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Playing the Game

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  • Playing the Game

    Does anyone actually play the game for the sake of building an empire? I myself play Call to Power because it is a great source of, dare I say it, role-playing. I love the feel of starting an empire and watching it grow through the ages, having wars and expanding it's borders to become a great power. Of the posts I've read, it seems that people just want to win, get first place in the shortest amount of time. I like to sit back and experience the game. If a city falls to a rival, I feel sorry for my people and strive to take revenge(it's always those blasted Americans)on my enemy. I don't know. I'm just a 13 year old who likes the feeling of power, I guess. Please reply

  • #2
    I don't normally go for the quick win, either.
    I'm not so attached to my 'citizens' as you are, but I like to see the progression of the empire through the various ages and see the changes in improvements and units.

    I like to play games that actually end in the last few years of the game for that purpose.

    phoenixcager of the Civgaming Network.
    Visit the CGN forums.


    • #3
      I play that game to have fun ...
      it is real funny to compare the technological stage of
      my empire (and other empires) and the history of earth, especially if playing on earth map...
      I played on Very hard:

      400 AD: entered Renaissance Age (with Banking)
      1000 AD: conquered a civ with Calvary and cannons
      1400 AD: enterd industial age
      2000 AD: researched the whole tech tree, every space
      of my empire filled with the best Tileimprovement there
      is (Sea: Autom Fisheries, Land: Conservation, Mountain: Mega Mines. about 30 cities, colonised North and south America)


      • #4
        This game for me like all others is more than a beat them up and rule the world, for me it's the feeling that I can control a "nation" of "people" and do what I want with them. If I hate a specific city, I'll give it to my neighbour and bomb it.... hey it makes me happy some days... dam exams. But then there's other days where I just want to see how my civ compares to the real world make up... example is the colonization scenario that I'm playing all the time these days. And amazingly the American Indians are a pain in the ass to destory unlike the real world. Reality gaming does have it's advantages, but a nice romp-stomp boot up the a$$ is also a nice way to pass a day.


        • #5
          I was just hoping that some people liked to play the the game for what it is(an empire-building game where you take your lowly peons through the ages)rather than as just a game you have to beat Thanks

