 2.25 Million – based in the Great Plains.
                Bhurpha Division (The Dark Browns): 500,000 – mountain specialists, have access to climbing equipment, based in the Cloud Peak Mountains.
                Zem Division (The Light Browns): 250,000 – mountain specialists as above, based in Zeta N.P.
                Sibalese Division (The White Tips): 500,000 – cold weather specialists, tooled as such, based near The Frozen Lake, but train just North of Zeta N.P.
                Total: 3.5 Million

                Zetaris Based
                Zetaris Division: 2.25 Million – based all over islands.
                Murq Division (The Yellow Tips): 750,000 – desert specialists, survival experts with sand resistant equipment.
                Total: 3 Million

                Based in Friendly Nations
                Foreign Expeditionary Division: 500,000 – based currently in Xzibit.
                Total: 500,000

                Vehicles and Equipment
                Tanks: 500,000 (of which 100,000 desert ops equipped)
                Armoured Transport Vehicles: 1.2 Million (of which 200,000 desert ops equipped)
                Mobile Missile Launchers (hold 12 missiles each): 100,000
                ‘Cannons’: 50,000
                - Large missile like weapons, capable of demolishing buildings.
                ICBMs: 15,000
                Short range missiles: 3.7 Million
                Nuclear Warheads: 1,000

                Most battalions (groups of about 100 soldiers) have a number of anti-tank and hand-held rocket equipment.

                Marines: 1.5 Million - water specialists, trained to scuba dive, attack underwater, control ships and such. Split into 3 divisions:
                The Sky Blues: 500,000 - based in Aurora (Akiria).
                The Ocean Blues: 500,000 - based on Risa (Zetaris).
                The Sea Blues: 500,000 - based currently in Xzibit.

                Navy Personnel: 1.75 Million – soldiers and military personnel who man and operate all submarines, ships and aircraft carriers. Also defend harbours and ports. Mostly based in New Apolyton, with training held in Aurora, however a large number of troops posted in Zetaris.

                Ships and Equipment
                Battlecruisers (Battleships): 75 - large, 100+ man ships, armed to the gunnels.
                Destroyers: 135 - smaller attack ships, ~50 man crew, heavily armed.
                Assault Ships: 100 - relatively small, usually carry marines. Quite well armed, use to launch a marine invasion.
                Aircraft Carriers: 47 - very large, can carry ~25 fighters or 10 bombers each, and can launch 2 at a time. Heavily armoured, but lightly armed.
                Armoured Transports: 200 - large transport vessels, lightly armed, can carry >200 men each.
                Light Transports: 400 - small vessels, lightly armed, carry <100 men each.
                Submarines: 300 - some large, some small, fast and unseen. Including 30 nuclear equipped subs.

                Air Force

                Paratroopers: 1.5 Million – split into 3 divisions:
                500,000 – based and training in The Cloud Peak Mountains (Akiria).
                500,000 – based in Nim (Zetaris).
                500,000 – based currently in Xzibit.

                Air Force Personnel: 1.75 Million - soldiers and military personnel who man and operate all aircraft, and help on carriers. Mostly based in Aurora, however a relatively large number of troops posted in Zetaris. All can fly if needs be.

                Planes and Equipment
                Fighters: 60,000
                Bombers: 10,000
                Large Bombers: 1,000 - can launch an ICBM, or drop an extremely large, nuclear-sized conventional bomb.
                Armed Helicopters: 15,000
                Transport (and Paratrooper) Planes: 5,000
                Transport Helicopters: 15,000

                Total Special Ops: 2 Million

                Special Air Service (SAS): 400,000 – heavily trained, elite parachutist and air based troops. All can fly some military aircraft. Based in Aurora, New Apolyton and Risa. Under air force’s control.
                Special Boat Service (SBS): 300,000 – heavily trained, elite navy personnel. Can work almost any ship in the Akirian Navy. Based in Aurora and Risa.
                Special Ground Service (SGS): 700,000 – heavily trained, land-based troops. Trained in espionage, and can take the place of many of the lightly specialised forces in the army. Experienced, hardened troops that can use almost any weaponry. More heavily armed than most normal troops.
                Akis: 600,000 – part espionage agents, part sappers, part sharpshooters. Armed with Akis Sniper Rifles, and 2 silenced pistols, as well as plastic explosive. Trained to go about unseen, and to work autonomously. A very shady operation, run directly by the war room. Based secretly.

