MedMod2, I was surging toward a science victory, I built the Egalitarian whatever, giving me perfect happiness in my empire. 
I decide to push my advantage to the limit, starving, cheating, and working my citizens like dogs. It's good to be king.
(Happiness modifiers: -54!)
With ten turns of perfect happines, I can get enough controllers in place that all I need are a few sattellites ... I had 100k publics works stashed, so obselisks were not a major problem.
Did I say ten turns? Oops.
More like five. On turn six I was priveleged to view the loser's video, and when I saw the map EVERY SINGLE CITY
of mine had revolted and gone barbarian. WIth pollution, minimal food/wages and 14 workdays, they all had happiness under 50% -- probably averaging 20%, truth be told.
At least I went out with a bang!

I decide to push my advantage to the limit, starving, cheating, and working my citizens like dogs. It's good to be king.

(Happiness modifiers: -54!)
With ten turns of perfect happines, I can get enough controllers in place that all I need are a few sattellites ... I had 100k publics works stashed, so obselisks were not a major problem.
Did I say ten turns? Oops.

At least I went out with a bang!