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Tile production questions

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  • Tile production questions

    I have a couple of questions on production from tiles.

    1. Does the square where you build your city produce anything? If not, then I take it that it's a waste to put it on a good production square (say, with a river running through it) and better to put it on something that would produce less but have better defense.

    2. If an enemy fortifies a unit on one of my production squares, does that limit production in the same way as in Civ1/Civ2?
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  • #2
    1) City tiles automatically produce whatever resources are available, and auto upgrade tiles e.g road becomes railroad in the city square.

    2) Aint got a clue. Although Ive got a fiver says productions reduced.


    • #3
      1. Yes, you get more production on that tile, you also get more food, and more gold.

      2. I'm not sure, but I think they don't affect it. The best way to test this would be to use cheat mode and place a unit then look at the numbers before and after you place the unit.


      • #4
        1. Yes, you get more production on that tile, you also get more food, and more gold.

        2. I'm not sure, but I think they don't affect it. The best way to test this would be to use cheat mode and place a unit then look at the numbers before and after you place the unit.