                Total Support Staff: 5 Million
                Army Support Staff: 2 Million
                Air Force Support Staff: 750,000
                Navy Support Staff: 750,000
                Medical Corps: 1.5 Million

                All equipment, and most personnel, equipped with GPRS, and linked to the Akirian Satellite system.
                Last edited by Drogue; June 14, 2003, 21:33.
                For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
                But he would think of something

                "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker


                • #9
                  Using Jack_www's template

                  The Kingdom of Wine
                  Population: 706 Million

                  Average GDP: 32'000 Drinks (1 Drink = 1 € about = 1$)
                  Military Spending: 8% of Budget
                  Total Budget: 10'848'000'000'000 Drinks
                  Military Budget: 867'840'000'000 Drinks
                  Average Military Salary: 2'000 Drinks (monthly)

                  Troops: 2,500,000
                  Paratroopers: 350,000
                  Spec/Ops: 5,600
                  Tanks(Alfa-Ferrari WT4 A): 120,000
                  Tank Crews: 400,000
                  Moblie Anti Aircraft missle jeeps: 12,000
                  APC: 30,000
                  Self propelled Artillery: 7,000
                  Rocket Artillery: 6,000
                  Jeeps and other support trucks: 100,000
                  Support Troops: 205,000

                  Troops: 700,000
                  Marine carriers(holds troops, helicopters airplanes and landing craft): 15
                  Destoryers: 40(for grauding aircraft carriers, but the carriers are not that big)
                  Attack Helicopters: 520
                  Transport Helocpters : 302

                  Pilots: 100,000
                  Support Crew: 300,000
                  Fighters (C-34W): 1,800
                  Fighter/bombers (CB-12W): 1,250
                  Ground-Attack Aircraft (CAT-23W): 600
                  Heavy Bombers (BP-78W): 320
                  Attack Helicopters (E-23W): 1'600
                  Trasport Helicopters (ET-15W): 560
                  Rescue Helicopters (ES-14W): 780
                  Slealth Bombers (BS-45W): 73
                  Air Transport Planes: 450
                  Air Fuel Tankers: 320 (able to refuel planes in flight)
                  Command and Controll planes(with Radar, ect.) (R-115W): 78

                  Sailors: 350,000
                  Support Crew: 300,000
                  Air Craft Carriers : 16
                  Naval Aircraft (C-27W): 2'500
                  Battleships: 32
                  AEGIS Cruisers: 20
                  AEGIS Destroyers: 60
                  Anti Sub Destroyers: 16
                  Missle Cruisers: 10
                  Missle Destroyers: 20
                  Frigates: 120
                  (Missle) Subs: 42
                  Attack Subs: 35
                  Transport ships: 1,400
                  Gun boats(mainly used close to coast and rivers): 970
                  Coast Guard Patroll boats: 1,000

                  Strategic Forces:
                  Nuclear Warheads: 120 (dismantling)
                  Nuclear Bombs: 240 (dismantling)
                  Tatical Nuclear Weapons(Used by Army): 40 (dismantling)
                  Cruise (Long Range) Missiles: 1,250
                  Cruise (Long Range) Missile Batteries: 230
                  Short Range Missiles: 3,700
                  Short Range Missiles Batteries: 520
                  Anti Aircraft Missiles: 2,532
                  Anti Aircraft Batteries: 300
                  Missile Interceptors Missiles: 4,600
                  Missile Interceptors Batteries: 670

                  Elite Forces:

                  Royal Guards
                  A highly trained group consiting of 1'500 soldiers and 80 Officers, they have the best training of all troops and they are there to protect the life of the Royal Family.
                  Many legends were written about them, and they are believed to be immortals, although the real reason behind that is that as soon as obe of them perish in battle or retire he is immediatly subbed by another elite soldier taken from the "Steel Guardians" division

