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need some advice on science

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  • need some advice on science

    I played through for my first time on medium difficulty. Taking over the world was easy as hell since my advances were ahead of the AI, but I was still way behind in science compared to the year. I didn't have the internet until 2026 or something which means I didn't have the computer advance until about 20 or so turns before that. My other advances also seemed to come later than they should have.

    I had to rush to get through and get most of the genetic and diamond age between 2150 and 2250 and I was only able to do it because I cranked the science on just about all of my 60 some cities to the max.

    What the hell am I doing wrong?

    Another question, does anyone have an idea of what the major differences are between the difficulty levels?

  • #2
    I had the same problem when playing on impossible. I don't think you're doing anything wrong. Perhaps it's inexperience or something. Try again. I know at least one thing you could have done... RUSH the internet wonder. At least you would get the science bonus earlier.

    My reach exceeds my grasp!
    [This message has been edited by Skeeve (edited March 24, 2001).]
    My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...


    • #3
      Method 1:

      You need lots of gold for high science, so right from the very start you should set wages as low as possible and also build gold enhancing improvements like bazaar, bank, broker etc. My first wonder is always pyramids since it gives gold bonus forever. On impossible this gets me to diamond age by mid 1900's.

      Method 2:

      Get friendly with a high science civ (check out the rankings graph to find which one) and forge a science pact. For a bit you have to buy the advances off them but after a while they give them to you. This especially works well on impossible since AI gets ridiculous science bonuses (like, they discover an advance once every 2 or 3 turns without even having a big economy) and so you can reap the benefits. I've got to the diamond age by this method in about 1750. Once the civ's usefulness expires you can wipe them out.

      Hope this helps


      • #4
        Heres what works for me. Build arristotle. Also build Galileos wonder in a city with allot of ocean and forest. Then build ports and drilling platforms on every icean square and trading post on the forest squares. Then dedicate its production to science structures,(university, academy). This will give you over 2000 science in this one city early game. This should boost your science considerably.
        [This message has been edited by me_irate (edited April 07, 2001).]
        [This message has been edited by me_irate (edited April 07, 2001).]


        • #5
          Try this - build anything that improves COMMERCE on every available tile (set PW @30-40%), build all the science wonders, build all the happiness wonders - so you can cut wages to next to nothing and have more commerce left over. Try to get horse riding early (trading post) then monarchy (higher science allowed), cut food if you can to encourage more pop growth - more workers=more resources. Repeat & upgrade.
          "Don't know exactly where I am"

