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Fed up...I want an answer

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  • #16
    Hey listen, I don't mind people being rude but if you are going to be rude about a post here, LEAVE it within theb subject. I DID not vary from the initial post, when Scorpion59 made a direct stab at me for no apparent reason. Further more, MidKnight Lament followed this trend by implying that I had contradicted Skorpuion59 where my comment was made 'not' because of what he said but because of

    MrLen, 4 out of 4!
    I think AH just lost his spot.

    At no time have I tried to vary from the original post but to defend myself against low comments, and it's only natural to speak to idiots like they ARE an idiot!
    It seems to me Floris O, that not only are you an idiot but you are following a trend which makes you a sheep. Also your facts a shot because you are replying to a comment that was a reply that was taken out of context.
    As for you MidKnight Lament,

    That's because you said something stupid and inflammitory, which is obviously the main reason you're here. It's also why you're not worth arguing with, and why I'm going to leave it here.

    That is a contradiction within a contradiction.
    Can all you sheep get out of each others a$$es and get back to the original post please.
    I am sorry D4everman, lets try again...

    I'd just like to know if activision has any plans to create a 2nd patch. you know, one to resolve the issues that have been bandied about in these forums. I've checked here almost every dau for weeks and I see niether hide nor hair of an activision response.
    So Activision, or Mr. Ogre or whatever heres what I can either sit back in the comfort that you've promised a good game, made a rather mediocre one and taken our money. I'm not accusing you of anything but if thats true than I have no other recourse but to label you a thief. Understand that I paid REAL money for this game and your AI is laughable.


    You can respond to this forum and at least let us know you're working on these issues. If thats the case I'd say you're doing what you can, you didn't mean to make the AI and other issues so lackluster, but you're living up to the obligations of the fans.

    Then again you may never respond. I don't think I'll be buying another activision product in this life if not. I had to order this game because the local PX didn't carry it. If I don't hear news of a patch reasonably soon I'll be suggesting to AAFES not to carry Acrtivision products at all. (and don't scoff...the military usually will ban products that they deem unfair.)

    It's better to close your mouth and let everyone 'think' you're stupid, than open it and let everyone 'know' you are. - Webmaster & Pagebuilder Community
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    • #17
      Ok, ok .... by the way this thread is going, you would think that the purchasers of CTP2 are angry with each other and not Activision

      Maybe I'm giving Activision the benefit of the doubt by actually believing that they will "eventually" come out with a second "viable" patch to this game. However squabbling amongst each other is not solving anything.

      Yes, it would be nice if we heard from an Activision official letting us know that they are working on a second patch...How about it Activision?

      As for me, my main gripe with the game is the broken multiplayer option of the game (I enjoy playing with/against other human players - even with the idiotic AIs)

      I know that there is a special area for multiplay problems, however, a lot of the multiplay problems are also in the single game. For anyone who's interested, I've posted my findings and general feelings about CTP2 in the multiplay area under the thread started by gp3 - Multiplayer Fixed? I think NOT.

      So, why can't we keep our posts to the problems being encountered with the game and stop trying to get a "one-ups-man" on each others comments?


      • #18
        I don't have Ctp2, but I've played Ctp quite alot and still do actually. I just recently got Wes's medieval mod pack to work and it has made a world of a differense to the game. Hasn't he made a mod pack for Ctp2 as well? If he has I would suggest you all try it out...
        Of course I agree that the game should work propably from the beginning, but the constant bickering about it won't make anything happen, we just have to accept the situation as it is and come up with the best we can, eh?
        You know the question, just as I did.
        What is the matrix?


        • #19
          Was it really necessary to continue with it? Are you any better yourself in doing so?

          It's better to close your mouth and let everyone 'think' you're stupid, than open it and let everyone 'know' you are.
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          • #20
            Okay....This is kind of hard for me so please bwar with me. I'm not used to apologizing. A fault, for sure, but there it is.
            I wrote the original post when I was tired angry and not feeling well. Thats not an excuse. I was out of line. I really do want Activision to fix things and I apologize to Mr, Ogre if i've offended him. I'm not sucking up or giving in, I'm saying I was wrong to phrase things the way I did and to causde so much unrest in the forum.

            Please accept my apology. I want us all to be friends. Again, to all, i'm sorry. I'll try not to be a hothead in the future.

            "I know nobody likes me...why do we have to have Valentines Day to emphasize it?"- Charlie Brown


            • #21
              Oh, and MrLen...I AM NOT a troll. that kind of hurt my feelings.

              (But they I get knocked down, but i get up again....)

              "I know nobody likes me...why do we have to have Valentines Day to emphasize it?"- Charlie Brown


              • #22

                Originally posted by D4everman on 01-09-2001 05:13 PM
                I wrote the original post when I was tired angry and not feeling well. Thats not an excuse. I was out of line.

                For God sake, dont apologize! You didnt use any profane language, did you? And no threats either.


                • #23

                  Originally posted by D4everman on 01-09-2001 05:13 PM
                  Please accept my apology. I want us all to be friends. Again, to all, i'm sorry. I'll try not to be a hothead in the future.


                  Err, we'll have less of that if you don't mind!

                  Stand your ground man and demand yer right's! We don't want any backing down round here.