                  Steel Guardians
                  Just belowe the Royal Guardian, they are the pride of the Wine's military. The division was borned during the XVIII century during the Transalpine invasion, Transalpinian troops were almost arrived at Nebbiolo and outnumbered the defence 10:1, despite that the startegy adopted by the Steel Guardian was so perfect that they managed to repeal the attack, and the Kingdom of Wine could than survive the invasion.
                  Basically what the steel Guardian did was to dig several tunnels from under the city to the countryside nearby, place several explosives in that and make them explode under the transalpine troops (OOC: Tactic really adopted by the people of Torino (my city) during one of the several French invasion, when the French outnumbered the Torinese troops in a similar way).

                  Folgore Division
                  The Folgore Division is an elite paratrooper division, their name means: lightning, they are usually the first troop to enter the unknown land during an invasion, and their duty is to create a detailed map of the region and clean the way for the tank divisions

                  Arditi Division
                  The Arditi always distinguished for their bravery in combat, they are the elite Marine troop, perfect for assaults in all terrains, they receive a very harsh training and are usually equipped with the best technology available.

                  Decima Mas
                  Hiding in the deep waters of the Oceans, this Elite Sub Division is the pride of the Wine Royal Navy. Many legends were member of this elite division, during the last Apolytonian War, this brave men managed to sink more ships than the whole of the Wine Navy, ensuring the safety of the Winian coasts.

                  Freccie Squadron
                  Only the best pilots can join the Freccie Squadroons, composed of two wings of C-34W Fighters, these elite divisions are there to ensure the safety of the Winian skies. They are also the most popular division in the Wine Military Forces, and many young pilots hope to, one day, fly with the Freccies.

                  "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                  The trick is the doing something else."
                  — Leonardo da Vinci
                  "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                  "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                  • #10
                    Dakmoristan Armed Forces

                    Does it matter? I'd never be able to keep up with the ever-growing legions of the god-mod personalities.
                    Last edited by Mr. President; May 27, 2003, 02:34.
                    Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.


                    • #11
                      Athkala's Army

                      Since I gave my template to Alice to do this, it is like Akiria’s but roughly ten times smaller (due to 14 times smaller population, but higher GDP, with thriving economy)

                      Total Personnel: 2 Million, plus 3 Million Reserves, who can be called up, but on 1/3 pay (all reservis become regular troops in times of war).
                      Total Budget: 156 Billion[/b] (5% GDP, 30,000 USD per capita)

                      Regular Troops: 1 Million

                      Vehicles and Equipment
                      Tanks: 40,000
                      Armoured Transport Vehicles: 100,000 Million
                      Mobile Missile Launchers (hold 12 missiles each): 10,000
                      ‘Cannons’: 5,000 [/b] - Large missile like weapons, capable of demolishing buildings.
                      ICBMs: 1,000
                      Short range missiles: 300,000 Million
                      Nuclear Warheads: 50

                      Most battalions (groups of about 100 soldiers) have a number of anti-tank and hand-held rocket equipment.

                      Marines: 200,000
                      Navy Personnel: 125,000 Million

                      Ships and Equipment
                      Battlecruisers (Battleships): 6 - large, 100+ man ships, armed to the gunnels.
                      Destroyers: 12 - smaller attack ships, ~50 man crew, heavily armed.
                      Assault Ships: 10 - relatively small, usually carry marines. Quite well armed, use to launch a marine invasion.
                      Aircraft Carriers: 5 - very large, can carry ~25 fighters or 10 bombers each, and can launch 2 at a time. Heavily armoured, but lightly armed.
                      Armoured Transports: 20 - large transport vessels, lightly armed, can carry >200 men each.
                      Light Transports: 30 - small vessels, lightly armed, carry <100 men each.
                      Submarines: 25 - some large, some small, fast and unseen. Including 5 nuclear equipped subs.

