Well, here's the one you've been waiting for!
I would like to introduce the new Diplomacy/Frenzy mod. Written by Dale (diplomacy) and BlueO (frenzy).
I need someone with a website to host it for me, I don't have one. Here's the readme.txt for a teaser.
// Diplomacy/Frenzy script AI for CTP2
// Diplomacy by Dale
// Frenzy by BlueOrange
// Other MODS by Dale
// Finished: 14-Jan-2001
// Free for public use and modification
readme.txt - This file
ctp2_data\default\aidata\diplomacy.txt - Updated diplomacy models
ctp2_data\default\aidata\Goals.txt - Updated goals
ctp2_data\default\aidata\ImprovementLists.txt - Updated improvement lists
ctp2_data\default\aidata\strategies.txt - Updated strategies
ctp2_data\default\aidata\UnitBuildLists.txt - Updated unit lists
ctp2_data\default\gamedata\diplofrenzy.slc - SLIC script for changes
1 - Unzip files to Call to Power 2 install directory.
2 - Open ctp2_data\default\aidata\script.slc in notepad.
3 - Change #include "diplomacy.slc" (at end of script) to #include "diplofrenzy.slc"
(I have included new eventhandlers for the ones in diplomacy.slc)
4 - PLAY!
1 - New diplomacy models for AI to AI and AI to HUMAN interaction.
- AI will not by default refuse another AI's proposal.
- AI has higher priorities for making proposals. This makes the AI make proposals.
- AI's with same governments are more likely to become friendly.
- AI's of different governments will be more neutral.
- AI/Human interaction will be more agressive/demanding.
- AI's in FRENZY will only consider/respond to Cease-fire treaties.
- Increased AI priority to build embassys with others.
- AI will build slightly more diplomats.
2 - BlueOrange's FRENZY script.
- Implemented into new diplomacy model.
- Changed so possible to return from FRENZY level 4.
- In FRENZY, AI's will consider a cease-fire (returning them to normal diplomacy and FRENZY level 0)
- Changed HateLevel so FRENZY level 1 begins at 15. (This allows normal diplomacy from AI when all you have is a
border skirmish)
3 - Other changes I saw as nice ones.
- AI will build cities in 'nicer' areas.
- AI will defend cities with more units.
- Increased road desirability. (Causes slightly more roads to be built by AI)
- Increased maximum amount of special units build by AI. (Needed so AI could build diplomats)
1 - Increase AI timeslices in const.txt.
2 - Play on larger maps. My diplomacy model works better on them.
3 - Don't play with an un-modified version of CTP2, it's no challange.
After playing a couple of games with the new models in force I noticed the following:
1 - AI's will now generate positive regard for other AI's (increasing likelihood of treaties/alliances)
2 - Due to internal programming settings of the game, it is actually pretty hard for an AI to have a treaty with another AI.
The problem lies in that to consider a treaty an AI is not allowed to have been in a square controlled by the considering AI
for at least 5 turns. Knowing how the AI plays (roaming through your area and fortifying units near you) this becomes a slim
chance. However, I found the bigger the map, the better this chance is. Especially for AI's that are on opposite sides of
the map. So, though it didn't occur very often, a treaty can exist to the best that SLIC can do. Maybe Activision can do
something about this setting in a patch?
3 - As an AI increases in frenzy, it kills more of your units/cities and drops back down again. Then when the time is right
it will consider a cease-fire with you, thus ending the war. Wars become longer, harder to fight, and more intense. But
there can be an ending to the war.
4 - Once a war has started, the AI will not accept any proposals. I had to do this because there is no way to check if two
players are at war/peace/ally or whatever. Therefore, only the AI will initiate a cease fire.
5 - The AI built slightly less cities, but because they were in a 'nicer' area the cities were better.
6 - When entering war, you can't just sit on your ass and wait. You have to kill off the AI's productive power quickly.
This will increase frenzy, but a protracted war only benefits the AI.
7 - The game in general is a freaking lot harder!!!!!
I hope you enjoy the mods I made. Thanks to BlueOrange for the FRENZY script. If you have suggestions/comments, email me.