                  • #24

                    Oh, and MrLen...I AM NOT a troll. that kind of hurt my feelings.
                    (But they I get knocked down, but i get up again....)

                    Hey, that's funny. Sorry, but you miss understood me. I was reffering to Mr Ogre... (Get it? Troll, Ogre/ Ogre, Troll?
                    Awwww, now I feel so bad
                    Lets all have a group hug for D4everman
                    *hehe* Just kiddin dude, take it easy

                    It's better to close your mouth and let everyone 'think' you're stupid, than open it and let everyone 'know' you are.
           - Webmaster & Pagebuilder Community
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                    • #25
                      What I meant by my apology Ralf, is the way I said what I said was wrong. It was kind of inflammatory and thats not usually the way I "speak" to people. I believe in the content of what I said, I just wish I had phrased it a little more diplomatically. Well, gotta go to work....

                      "I know nobody likes me...why do we have to have Valentines Day to emphasize it?"- Charlie Brown


                      • #26
                        And everyone's friends again.

                        Awwwww, what a moment.

                        - MKL
                        "And a sun that doesn't set but settles" - Augie March
                        Shameless Plug: ............. All welcome.
                        - mkl


                        • #27

                          Originally posted by skorpion59 on 01-06-2001 06:51 PM

                          Gee, if I was Mr Ogre I would sure respond to this...NOT!

                          First, Mr Ogre is here on his time for our benefit. He doesn't have to do this at all.

                          Second, Mr Ogre has no control over what gets done nor in what time frame.

                          Third and most important, Mr Ogre is on a much needed vacation. That is why he is not around.

                          MrLen, 4 out of 4!
                          I think AH just lost his spot.

                          Hey I'm sure Mr. Ogre is on a well deserved vacation. But, is he the only Activision representative? What happened to that Pay... (I call him Mr P) from way back when. You are right. They do not need to respond to anything on this site. And everyone on this site and others could 'boycott' thier damn games too!. Then they could all find a real jobs!

                          But, seriously...most everyone on this site has voiced legitment suggestions and/or problems. Many have already 'forked up' the 50 bucks or more. They deserve some legitiment communication with the 'honchos' so they may know that their voices and feelings are being heard. I have not purchased CTP2. It is missing an option which is critical (or crucial) to me (Hot Seat). Activision's lack of semi-regular response to this site (a site which is as well prepared, versed and large as this one with so many 'visitors') really moves me furthter away from ever buying this or any other games of theirs.

                          They need not respond every day. Review all the various messages and respond with concise answers (if possible) once or twice a month. tough could that be? Most of us are smart enough to know that they cannot fix every problems over-night or implement every idea submitted to them.

                          I they want respect from their customers....they should treat their customers with respect. And amazingly enough, many of their customers vistit this site reguarly.


                          • #28

                            Originally posted by Mike the Nuke on 01-15-2001 11:17 PM

                            What happened to that Pay... (I call him Mr P) from way back when. You are right. They do not need to respond to anything on this site. And everyone on this site and others could 'boycott' thier damn games too!. Then they could all find a real jobs!

                            I assume you mean me, that would be Pyaray. Well, I still read the posts, and every now and then reply. But I'll tell you the main reason that I haven't replied lately, I don't work for Activision anymore. I just left quietly and didn't make a post about it, because I moved on to other things. You'll notice I don't have the Activision tag on my posting anymore either. Nor have my last few posts had that. So I can't give you any kind of "official answer" that you're asking for. But I'll give you some insider information into the industry as a whole, below...


                            Activision's lack of semi-regular response to this site (a site which is as well prepared, versed and large as this one with so many 'visitors') really moves me furthter away from ever buying this or any other games of theirs.

                            I they want respect from their customers....they should treat their customers with respect. And amazingly enough, many of their customers vistit this site reguarly.

                            I have now worked for 5 different game companies, 3 of them in the top 10 companies. Out of those 5 companies, 3 of them (well 2.5 of them, one company changed there stance) have told me in no uncertain terms that I am NOT allowed to post to public forums regarding the development of the games I work on. So the fact that Activision allowed us to post, and even somewhat encouraged it, is actually a good thing, and they shouldn't be criticised at all for that fact. If you take a good long look at most game companies, I bet you'd find very few developers actually post at all, and of the ones that do post for the most part it's a PR or marketing person who does all the postings. You're not going to get technical information from those people, simply because they don't have it. Activision should really be commended for there reasonably open stance on such things.

                            Now all that said, I don't have any answers at all for you regarding any of your questions, nor could I answer them due to conflicts of interest, and the fact that I no longer work there. All I was attempting to do with this post is shed some light that they really are much better about posting than they are getting credit for. And that most of the other companies I have worked for have been much worse about it.



                            • #29

                              Originally posted by Mike the Nuke on 01-15-2001 11:17 PM
                              But, is he the only Activision representative?
                              there was never anyone from activision as "representative" here. that would mean that posting here would be continuous and that it would be part of his job.
                              the developers how posted here did it at free will and on their free time...


                              • #30
                                And unfortunately, I don't recall anyone thanking Activision staff who did post replies here. I'm guilty of that too, so let me say - thanks towards all Activision staff who may have posted here.
                                A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.

