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Patch 1.1, List of Fixes

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  • Patch 1.1, List of Fixes

    thanks to Activision, i got this list of fixes which are included in the 1.1 patch and doesnt seem to have been posted yet(at least in this detail)...

    * Fixed corrupted save game bug
    * Fixed random civ chooser for scenarios (world map)
    * Fixed autosave directory name for scenarios to match normal directory.
    * Increased animation queue to 12, making unit-in-wrong-place bug less likely
    * Always terminate a unit's sound effects when it dies
    * Set cell owner when cheating tile improvements
    * UnitSpeed and MouseSpeed removed from advanced options (available elsewhere in options)
    * Incremented save file version to force string reload for old games.
    * Added missing contextual info to several messages
    * Added auto-center for bombardment
    * Fixed lawsuits against franchises
    * Prevented cities from revolting twice in a row (so if you have the wonder that gives you revolting cities, you'll at least have a chance to hold onto them)
    * Added sanity check on city styles (avoids crash when settling in Alexander)
    * Fixed movement point propagation for settlers from disbanded cities in network games with 3+ players
    * Can't rush buy capitalization/infrastructure
    * Fixed feat propagation in network games
    * Fixed difficulty choice in scenarios
    * Setting research goal to something already researched clears the goal.
    * Trade routes are revalidated when loading a saved game. Sort of fixes a problem seen only once where a city lost track of its routes. Unknown how it happened to begin with.
    * Fixed active defense movement checks so that land defenders work.
    * Added extra checks to disable science victory in network games
    * Enabled access to database values from SLIC
    * Added about 40 SLIC functions, mostly related to diplomacy (has no effect on any existing scripts)
    * Fixed scenarios that allow players other than player 1 to be played
    * Fixed crash bug caused by launching editor, generating goods, exiting, and moving a unit.
    * Added check for clear queue actions from clients received after they lost the city to another player
    * Fixed nuking cities in network games - sometimes left a stale reference to the dead city around.
    * Fixed propagation of city defensive bonus in net games
    * Made sure diplomatic proposals in network games execute at the same point on every machine.
    * Network object bookkeeping gets cleared when exiting a game (exiting and rejoining occasionally left something lying around, resulting in a resync not long after joining)
    * Disabled restart key in net games
    * Fixed science tax being one percent lower than it was supposed to be (didn't happen on every machine)
    * Fixed display of turns for cap/inf
    * Fixed message tab to always show newest messages
    * Leave embargo button enabled when cancelled
    * Diplomatic proposals/responses sent from UI get the highest priority possible so that the AI won't override them
    * Added version label to shell
    * Fixed auto-selection of currently researching advance on science chooser

  • #2
    For the next patch (if there is one) I would like to see following list:

    * Fixed AI so that it outsmarts any human player on impossible difficult setting
    * Fixed Messageinterface so that the message open function is a toggle between open and close. Left click opens, left click closes, left click opens...... . Right click deletes is untouched.
    * Fixed ZoomEye so that the zoomed city gets selected instead of just centering the map
    * Fixed general AI behaviour so that it reacts more on dangers. For example threatening him with lots of subs and being a real pain in the ass causes the AI to build counter-sub units. Or bombarding one and the same city for more than 5 turns with Stealthbombers or normal bombers causes the AI to build ActiveAirDefense Units such as Destroyers and MobileSAM.
    * Fixed "Leave my land" option in diplomacy so that any Units currently in borders must leave land within 3 turns and if still in, will be sent to the next tile outside borders or the treaty is violated.
    * Fixed Design-bug that caravans get lost when canceling a trade route.
    * Fixed not having implemented Counter-Bombardment Bug by implementing it.
    * Fixed not having implemented ActiveBombardment Bug so that Artillery actively bombards Units that pass by.
    * Fixed bug that all Bombard Units of a Stack bombard a target even though it is destroyed already after the first unit finished its bombardment.
    * Fixed not having implemented Half-Of-Movement-Points-Used-Up Feature for Air units, which comes in Handy a lot of times
    * Fixed Credits Bug for not showing Atahualpa!! We considered this top-priority!!!! The problem was that fonts with size larger than 200 were not displayed.
    * Fixed Bug to reduce gameplay and make the game worse so that people can go on with their lives
    * Fixed "Lt John-not-appearing-on-forums-anymore" Bug
    * Added very aggressive AI behaviour so that it gets real mad when you take his cities and wants them back under all circumstances and uses all means (being very nice to you and then attacking you surprisingly...) to reach this goal!!!
    * Tweaked Pollution stats
    * Tweaked some units
    * Added auto-plane for paratroopers so that you dont have to ship them in with a cargo helicopter.
    * tweaked money system so that you dont get 15,000 each turn on hard difficulty with corporate republic
    * optimized code so that now the game runs well on a P90 with 16 MB Ram.
    * Added a better feeling when you have achieved something. We found out simple text boxes were not enough. For example you get graphical notification when you got an advance (like in Civ1) and when you conquered a city (like in Civ1).
    * 10 new Scenarios have been made available: WWI, WWII (europe), WWII (pacific), WWII (world), American Civil War, Vietnam War, War of Independence, Rise of Rome, Conquest of the New World. All would have been a whole year of work but since we hired 1,000 people we could do it in a month.
    * A whole load of new maps is available for download
    * Added recording option for Network games
    * Added Summary option for all games that gives you a summary of the most important things that happened. And can then be posted here.
    * Added psychological chat bots, when you are bored

    Now what are you waiting for? Christmas?
    [This message has been edited by Atahualpa (edited December 18, 2000).]