                      Air Force
                      Paratroopers: 100,000 Million
                      Air Force Personnel: 100,000

                      Planes and Equipment
                      Fighters: 5,000
                      Bombers: 1,000
                      Large Bombers: 100 - can launch an ICBM, or drop an extremely large, nuclear-sized conventional bomb.
                      Armed Helicopters: 1,000
                      Transport (and Paratrooper) Planes: 500
                      Transport Helicopters: 1,000

                      Total Special Ops: 200,000
                      Special Air Service (SAS): 50,000 – heavily trained, elite parachutist and air based troops. All can fly some military aircraft. Under air force’s control.
                      Special Boat Service (SBS): 20,000 – heavily trained, elite navy personnel. Can work almost any ship in the Akirian Navy.
                      Special Ground Service (SGS): 30,000 – heavily trained, land-based troops. Trained in espionage, and can take the place of many of the lightly specialised forces in the army. Experienced, hardened troops that can use almost any weaponry. More heavily armed than most normal troops.
                      Snipers: 100,000
                      Intelligence Agents: unknown

                      Total Support Staff: 275,000
                      Army Support Staff: 100,000 Million
                      Air Force Support Staff: 50,000
                      Navy Support Staff: 50,000
                      Medical Corps: 75,000

                      Bases and locations secret at the time being.
                      For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
                      But he would think of something

                      "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker


                      • #12
                        The Sultanate of Celth, Military intelligence

                        First, please note that the Sultanate of Celth doesn´t want anybody to know about their military. The information shown here is based upon basic military intelligence given to me by... let´s say... sources of anonymous origin. I am not sure whether these figures are related with the real ones.

                        If you get caught by Celth´s governmental security police, don´t talk about this. If you do, I will deny any relation with this site. This post has never existed and will detonate in less than five seconds. Good luck.


                        National Defence Forces
                        - Troops: 32,400
                        - Special Forces: 950
                        - Elite Desert Strikers: 3,700
                        - AA Defence Vehicles: 280
                        - AT Defence Vehicles: 300
                        - Tanks: none
                        - Artillery: none

                        Government Security Police
                        - Agents: ~4000 (population surveillance coverage: 99.7 %)
                        - Counterterroristic troops: 720


                        Inland Air Forces
                        - unmanned Survey aircrafts: 25
                        - Fighters: 35
                        - Bombers: 4
                        - Combat Choppers: 20
                        - Helicopters: 32 (transports/rescueForces)
                        - Transports: 225

                        Naval Air forces
                        - unmanned Survey aircrafts: 52
                        - Fighters: 28
                        - AntiShip Bombers: 6
                        - AntiSub Bombers: 5
                        - Helicopters: 18 (transports/rescueForces)


                        Sultan´s Fleet
                        - Aircraft Carriers: 1 ("CAC Unity")
                        - cruisers: none
                        - destroyers: 2
                        - frigates: 8
                        - gunboats: 48
                        - submarines: 3
                        - non-combatant ships: 50
                        Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
                        Let me eat your yummy brain!
                        "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


                        • #13
                          The Treaty of Mt. Gravatt

                          The Unified States of Sheepsta and the Dominion of Jobepet

                          Population: 290 million and 50 million in the Dominion.
                          Capitals: Chopsu, SCT and Port Gitsham, Dominion of Jobedpet.

                          Troops: 2,000,000
                          Reserves (work other jobs can be calledup in wartime) every males between 16 - 40.
                          Paratroopers: 500,000
                          Spec/Ops: 100,000
                          Tanks(Abram M1A2 tank):100,500
                          Tank Crews: 370,000
                          Moblie Anti Aircraft missle jeeps: 100,000
                          APC: 200,000
                          Self propelled Artillery: 23,000
                          Rocket Artillery: 10,000
                          Jeeps and other support trucks: 700,472
                          Support Troops: 700,000

                          Troops: 1,000,000
                          Marine carriers(holds troops, helicopters airplanes and landing craft): 80
                          Destoryers: 90(for grauding aircraft carriers, but the carriers are not that big)
                          Attack Helicopters: 800
                          Transport Helocpters : 515

