Can anyone tell me (or point me at a thread) that explains the differances between CTP 1 and 2 please?
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Differances between CTP 1 and 2?
You don't have CTP2 do you. Try going to
and just search around a little. U might want to try but I don't think they have much else other than story stuff.Rmns 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." John 3:16 "For God so loved so world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever beleives in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." KJV
CTP2 has:
-better graphics
-different units, wonders, improvements and advances
-a new economic system that i persoanlly think better since it is more vital to the civ expansion
-a system of Armies wich you can control stacks much easier than ctp1
-all tiles in the city radius are worked opposed to ctp1 that each pop had a worker to work a single tile. But the city radius becomes bigger as the city grow.
- the bad part is that they drop the Space Layer since according to than was too buggy and unbalanced the game.
- More options of diplomacy.
- Multiplayer is different but i do not know how (i do not play MP)
At all is basicly this.
But the best part is
-The mods adds much more fun than ctp1 mods. Adding a whole lot of new concepts and fixing the bugs.
The modders added the concepts
-Natural Disasters
-Elite Units - Special/cultural units a civ can randomly get and be
the only one to build it (Something like Civ3 Unique Units but random)
-Wonder Units - Leaders that increase the status of a whole army under its leadership to veteran (you get after buiding a wonder)
- and much more
First, if you buy CTP2 Do never play it without mods.
We currently have four mods here
Apolyton - A total Bug fixing. Play this one if you dont want a whole buch of new things
Cradle- New tile improvments, new advances, new city improvements, new units, new wonders, Wonder units, new city graphics, new govs, Natural Disasters and a lot more all focused mainly in the ancient and medieval age. The most agressive AI anyway.
MM2- (The oldest) adding new units, new advances, new city improvements, new city graphics, new ages, new wonders, Elite Units, new govs but focused in all ages
Absolute State (The newest and my work) - new units, new city improvements, new advances, new govs, new wonders, new city graphics, new ages, Natural Disasters, Elite Units, Wonder Units. And focused in all ages. It has just been complete so it does not have a thread yet (will be created this weekend).Last edited by Pedrunn; September 14, 2001, 08:56."Kill a man and you are a murder.
Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
Kill all and you are a God!"
-Jean Rostand
THanks for all teh info. I went out and bought a copy.
First impression. Too many different tabs! Very confusing but I guess I will get used to it.
I don't understand about the workers. You don't place workers on tiles to work them? No wonder I could not get that screen to come up. I had a city exhaust it's food supply and I could not see how your could add a tile improvements and move someone onto it.
So you add a tile improvement and it does exactly what now?
Can cities expand to encompass more space than in CTP1? I don't see their boundries.
Is it worth using the Mayor function? That sure would save me a lot of time. On the city that was starving I turned it on and selected Growth. A bunch of tile improvements started showing up so I guess it was working.
Lol, I feel liks such a n00b.
Originally posted by Curley123
First impression. Too many different tabs! Very confusing but I guess I will get used to it.
Originally posted by Curley123
I don't understand about the workers. You don't place workers on tiles to work them? No wonder I could not get that screen to come up. I had a city exhaust it's food supply and I could not see how your could add a tile improvements and move someone onto it. So you add a tile improvement and it does exactly what now?
The setup works like this - in a very basic way. The computer will total up all the food/commerce/production in the ring around a city, including the additions of tile improvements - the city will then get a percentage of that total based on how many workers there are. You should fill up the inner ring of tiles with improvements before going to the outer rings. And you will have acccess to specialists, though as in any civ-game, this will reduce your capabilities elsewhere.
I do miss the worker system, but it is not a backbreaker issue for me. Personally, its nice to see it done in a different way too. I cannot fault Activision for deviating from the civ1-2 way of doing things either on many of the issues that players hold dear (like PW vs engineers/stacked vs single unit combat/caravans), because if I wanted to play civ2 I would play that instead. In fact, as you get to the mid-late game, the way CTP1-2 is set up helps take the tedium out of managing a large number of cities/armies/tile improvements/trade situations.
Originally posted by Curley123
Can cities expand to encompass more space than in CTP1? I don't see their boundries.
Originally posted by Curley123
Is it worth using the Mayor function? That sure would save me a lot of time. On the city that was starving I turned it on and selected Growth. A bunch of tile improvements started showing up so I guess it was working.
I would strongly urge that you have the most current patch 1.11 available here at Apolyton, and that you use one of the fan-created Mods that are also available, as they do fix the game, especially regarding AI issues.Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner
CTP2 is a joke. You shouldnt have wasted your money
better graphics
- More options of diplomacy, new Mplayer.