    • #3

      Originally posted by Atahualpa on 12-18-2000 06:32 PM
      * Fixed Design-bug that caravans get lost when canceling a trade route.
      i think that's a feature, not a bug

      * Fixed not having implemented Counter-Bombardment Bug by implementing it.
      * Fixed not having implemented ActiveBombardment Bug so that Artillery actively bombards Units that pass by.
      these are too features(that are not in), not bugs...

      all in all, you dont ask much


      • #4
        Its not often that I give Activision a break .. but its about time that software companies stopped pretending they've only added new functionality in patches .. and at last, they have given us a complete list of fixes (bugs and all)... well done Activision.

        However, im suprised not to see the following (in this priority)

        * Removed code which forces NonRandomCivs to equal yes when starting on beginner or easy ..
        * HOTSEAT game, so I can destroy my brother in-law
        * Let user pick CD tracks from within a game !
        * Let user select if they want to use message tab or side icons as in ctp1 ..
        * Track 11 plays as part of the random track selection.

        OK, a little more asphetic than previous list .. but for me, thats whats lacking at the moment.

        Patch 1.2 maybe ??

        "Wherever wood floats, you will find the British" . Napoleon
        "Wherever wood floats, you will find the British" . Napoleon


        • #5

          Originally posted by The Viceroy on 12-19-2000 03:13 AM
          * Let user pick CD tracks from within a game !
          you can already do this

          * Let user select if they want to use message tab or side icons as in ctp1 ..
          dont think this is something that can de done in a patch...


          • #6

            How ? Ive seen no option during a game which allows me to change tracks ??

            As for the Icons, why not ? Its just a code change/addition .. if you can add Hotseat functionality, why not the message code from CTP1 (with tweaking of course).. Im a programmer, and Id have no problems patching any major change to my code, im sure Activision are capable of this.

            "Wherever wood floats, you will find the British" . Napoleon
            "Wherever wood floats, you will find the British" . Napoleon


            • #7


              • #8

                Originally posted by The Viceroy on 12-19-2000 03:13 AM
                * Let user pick CD tracks from within a game !

                You can definately do this. Look on the menu you get when you hit ESC.

                * Track 11 plays as part of the random track selection.

                I'm not 100% positive about this one, but I'm pretty sure it works fine. Remember that track 11 on the disc is track 10 in the menus, because Track 1 is data, and will never play as an audio track.



                • #9
                  Press "play" on your CD drive to switch tracks


                  Originally posted by The Viceroy on 12-19-2000 08:06 AM

                  How ? Ive seen no option during a game which allows me to change tracks ??


                  • #10

                    * Let user select if they want to use message tab or side icons as in ctp1 ..
                    dont think this is something that can de done in a patch...[/quote]

                    This is something that i'm missing terribly from the first game, when you have an empire of more than 50 citys and you hear the message "building complete", you think to yourself: "ok, now where the hell is the city where the building was complete". It's just much of a drag trying to find the city (or citys) with the yellow letters in a gigantic map.


                    • #11
                      I think these things need to be fixed

                      - In my multiplayer game my friend gets 4000 science per turn even though is the CIV manger it says only 900
                      note: NOCD Patch installed

                      - Your should be able to build roads outside ur territory

                      - Retreat button is gone in multiplayer games


                      • #12

                        I would like to know if is it too dificult to implement a diferent type of border. You should have borders expanding when city influence expands. Also, if outside your border is nowhere land ... you should be able to build tile improvements and ... enlarge the border acordingly.

                        Ohhh ... I noticed one thing that no one has talked about... Perhaps it's the game I'm playing ... when I load a previously saved game, after moving all the units in a turn, I get all the movement points back to my units and get more PW and Gold, as if a turn had passed. Is this the corrupted save game files I have heard?

                        Oh ... I am playing in a Scenario I created ... and I don't get the throne room animations ... are they gone? Could you put them back?

                        I support the need for a better "Leave my lands" treaty, I asked for other civ's to leave my lands, they accepted but their units kept their positions on the next turn... asked them again to leave , they accepted... but they don't leave ... well sometimes they do... but usually they don't, the only way to stop the trespass is to deal the situation acordingly ... eheh with brute force, by declaring war and killing everybody.... of course with a diplomatic penalty . The 3 turns thing someone proposed in this thread should be fine.



                        • #13

                          Originally posted by FALVES on 12-19-2000 07:45 PM
                          It's just much of a drag trying to find the city (or citys) with the yellow letters in a gigantic map.
                          open up the national manager and see which city has "empty" in the column showing what it is building


                          • #14
                            Thanks Pyaray .. I will try that out tonight
                            [This message has been edited by The Viceroy (edited December 20, 2000).]
                            "Wherever wood floats, you will find the British" . Napoleon


                            • #15

                              Can we get a little more clarification or info on this item?

                              * Fixed scenarios that allow players other than player 1 to be played
                              CtPMaps (Hosted by Apolyton)

