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London Exchange

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  • London Exchange

    Hmmm ...

    Something strange happened.

    Been trying to build the London Exchange since the last 200 years, but it doesn't seem able to finish ...

    First tried in my best city, with 580 production per turn, would take me 65 turns to build it. But when it arrived at about 30 turns, it would suddenly jump back to 60 turns, without a change in the city, except maybe for some extra mines I put.

    I then tried building it in another city, with also some 600 production. Same scenario ...

    Computer ended up building it before me this way, damned ! I wanted to have that one !!

    Anybody any idea, or something similar happened ??

  • #2
    That's odd. What mod were you playing with (if any)?
    Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


    • #3
      Doesn't sound like it but - were you switching governments? If not, I have no idea. I have had similar situations, but it happens in the period of anarchy between governments and usually sorts itself out it in a few turns when the new government is in place. Anarchy also (temporarily) gives me off the chart turn numbers until I obtained my next advance. First time I saw this, it caused me some dismay.
      "Guess what? I got a fever! And the only prescription is ... more cow bell!"


      • #4
        I am playing the MedMod 2.1

        It didn't happen during anarchy.

        It actually happened more than once. It is not a one time thingie, I saw it happen twice in one city, then I shifted the wonder to another city and saw it happen again there.

        I am a lot further in that game now, and haven't had any other experiences like this one. Don't know if I would be able to reproduce it or not ...

        Very strange ...


        • #5
          Off the top of my head, have you been building a lot of military units in your other cities? Maybe the maintenance costs are eating into your total production capabilities.
          Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


          • #6
            out of date

            In med mod certain techs put city improvements out of date. I remember once all my mills becoming obsolete and suddenly having huge queues.


            • #7
              Hexagonian, can't remember exactly, but that might be the case. I was expanding my military forces around that time. Most probably that was the reason.

              Maybe combined with what Boney said about city improvements becoming obsolete. Have noticed the effects of that also.

              Hm, tnx guys for pointing this out to me !!