2)Diplomacy sucks. The AI DOES NOT KNOW HOW TO USE THE NEW DIPLOMACY. Try this proposal. Exchange maps for 200 gold. It will be rejected! Then counter proposal! 200 gold and a exchange of maps! ACCEPTED! What a friggin joke this game is.
another issue- Loads of Bugs. Loads of em....Mods help. But not fully.
I am not enjoying version 2 very much at all.
The interface is just too clunky. Seperate tabs for everything.
Very counter-intuative.
It's hard to tell when it's time to end your turn.
Game play is VERY slow. CTP 1 was much faster.
I do not like at all that I have no ability to place my workers.
When I want to use PW the total points I currently have are not displayed in the screen that I use to place the improvements. Lame I say, lame.
I just don't feel I am in control. Information is hidden across several tab screens and to keep up on that information you have to look at them all each turn.
From what I have seen of the AI it is a joke. Units that should be Stealth are chased all over the screen and killed as soon as they stop.
I wish I could send this back. No wonder places like EB world don't carry it. They would have a high percentage of returns.
Originally posted by Curley123
Game play is VERY slow. CTP 1 was much faster.
I do not like at all that I have no ability to place my workers.
When I want to use PW the total points I currently have are not displayed in the screen that I use to place the improvements. Lame I say, lame.
From what I have seen of the AI it is a joke. Units that should be Stealth are chased all over the screen and killed as soon as they stop.
Get a mod as fast as you can. The modders already made a lot of improvments in the AI.
Get the apolyton Pack to have this issue fixed without changing the game.Last edited by Pedrunn; September 21, 2001, 11:20."Kill a man and you are a murder.
Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
Kill all and you are a God!"
-Jean Rostand
Originally posted by Curley123
It's hard to tell when it's time to end your turn.
The game is not very good really, but it might be worth sticking with if you an find a way to make it fun.Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
"I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis
Where can I get a mod?
>>The game is not very good really, but it might be worth sticking with if you an find a way to make it fun.
Grrr, I play these games to have fun. I don't want to have to work at looking for a reason to like the game.
Oh well, October the Dark Age of Camelot is coming out and Civ3 on the 16th.
Between those two I don't think I will have time to force myself to play, trying in a desperate attempt to find some element of gameplay that is enjoyable.
Did anyone actually playtest this thing? I see a big list of people that got credit in the manual but damm...
Originally posted by Curley123
Where can I get a mod?- MedMod2 - Widely heralded as the saviour of CtP2. It failed, but did introduce loads of new concepts, improved the AI a little, enhanced the tech tree, added units, like MedMod for CtP really...
Get it here - Cradle of Civilization - Mod for the ancient age primarily. Probably has the best AI in terms of aggression and decision making. Added units, new concepts, see the readme thread, and get it here.
- Apolyton Pack - combination of the above two's data files. The basic game is the same, but the bugs are fixed, the AI improved etc.
- Absolute State - New mod, combination of the above two. Includes the best features of them all I think, but no playtesting has been done yet...
The game is not very good really, but it might be worth sticking with if you an find a way to make it fun.
Grrr, I play these games to have fun. I don't want to have to work at looking for a reason to like the game.
Did anyone actually playtest this thing? I see a big list of people that got credit in the manual but damm...Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
"I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis
- MedMod2 - Widely heralded as the saviour of CtP2. It failed, but did introduce loads of new concepts, improved the AI a little, enhanced the tech tree, added units, like MedMod for CtP really...
I have been a civ type gamer forever. I really really enjoy these games. However...
I don't like Civ II. I have started quite a few games and just can't force myself to finish even one.
THe interface and game play is absollutly horrid. I like some of the ideas but OMG, they in no way make up for all the things that I do NOT like.
I have looked on the Activision site and they do not seem to have a feedback area. Imagine that.
Anyone got a e-mail address for them?
Yeah, I know it won't do any good but it will make me feel better about wasting money on this product.
Re: Differances between CTP 1 and 2?
Originally posted by Curley123
Can anyone tell me (or point me at a thread) that explains the differances between CTP 1 and 2 please?
-CTP2 is fun MODING
1) CTP2 is less finished (than CTP1)
2) CTP2 is poorly balanced
3) CTP2 has bad AI
4) CTP2 has no Hotseat of PBEM
5) CTP2 Multiplayer is unstable
6) CTP2 has worse interface than CTP1
Still, you can fix 1), 2), 3) by mods