                          Pilots: 104,000
                          Reverses: 600,000
                          Support Crew: 300,000
                          Fighters: 9,000
                          Fighter/bombers: 5,000
                          Ground-Attack Aircraft: 3,000
                          Heavy Bombers(B-52): 100
                          Attack Helicopters: 9,000
                          Trasport Helicopters: 5,000
                          Rescue Helicopters: 7,000
                          Slealth Bombers: 50
                          Air Transport Planes: 100
                          Air Fuel Tankers:90 (able to refuel planes in flight)
                          Command and Controll planes(with Radar, ect.): 20
                          Gun Planes(artillery and other guns): 70

                          Sailors: 600,000
                          Reverses: 300,000
                          Support Crew: 400,000
                          Air Craft Carriers : 10
                          Naval Aircraft: 4,000
                          AEGIS Cruisers: 125
                          AEGIS Destroyers: 50
                          Missle Cruisers: 75
                          Missle Destroyers: 75
                          (Nuclear Missle) Subs: Classified
                          Attack Subs: 50
                          Transport ships: 5,000
                          Gun boats(mainly used close to coast and rivers): 3000
                          Coast Guard Patroll boats: 1,000
                          (Note all subs and carriers are powered by nuclear power)

                          Startegic Forces:
                          Nuclear Warheads: classified
                          Nuclear Bombs: cssified
                          ICBMs(five warhead in a missle): Classified
                          Nuclear Missles on Missle Subs(five warhead in a missle): Classified
                          Tatical Nuclear Weapons(Used by Army): Classified
                          Biological Warheads: Classified
                          Chemcial Warheads: Classified

                          The Confederacy of New Griffith

                          Population: 356 million
                          Capital: Nathan

                          Troops: 3,000,000
                          Reservists(Work other jobs,payed 10,000 extra a year.): 3,500,000
                          Paratroopers: 1,000,000
                          Spec/Ops: 100,000
                          Tanks(Abram M1A2 tank):100,500
                          Tank Crews: 370,000
                          Moblie Anti Aircraft missle jeeps: 100,000
                          APC: 200,000
                          Self propelled Artillery: 23,000
                          Rocket Artillery: 10,000
                          Jeeps and other support trucks: 700,472
                          Support Troops: 700,000

                          Confederate Spec Ops.
                          Troops: 1,500,000
                          Attack Helicopters: 3,564
                          Transport Helocpters : 515

                          Pilots: 50,000
                          Reverses: 600,000
                          Support Crew: 300,000
                          Fighters: 10,000
                          Fighter/bombers: 10,000
                          Ground-Attack Aircraft: 6,000
                          Heavy Bombers(B-52): 200
                          Attack Helicopters: 10,000
                          Trasport Helicopters: 8,000
                          Rescue Helicopters: 7,000
                          Slealth Bombers: 50
                          Air Transport Planes: 100
                          Air Fuel Tankers:90 (able to refuel planes in flight)
                          Command and Controll planes(with Radar, ect.): 20
                          Gun Planes(artillery and other guns): 70

                          Startegic Forces:
                          Nuclear Warheads: classified
                          Nuclear Bombs: classified
                          ICBMs(five warhead in a missle): Classified
                          Nuclear Missles on Missle Subs(five warhead in a missle): Classified
                          Tatical Nuclear Weapons(Used by Army): Classified
                          Biological Warheads: Classified
                          Chemcial Warheads: Classified

                          Democratic State of Neveria

                          Population: 36 million
                          Capital: Tortilla

                          Troops: 1,000,000
                          National Guard(reserves, not on full pay): 500,000
                          Paratroopers: 50,000
                          Spec/Ops: 10,000
                          Tanks(Abram M1A2 tank):1,500
                          Tank Crews: 3,000
                          Moblie Anti Aircraft missle jeeps: 1,000
                          APC: 2,000
                          Self propelled Artillery: 2,000
                          Rocket Artillery: 1,000
                          Jeeps and other support trucks: 70,472
                          Support Troops: 70,000

                          Troops: 500,000
                          Reverses: 100,000
                          Marine carriers(holds troops, helicopters airplanes and landing craft): 8
                          Destoryers: 9
                          Attack Helicopters: 80
                          Transport Helocpters : 55

