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Help, cant choose new Tech for research...

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  • Help, cant choose new Tech for research...

    ... during Multiplayersession.

    I played CTP2 with a friend for some hours, after reaching "massproduction" i see, that i can choose less techs bit by bit. After getting tech "communism" or another advance, i couldnt choose a tech for research anymore.
    The tech choosing screen is blank. The only way to get techs after that point is switching into cheatmodus, getting the new tech and reloading. After that i can choose next few techs by normal research until the scrren is blank again.
    Can somebody help me?

    Thx Sir Rosso

    PS: i preset the game from antike till diamonds aera

  • #2
    It seems you have run out of techs to research. Several of the Mods add more more techs so you may want to take a look at them.
    Try for discussion and debate.


    • #3
      I don't see why you'd run out of techs at Communism and Mass Production, unless you accidently put a modern age limit on it? I don't know how you would check though.
      Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
      "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


      • #4
        well i always play with the 'ancient - diamond' age settings and have never run out of tech-tree before the game is finished(usually declared over because of time constraints). Are you sure you didn't change a few settings in the tech tree before play? In multiplayer you can pretty much customise eveything in the game before start-up. Which version(MOD) of CTP2 are you playing? (although i doubt this will really affect not being able to choose a tech after communism! which seems way to early in any game to run out of choices. Although WAW does have a small tech tree because of the 'era' it represents.)
        'The very basis of the liberal idea – the belief of individual freedom is what causes the chaos' - William Kristol, son of the founder of neo-conservitivism, talking about neo-con ideology and its agenda for here. prove me wrong.

        Bush's Republican=Neo-con for all intent and purpose. be afraid.


        • #5
          If you were using a mod like Cradle which increased the number of ages then when you choose Diamond the game thinks "Age number 5" which will no longer be the last age. You could get round this by editing CRA_advance.txt (or whichever file was appropriate) to put all the advances after age 5 into age 5, or something similar.

          In the CTP Competition that's just starting they had a similar problem when using a premade map - they couldn't get past the ancient age. The only solution was to put all advances in the ancient age.


          • #6
            @ all

            I really didnt put an age limit on. And I shouldnt run out of tech because after choosing one with cheatmode, I will loose ale chosebla techs after a round or so.
            It doesnt matter with Communism, i just counted it. The problem of "tech loosing" starts about the mass production.
            Version: I play with german version of CTP2 v 2.11 + the newest Apolyton Mod.
            Im sure that its a Bug. I never make special preferences before starting MP session, just the size of the random map and the AI players thats it.
            ah, something else: there is a tech in the Cheatmode called "ApolytonPack". And if my friend is building a Wonder, then i always get the message " Emperor xxxx is building the Wonder ApolytonPack". That s strange.

            Maybe i should reinstall the game. I only installed the Apo patch because of the many "resyncs".

            Another Problem: after my friend was killing an AI Nation, the session crashes all the time. Imossible to continue. Best is to let AI its last city.


            • #7
              Thx all for replys.

              I red the APOL_advance.txt and found that APO uses 10!! Ages. I had choosen Diamonds age, thats number 5 i thing, thats exact the mass prod tech and the others like aerodynamics. The only problem is that i couldnt see that there are more ages to choose, because the menue ends at diamonds age. I edided all techs to a age 5 tech and it will work I think.

              Thank you .

              Sir Rosso


              • #8
                sorry for my bad spelling and bad English.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by sirrosso
                  Another Problem: after my friend was killing an AI Nation, the session crashes all the time. Imossible to continue. Best is to let AI its last city.
                  This sounds like the problem which was caused by the diplomod code, but was fixed. Is the Apolyton Pack using the most recent version, does anyone know?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by sirrosso
                    Thx all for replys.

                    I red the APOL_advance.txt and found that APO uses 10!! Ages. I had choosen Diamonds age, thats number 5 i thing, thats exact the mass prod tech and the others like aerodynamics. The only problem is that i couldnt see that there are more ages to choose, because the menue ends at diamonds age. I edided all techs to a age 5 tech and it will work I think.

                    Thank you .

