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Building complete?

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  • Building complete?


    I Do not remember whether I asked this before. I bought ctpII long ago, the first time it was availalable in Germany. It was expensive since I had to buy the american version. But I thought it was it worth.
    I do not think so now.
    I never played a game through because I think it is so annoying never to know which building in which city is completed.
    I thought this was a bug they fixed in CTPI. But the same bug also remains in CTPII.
    And the patch didn't help.
    The game may be better than CTPI, but why change the interface? I think that the CTPI interface is far better and I really do not want to play CTPII.
    And since space is no longer available, so why play CTPII?
    In the meantime I bought CTPI cheap for Windows(My boyfriend has bought it for Linux and I did for Mac) but at least everyone has a Windows-PC, so now we play MP-CTPI with Windows.


  • #2
    Thats a good change!
    Maybe changing the message from messagebox to alertbox could solve the problem. This way intead of going all the way through the message window the message would apper in the top of the screen. Does anyone has a better idea? Any problems in this theory? Anyone willing to find the line for this (probably in the script.slc) and change it?
    Last edited by Pedrunn; January 22, 2002, 22:16.
    "Kill a man and you are a murder.
    Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
    Kill all and you are a God!"
    -Jean Rostand


    • #3
      I am not shure what your problem is. I have none at all. When ever my buildings or units or what ever is complete I get a message in the message box and click on it.

      If I want to center it I just click on the EYE.

      Did I read your post wrong?



      • #4
        Originally posted by Dani
        I never played a game through because I think it is so annoying never to know which building in which city is completed.
        Where is sthe problem with this normally I add a lot of building to my build queue, and ages later all the buildings are complete. I am not interesting in getting to know which building is complete in which city as long as the build queue is not empty. If you want to get to know it you can look it up in the message box. Usually I just right click away the messages: Building complete next building...

        Originally posted by Pedrunn
        Maybe changing the message from messagebox to alertbox could solve the problem.
        No, please not this is inferior Civ1/2/3 style.

        Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


        • #5
          Re: Building complete?

          Hi Dani, good to see you again...

          Originally posted by Dani
          But I thought it was it worth.
          I do not think so now.
          Regardless of the problem you're having, you ought to try some mods (especially Cradle) before you judge this game too harshly, it's truely amazing...

          I never played a game through because I think it is so annoying never to know which building in which city is completed.
          I thought this was a bug they fixed in CTPI. But the same bug also remains in CTPII.
          Hmm, whenever a building is finished you should get a message in your message tab mentioning this. Did you by any chance disable some of the messages, is this not method simply not clear enough for you or am I misunderstanding you?

          Furthermore, I advise following the same strategy as Martin (and me and no doubt many other players): just fill your build queue with a bunch of stuff and don't be bothered with when what is ready, only with when the build queue is empty (but you'll get messages about that too). A good tip here is to cycle through your active units with the 'O' button. If you do this, you will first cycle through all your active units and be able to give them orders. Once there are no units left you will start to cycle through cities which have an empty build queue. So if you consistently use the 'O' button you can't miss a thing...

          The game may be better than CTPI, but why change the interface? I think that the CTPI interface is far better and I really do not want to play CTPII.
          Why they changed it? Well, when the game just came out, many people complained that they didn't like the CtP1 interface and the programmers were actually stupid enough to listen to this. What they didn't realize was that people were simply used to Civ2 and still had to get used to the new interface. By the time CtP2 came out, everyone was used to the CtP1 interface and now noone likes the CtP2 interface either (which is more or less a combination of the worst parts of CtP1 and Civ2 although it does still have some useful features).

          And since space is no longer available, so why play CTPII?
          For the experienced player, no space is a good thing since space was extremely unbalancing, in the human player's advantage. Still, many people were sorry to see it go as it was a cool feature in itself. But CtP2 has other things to make up for this: less micromanagement, better customization, better diplomacy, better combat, etc. Overall I myself think CtP2 is an improvement over CtP1, even though interface and lack of space can be seen as steps back...

          I agree with Martin, ever tried having to click away dozens of popup boxes every turn just because you're trying to manage over 100 cities at a time? If you really want, I can look up the line in script.slc for you and tell you so you can replace 'messagebox' with 'alertbox', but I strongly advise against this...
          Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


          • #6
            Re: Re: Building complete?

            Originally posted by Locutus
            I agree with Martin, ever tried having to click away dozens of popup boxes every turn just because you're trying to manage over 100 cities at a time? If you really want, I can look up the line in script.slc for you and tell you so you can replace 'messagebox' with 'alertbox', but I strongly advise against this...
            No need to worry, Locutus. I have found the lines and i already changed for alertbox (sorry for not using your advice and wish me luck for not getting too annoyed ). I did not changed the when units are complete only buildings and wonders. I hope this will make it much more less annoying.
            Dani if you want to give it a try too i can give a new script.slc with this changes to overwrite the original one.
            Last edited by Pedrunn; January 28, 2002, 06:34.
            "Kill a man and you are a murder.
            Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
            Kill all and you are a God!"
            -Jean Rostand


            • #7
              Re: Re: Re: Building complete?

              Originally posted by Pedrunn
              sorry for not using your advice and wish me luck for not getting too annoyed
              LOL, don't worry about that, I'm not the one getting annoyed I wish you all the luck in the world, you're gonna need it
              Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


              • #8
                Hmm...what annoys *me* about the MessageBox system is that if I click on the message, the resulting box doesn't go away when I hit forcing me to click on the (or hit ). My personal preference would be to close the window on .
                "...your Caravel has killed a Spanish Man-o-War."

