When I click on an enmy city or enemy army, nothing has been shown. So I dont know what units are an enemy's army are composed of. And I can't know how many units are in the enemy city. So I always save the game when I attack an enemy city or army. Isn' it awkward?
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Urgent Issue!
Urgent Issue!
When I click on an enmy city or enemy army, nothing has been shown. So I dont know what units are an enemy's army are composed of. And I can't know how many units are in the enemy city. So I always save the game when I attack an enemy city or army. Isn' it awkward?
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Oh what a beautiful phrase " it's not a bug it's a feature " sorry couldn't resist it but yeah you're not meant to see that's cheatingDestruction is a lot easier than construction. The guy who operates a wrecking ball has a easier time than the architect who has to rebuild the house from the pieces.--- Immortal Wombat.
When you put mouse cursor on enemy army, in the bottom right of the screen shows up terrain type, constructions, productions, ... and finally th firsts units of the enemy army... the problem is when they have 4~12 unitsThen you have to use kamikase units!!