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Population in CTP2

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  • Population in CTP2

    I have the largest civ in the world right now. 32 cities averaging 25 in size. I look at my civ population.

    7 million?????

    I have 32 cities nearly maxing out and I have less than the current pop of NYC in the real world????

    I check Washington DC my largest (33)

    Thirty thousand.

    The suburb I grew up in has more than 30,000!!! AND IT"S A "BEDROOM COMMUNITY!!!"

  • #2
    At this rate, NYC would be size 6600!


    • #3

      Originally posted by claytonres on 01-07-2001 12:39 AM
      I check Washington DC my largest (33)

      Thirty thousand.

      The suburb I grew up in has more than 30,000!!! AND IT"S A "BEDROOM COMMUNITY!!!"

      Actually, each citizen is 10000, which means your Washington D.C. is actually 330,000. But I agree that the population in all the civ-type games is kinda screwy...
      No Information Provided


      • #4
        Yeah, I've brought this up before.
        The original CTP had the population increase with the technological age.

        But even then the modern age populations were never enough (this was the same with Civ2)- take the UK as an example. It has 58 million people, yet there has been no Civ game to date that would be able to fit this number of people in on the British Isles.

        "We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills, we shall never surrender!" -Winston Churchill

        "Gotta love me"- Baby, Dinosaurs


        • #5
          And besides that, I don't think the population is very alive in CTP2, or any other Civ-game for that matter. They always react the same to my actions, in a monarchy, in a democracy; you name it. They do not move from city to city, they do not seem to work (isn't it a bit strange that assigning farmers is optional?), they do not mind if I change from Republic to Fascism, even if it is all going well in the Republic. There are a few turns of anarchy, but no one seems to get unhappy. The American people are the same as the Zulu people; only the leaders are somewhat different. The people are just not alive!
          Chickens are not gay!


          • #6
            The problem with making the Americans different to the Zulus it will quickly get the game branded as racist.

            I do agree with you though, but no Civ game seems to have achieved what you suggest.

            "We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills, we shall never surrender!" -Winston Churchill

            "Gotta love me"- Baby, Dinosaurs


            • #7
              Yeah, the population is not accurate in Civ games. I remember in Civ 2 when you had an empire that covered half the planet, and still end up with a mere 36 Million in the population department.


              • #8
                There is a spot in the scoring for cities that have over 5 million people or size 500. Does anyone even know hoe to break 60?


                • #9

                  Originally posted by fatboy76 on 01-09-2001 05:34 PM
                  There is a spot in the scoring for cities that have over 5 million people or size 500. Does anyone even know hoe to break 60?

                  I spent a day working on the same problem....45 cities stuck at population 60. I was going for the science victory, but also couldn't figure out how to get the Gaia Controller going...but that's for a different post.


                  • #10
                    Ok, just pretend that a city size of 1 is really 50,000 or some other number. It doesn't really have an impact on the game itself unless you consider score. If you alter the numbers so that the population would seem larger then you would have to decrease the value of each population to maintain balance in scoring. You could make these types of comparisons all day long to complain about the game. Size isn't right, time table isn't right (should it take decades to build one unit?). The average consumer doesn't have the computer power to scale the game to real life. The game would also move too slow and would lose its entertainment value.


                    • #11
                      I hardly think restoring the population values of CTP1 will make the game lose entertainment value.

                      "We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills, we shall never surrender!" -Winston Churchill

                      "Gotta love me"- Baby, Dinosaurs


                      • #12
                        All Im talking about is that if you kling on the scoreing tab in the rank menu then you will see a spot that says 1,000,000<=Cities<5,000,000 as well as a spot for cities with over 5 millin pop. But the highest anyone has ever gotten is 600,000. I wonder why there is a spot for cities this large if it is impossible to creat them. Im assuming that the players dont know somthing rather activision goofed. I dont know why. So what I want to know is there a way for cities to exceede 600,000 people?


                        • #13
                          Actually, I find it far more probable that Activision goofed than that all the players in this thread are unable to figure out how to accomplish something.

                          Big Dave

                          Do the Vatican police speak Pig Latin?
                          Any flames in this message are solely in the mind of the reader.


                          • #14
                            The citysize0X.txt files all top out at 60, for reasons I can't understand. They look like the lists of the various 'levels' of city radius size, but I don't know what the effects of altering the last 'level' from 60 to, say, 250 would be.

                            There are several files, each with the same numbers. Does each one belong to a specific age? (Classical, Modern, Genetic, etc.) Do they belong to different game levels? (Easy, Hard, etc.) DO they belong to different governments?

                            If someone wants to test this, feel free and let us know! If you can't get a city over size 60, why bother spacing them out real far?


                            • #15
                              Maybe thats how they decided to sort out the 'bigger is always better' problem

                              I got a horrible shock when all my cities reached 60- how realistic is it that all cities STOP GROWING at exactly the same population?

                              "We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills, we shall never surrender!" -Winston Churchill

                              "Gotta love me"- Baby, Dinosaurs