                          Pilots: 20,000
                          Reverses: 30,000
                          Support Crew: 300,000
                          Fighters: 5,000
                          Fighter/bombers: 5,000
                          Ground-Attack Aircraft: 1,000
                          Heavy Bombers(B-52): 20
                          Attack Helicopters: 4,000
                          Trasport Helicopters: 2,000
                          Rescue Helicopters: 1,000
                          Slealth Bombers: 5
                          Air Transport Planes: 100
                          Air Fuel Tankers: 30 (able to refuel planes in flight)
                          Command and Controll planes(with Radar, ect.): 20
                          Gun Planes(artillery and other guns): 70

                          Sailors: 100,000
                          Reverses: 300,000
                          Support Crew: 400,000
                          Air Craft Carriers : none
                          Naval Aircraft: 1,000
                          AEGIS Cruisers: 20
                          AEGIS Destroyers: 10
                          Missle Cruisers: 30
                          Missle Destroyers: 13
                          (Nuclear Missle) Subs: 6
                          Attack Subs: 15
                          Transport ships: 1,000
                          Gun boats(mainly used close to coast and rivers): 1,000
                          Coast Guard Patroll boats: 500
                          (Note all subs and carriers are powered by nuclear power)

                          Startegic Forces:
                          Nuclear Warheads: classified
                          Nuclear Bombs: cssified
                          ICBMs(five warhead in a missle): Classified
                          Nuclear Missles on Missle Subs(five warhead in a missle): Classified
                          Tatical Nuclear Weapons(Used by Army): Classified
                          Biological Warheads: Classified
                          Chemcial Warheads: Classified

                          Free Republic of Pax Sheepus
                          Population: 5 million
                          Capital: Romus Sheepus

                          Troops: 30,000
                          Paratroopers: 500
                          Spec/Ops: 100
                          Tanks(Abram M1A2 tank):100
                          Tank Crews: 370
                          Moblie Anti Aircraft missle jeeps: 100
                          APC: 200
                          Self propelled Artillery: 23
                          Rocket Artillery: 10
                          Jeeps and other support trucks: 700
                          Support Troops: 700

                          Pilots: 1,000
                          Reverses: 6,000
                          Support Crew: 3,000
                          Fighters: 80
                          Fighter/bombers: 50
                          Ground-Attack Aircraft: 30
                          Heavy Bombers(B-52): 1
                          Attack Helicopters: 100
                          Trasport Helicopters: 80
                          Rescue Helicopters: 70
                          Slealth Bombers: 5
                          Air Transport Planes: 10
                          Air Fuel Tankers:9 (able to refuel planes in flight)
                          Command and Controll planes(with Radar, ect.): 20
                          Gun Planes(artillery and other guns): 70

                          Sailors: 9,000
                          Reverses: 3,000
                          Support Crew: 4,000
                          Air Craft Carriers :
                          Naval Aircraft: 10
                          AEGIS Cruisers: 2
                          AEGIS Destroyers: 5
                          Missle Cruisers: 6
                          Missle Destroyers: 3
                          (Nuclear Missle) Subs: 2
                          Attack Subs: 10
                          Transport ships: 50
                          Gun boats(mainly used close to coast and rivers): 300
                          Coast Guard Patroll boats: 10
                          (Note all subs and carriers are powered by nuclear power)

                          Startegic Forces:
                          Nuclear Warheads: classified
                          Nuclear Bombs: cssified
                          ICBMs(five warhead in a missle): Classified
                          Nuclear Missles on Missle Subs(five warhead in a missle): Classified
                          Tatical Nuclear Weapons(Used by Army): Classified
                          Biological Warheads: Classified
                          Chemcial Warheads: Classified
                          Last edited by Sheep; May 15, 2003, 03:30.
                          Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                          Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                          Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Drogue
                            Armoured Transport Vehicles: 100,000 Million
                            Short range missiles: 300,000 Million
                            Navy Personnel: 125,000 Million
                            Paratroopers: 100,000 Million
                            Army Support Staff: 100,000 Million
                            These are typos. Yes?
                            (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
                            (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
                            (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


                            • #15
                              I hope so otherwise I will be glad to welcome my new overlord Athkala
                              Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                              Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                              Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.

