Started my first game of Cradle (huge map, 8 civs, max barbs, "hard" difficulty) the Celts, of course! (being a strapping Celtic lad myself, what can I say? 
Anyway, I wound up near the Han and the Babs. Not long after the founding of my fifth city, the sound of a weighted net began bein' heard over my turf....a bit of investigating turned up a Bab slaver. Poof, two dead Bab slavers and war with that nation.
No problemo....'cept that when I took their last city and enslaved (conquered the civ) and opted to enslave it (only three tiles distant, too close for my liking), the game froze. No error message, it just stopped responding.
Anybody else seen that one?
Anyway, early impressions of Cradle are that IT ROCKETH!!!
In fact, for my next test game--as I'm feelin' in the mood for a little kicka$$--will be last month's tourney goes!

Anyway, I wound up near the Han and the Babs. Not long after the founding of my fifth city, the sound of a weighted net began bein' heard over my turf....a bit of investigating turned up a Bab slaver. Poof, two dead Bab slavers and war with that nation.
No problemo....'cept that when I took their last city and enslaved (conquered the civ) and opted to enslave it (only three tiles distant, too close for my liking), the game froze. No error message, it just stopped responding.
Anybody else seen that one?
Anyway, early impressions of Cradle are that IT ROCKETH!!!
