I started a SAP game on a 125x250 tile, random map with 20 players a few weeks ago and I have been having a lot fun with it. I am currently up to the mid-21st century and I have only eliminated 1 player so far (the Russians). Here are some of the adjustments (technically, I created my own mod of the SAP – ModSwapper is such a useful tool
) I have made to the SAP try and keep the game in balance for me:
1) I doubled the pollution settings in APOL_pollution.txt. I did this because I thought global pollution would otherwise accumulate artificially fast on an oversized map. Unfortunately, the game somehow managed to turn pollution off when I started and I didn’t notice until I was well into the game. I didn’t want to start over because I was already having too much fun! I would like to hear from anyone who has a better understanding of what to do (or not do) with the values in APOL_pollution.txt. For now, I assume that they should hold a direct relationship to the number of tiles on the map (map size).
2) Naturally, I changed the values for the “Gigantic” map size in APOL_const.txt and map.txt to 125x250. I wondered what effect, if any, the change in map.txt has. I don’t think that I HAVE to change this value in order to make it work because I started a test game with changes only in APOL_const.txt but not map.txt and it appeared to work.
3) I lowered the science “tax” rate for the “Impossible” level in APOL_DiffDB.txt. I can understand making science more expensive at the hardest level, but I have more fun when I can get something like fighter planes in the 20th century instead of the 24th century! The AI always seemed to have a tougher time with the science tax anyway. Also, I substantially reduced the “MAXBEHIND” discount values (some people call these cheats) for the AI for science, production and gold. I think this has given me a much more exciting and challenging game than I have seen before because the AIs get discounts even when I am behind and these discounts increase on a linear scale as I catch up to them. Thus, the AI has been able to produce more units as I would catch up throughout the game, which prevents me from simply building a lot of tanks and running right through all of the AI’s cities. Instead, I find myself forced to plan and strategize more. Plus I have to build more than just tanks!
4) My map settings (from userprofile.txt) are: WetDry=5, WarmCold=4, OceanLand=6, IslandContinent=8, HomoDiverse=8, and GoodCount=5. This gave me two very large continents with a small Antarctic continent on the bottom. There is essentially a very wide strait (or a narrow sea) that separates the three continents.
5) I set 8 AIs on “my” continent and 8 on the other large continent. I placed the French in Antarctica. The Germans, Turks, and Mongols have all successfully crossed to “my” continent and established or taken several cities – I was impressed with that! I manually placed two cities (no settlers) for each AI at the start to give them all enough room to grow at first. I have now noticed that all of these cities that I placed have 0 population!
The AIs were able to grow, but they apparently had to build settlers before they could go ahead and build “real” cities (sometimes in unusual places). I can’t figure out why the initial cities never grew. I think I’ll just stick to starting them with settlers, but next time they will get three.
6) I doubled the number of cities threshold for each government in govern.txt. The Zulus seemed to take advantage of this in the early part of my game. They spread out very rapidly taking most of the Russian and Egyptian cities – plus a few of mine! The battles often would end up with just one or two units left for the victor – it kept me interested watching the battle scenes as the units die off and wondering just who would be left standing at the end.
This game seems to be balanced for my current level of play. I thought that I was getting the upper hand in the 20th century, but after I got Globesat I realized that the AIs are fielding a lot more troops than I anticipated!
I am pretty much holding my own in the mid 21st century. The game is challenging enough that I have lost many cities
, but I didn’t lose all of them.
I like getting through more of the science tree, but not leaving the AI behind in science while doing it. I think that decreasing the maxbehind values in APOL_diffdb.txt is a key factor – I am considering deeper discounts (and less land mass) for my next game. Any thoughts from the community on any of my adjustments are certainly welcome!

1) I doubled the pollution settings in APOL_pollution.txt. I did this because I thought global pollution would otherwise accumulate artificially fast on an oversized map. Unfortunately, the game somehow managed to turn pollution off when I started and I didn’t notice until I was well into the game. I didn’t want to start over because I was already having too much fun! I would like to hear from anyone who has a better understanding of what to do (or not do) with the values in APOL_pollution.txt. For now, I assume that they should hold a direct relationship to the number of tiles on the map (map size).
2) Naturally, I changed the values for the “Gigantic” map size in APOL_const.txt and map.txt to 125x250. I wondered what effect, if any, the change in map.txt has. I don’t think that I HAVE to change this value in order to make it work because I started a test game with changes only in APOL_const.txt but not map.txt and it appeared to work.
3) I lowered the science “tax” rate for the “Impossible” level in APOL_DiffDB.txt. I can understand making science more expensive at the hardest level, but I have more fun when I can get something like fighter planes in the 20th century instead of the 24th century! The AI always seemed to have a tougher time with the science tax anyway. Also, I substantially reduced the “MAXBEHIND” discount values (some people call these cheats) for the AI for science, production and gold. I think this has given me a much more exciting and challenging game than I have seen before because the AIs get discounts even when I am behind and these discounts increase on a linear scale as I catch up to them. Thus, the AI has been able to produce more units as I would catch up throughout the game, which prevents me from simply building a lot of tanks and running right through all of the AI’s cities. Instead, I find myself forced to plan and strategize more. Plus I have to build more than just tanks!
4) My map settings (from userprofile.txt) are: WetDry=5, WarmCold=4, OceanLand=6, IslandContinent=8, HomoDiverse=8, and GoodCount=5. This gave me two very large continents with a small Antarctic continent on the bottom. There is essentially a very wide strait (or a narrow sea) that separates the three continents.
5) I set 8 AIs on “my” continent and 8 on the other large continent. I placed the French in Antarctica. The Germans, Turks, and Mongols have all successfully crossed to “my” continent and established or taken several cities – I was impressed with that! I manually placed two cities (no settlers) for each AI at the start to give them all enough room to grow at first. I have now noticed that all of these cities that I placed have 0 population!

6) I doubled the number of cities threshold for each government in govern.txt. The Zulus seemed to take advantage of this in the early part of my game. They spread out very rapidly taking most of the Russian and Egyptian cities – plus a few of mine! The battles often would end up with just one or two units left for the victor – it kept me interested watching the battle scenes as the units die off and wondering just who would be left standing at the end.
This game seems to be balanced for my current level of play. I thought that I was getting the upper hand in the 20th century, but after I got Globesat I realized that the AIs are fielding a lot more troops than I anticipated!
