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CTP2 is off my CPU: How about you?

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  • CTP2 is off my CPU: How about you?

    With the close of the sucession games, CTP2 has been removed from my computer. I'll stick with playing Civ2 until Civ3 comes out. So, good-bye, and I hope to see you at the Civ3 forums! Playing sucession games!

    So, how about you? Is it off your CPU too?

  • #2
    off the CPU? ?
    use the correct term would you?

    Artistic and hand-made ceramics found only at


    • #3
      Hey Johnny, Thanks for your contribution to the succession games here. I'll look for you when CIV 3 gets going.

      As for taking CTP2 off my hard-drive... well, I have about 60 GB of space, so it's not hurting anything. I'll probably take it off when I buy CIV3.

      See ya around.
      - Skeeve
      My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...


      • #4
        Originally posted by Dida
        off the CPU? ?
        use the correct term would you?
        Well, I was using CPU to refer to "computer", not Central Processing Unit. But if you are really that picky,

        CTP2 is off my Hard Drive: How about you?


        • #5
          Hey jonny, in that huge mp game u were playing (succession game?) did u ever experience any difficulties like regular crashes or illigal operation such as me and my friends did. If not, what mods were u using?

          We're just about to give up on CTP2 and go back to CTP1 cause of the hassles. You have no idea how annoying it is to get halfway through the modern age and have to stop the game because of bugs.

          It is so unfortunate that such a good game like CTP2 was spoilt with all the bugs. I would have waited another two months or even paid another $30 for them to get the game right and mp perfect. A real pity


          • #6
            I've been getting the Civ bug with all the recent buzz about Civ3. I played a few games of SMAC but wanted a more civ style type game. I had bought CTP2 last november when it first came out and played it 3 times. Every game sucked for obvious reasons. So it came off my hard drive 2 weeks after I bought it and $70 later.

            Recently, at the advice of an Apolyton member I downloaded all the mods for CTP2 and re-installed the game as well as the mods (ie. CTP the way it should have been). I played up to 1400 AD and now have uninstalled this load of dung.

            With all due respect to all the hard work the moders have done this game is a lame duck! It sucked when it came out and even with all the mods it still sucks!! Sorry guys. I think all your hard work can't overcome this shoddy a product. I played on the very hard level and hadn't played it for 9 months but found it simple to beat. The AI attacked me maybe once. I was used to playing Civ2 where you try to appease the computer players just so you can survive but abandoned that because I was bored. The only thing they wanted to do was make peace (no matter how much of a jerk I was) and trade maps. When I established an embassy and traded techs with one of them I found that the computer got the tech I gave them but I got nothing. Gee great deal!!
            I could go on and on about this load of crap called CTP2 but I won't it doesn't deserve my time!! I will say that my criticism is only directed at the game itself and not the moders who worked to fix it. They did their best.

            To any CTP2 supporters out there I think you have to face reality that this game SUCKS!! It had potential but it is an unfinished disaster!!
            Thumbs up to the mod guys and a big thumbs down to Activision and the clowns who programmed this sinking heap!!!!!

            Whew that felt good!!!
            "To live again, to be.........again" Captain Kirk in some Star Trek Episode. (The one with the bad guy named Henok)
            "One day you may have to think for yourself and heaven help us all when that time comes" Some condescending jerk.


            • #7
              O.K., that's a clear opinion.

              I agree that CTP2 is not as good as civ1, civ2 or MOO2 have been in their times, but I have to say that I had some fun with it and I'm going to play it till I find a better game. I hope that this will be Civ3, but we will see.


              • #8
                There's still the option of playing with MedMod, which I might do if civ3 takes a while to get here (or i don't have spare cash to get it).

                So I'm keeping it on for the moment.
                The Civilization Gaming Network


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Taso_84
                  Hey jonny, in that huge mp game u were playing (succession game?) did u ever experience any difficulties like regular crashes or illigal operation such as me and my friends did. If not, what mods were u using?
                  Succesion games are not really MP games. You play in SP mode and just pass the file around. I didn't experience any crashes, but I only got to play twice. It was with no mods. Crashes with CTP2 were never a major problem on my system. However, I don't know if this is true for the other sucession gamers.


                  • #10
                    Would the fact that im using a laptop make it more liable to crash do u think?


                    • #11
                      I'm with you. I traded my CTP2 disc for a AOE2 one. Age of Empires is fun. I'm finally done all the campaigns in it though and am looking for user created ones. Do you guys have a sister board for that game?

                      Former SG Creative Writer


                      • #12
                        Pilfur: try for an AOE2 site.

                        Taso: I have played on a laptop a couple times and did not experience any problems there, either.


                        • #13
                          Pilfur: try for an AOE2 site. It has a forum there, and some other things.

                          Taso: I have played on a laptop a couple times and did not experience any problems there, either.


                          • #14
                            CTP2 is off my Hard Drive: How about you?

                            It is also off mine. I took it off about a month ago, and recently manually deleted all the remaining saved files etc, when I was giving my PC a "clean".

                            "Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys."
                            --P.J. O'Rourke


                            • #15
                              I never had a single problem with CtP2, but it still disappeared from my HD relatively quickly (I was not a big fan). My computer has been Craptivision free for several months now.