                    Sir Rosso
                    Actual not the optimal solution you can now research everything, but all the city graphics will stay for the rest of the game in the Industrial age.

                    So you might want to unzip this attachment into your ..\ctp2_data\german\uidata\layouts\ folder. It will replace the ns_strings.ldl by a modified one. Additional the *.zip file contains two more versions of this file and two *.bat files for easy restoration of the original one.

                    After replacing the ns_strings.ldl you have to modify the ldl_str.txt in your ..\ctp2_data\german\gamedata\ folder by replacing these lines:

                    #Age Names#
                    AGE_NAME_ANCIENT "Antike"
                    AGE_NAME_RENAISS "Renaissance"
                    AGE_NAME_MODERN "Moderne"
                    AGE_NAME_GENETIC "Genetische Ära"
                    AGE_NAME_DIAMOND "Diamantene Ära"
                    with these ones:

                    #Age Names#
                    AGE_NAME_ANCIENT "Antike"
                    AGE_NAME_CLASS "Klassik"
                    AGE_NAME_MEDIEVAL "Mittelalter"
                    AGE_NAME_RENAISS "Renaissance"
                    AGE_NAME_INDUST "Industriezeitalter"
                    AGE_NAME_MODERN "Moderne"
                    AGE_NAME_COMPUTER "Informationszeitalter"
                    AGE_NAME_GENETIC "Genetische Ära"
                    AGE_NAME_DIAMOND "Diamantene Ära"
                    AGE_NAME_FUTURE "Die Zukunft"
                    So this should you give the possibility to choose all the ten ages by default. BTW this feature is already a part of GoodMod.

                    Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                    • #11
                      @ Martin

                      which attachment exactly do you mean?

                      Sir Rosso


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by sirrosso
                        which attachment exactly do you mean?
                        Sorry I just forgot it. Note it wouldn't help you in your current game if you have selected the fifth age in the start screen, but for future games that's the way.

                        Attached Files
                        Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                        • #13
                          Martin, isnt that file goig to mess up the original game option and probably for others mods too???
                          "Kill a man and you are a murder.
                          Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
                          Kill all and you are a God!"
                          -Jean Rostand


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Pedrunn
                            Martin, isnt that file goig to mess up the original game option and probably for others mods too???
                            Actual it is not a problem for other mods like Cradle, CityMod2 or Goodmod, because these mods have 10 ages, too. You have no problem in MedPack with the 9 ages, either. As the tenth age just don't show up. It might be a small problem in the Original, because these strings definded in the *.ldl files will be empty the result is that you can select between five advances but only the acient age will be at the right place. The renaissance age shows up at the place of the genetic age and if you select this one in the original game presuming you installed the file above you will select the genetic age, too. Even if it pretend to be the rennaisance. The other strings are just empty so you can select between tree empty positions but these ones are selectable. And finally I provided to batch files one replaces the modded file by the original one and the second one replace the original one by the modded one. Unfortunatly this can't be set up over ModSwapper even if it is possible to use the civ3.ldl as an gamefile.txt equivalent.

                            Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                            • #15
                              Isnt the best solution get Wes and Hex to change the name to
                              Change the name of the entry in the *_idl_str.txt according to the mod needs.
                              And include a replacement to the original idl_str.txt with these lines?
                              AGE_NAME_ONE "Ancient"
                              AGE_NAME_TWO "Renaissance"
                              AGE_NAME_THREE "Modern"
                              AGE_NAME_FOUR "Genetic"
                              AGE_NAME_FIVE "Diamond"
                              AGE_NAME_SIX ""
                              AGE_NAME_SEVEN ""
                              AGE_NAME_EIGHT ""
                              AGE_NAME_NINE ""
                              AGE_NAME_TEN ""
                              After all you/we are making a global change!!!!

                              Edit: But a Modswapper with *_civ3.idl variations desnt look just a dream. It means a new horizont for UI modders
                              Last edited by Pedrunn; June 14, 2002, 10:45.
                              "Kill a man and you are a murder.
                              Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
                              Kill all and you are a God!"
                              -Jean Rostand