Rommell to a sub-commander outside Tobruk: "Those Australians are in there somewhere. But where? Let's advance and wait till they shoot, then shoot back."
I would like to introduce the new Diplomacy/Frenzy mod. Written by Dale (diplomacy) and BlueO (frenzy).
I need someone with a website to host it for me, I don't have one. Here's the readme.txt for a teaser.

// Diplomacy/Frenzy script AI for CTP2
// Diplomacy by Dale
// Frenzy by BlueOrange
// Other MODS by Dale
// Finished: 14-Jan-2001
// Free for public use and modification
readme.txt - This file
ctp2_data\default\aidata\diplomacy.txt - Updated diplomacy models
ctp2_data\default\aidata\Goals.txt - Updated goals
ctp2_data\default\aidata\ImprovementLists.txt - Updated improvement lists
ctp2_data\default\aidata\strategies.txt - Updated strategies
ctp2_data\default\aidata\UnitBuildLists.txt - Updated unit lists
ctp2_data\default\gamedata\diplofrenzy.slc - SLIC script for changes
1 - Unzip files to Call to Power 2 install directory.
2 - Open ctp2_data\default\aidata\script.slc in notepad.
3 - Change #include "diplomacy.slc" (at end of script) to #include "diplofrenzy.slc"
(I have included new eventhandlers for the ones in diplomacy.slc)
4 - PLAY!
1 - New diplomacy models for AI to AI and AI to HUMAN interaction.
- AI will not by default refuse another AI's proposal.
- AI has higher priorities for making proposals. This makes the AI make proposals.
- AI's with same governments are more likely to become friendly.
- AI's of different governments will be more neutral.
- AI/Human interaction will be more agressive/demanding.
- AI's in FRENZY will only consider/respond to Cease-fire treaties.
- Increased AI priority to build embassys with others.
- AI will build slightly more diplomats.
2 - BlueOrange's FRENZY script.
- Implemented into new diplomacy model.
- Changed so possible to return from FRENZY level 4.
- In FRENZY, AI's will consider a cease-fire (returning them to normal diplomacy and FRENZY level 0)
- Changed HateLevel so FRENZY level 1 begins at 15. (This allows normal diplomacy from AI when all you have is a
border skirmish)
3 - Other changes I saw as nice ones.
- AI will build cities in 'nicer' areas.
- AI will defend cities with more units.
- Increased road desirability. (Causes slightly more roads to be built by AI)
- Increased maximum amount of special units build by AI. (Needed so AI could build diplomats)
1 - Increase AI timeslices in const.txt.
2 - Play on larger maps. My diplomacy model works better on them.
3 - Don't play with an un-modified version of CTP2, it's no challange.

After playing a couple of games with the new models in force I noticed the following:
1 - AI's will now generate positive regard for other AI's (increasing likelihood of treaties/alliances)
2 - Due to internal programming settings of the game, it is actually pretty hard for an AI to have a treaty with another AI.
The problem lies in that to consider a treaty an AI is not allowed to have been in a square controlled by the considering AI
for at least 5 turns. Knowing how the AI plays (roaming through your area and fortifying units near you) this becomes a slim
chance. However, I found the bigger the map, the better this chance is. Especially for AI's that are on opposite sides of
the map. So, though it didn't occur very often, a treaty can exist to the best that SLIC can do. Maybe Activision can do
something about this setting in a patch?
3 - As an AI increases in frenzy, it kills more of your units/cities and drops back down again. Then when the time is right
it will consider a cease-fire with you, thus ending the war. Wars become longer, harder to fight, and more intense. But
there can be an ending to the war.
4 - Once a war has started, the AI will not accept any proposals. I had to do this because there is no way to check if two
players are at war/peace/ally or whatever. Therefore, only the AI will initiate a cease fire.
5 - The AI built slightly less cities, but because they were in a 'nicer' area the cities were better.
6 - When entering war, you can't just sit on your ass and wait. You have to kill off the AI's productive power quickly.
This will increase frenzy, but a protracted war only benefits the AI.
7 - The game in general is a freaking lot harder!!!!!
I hope you enjoy the mods I made. Thanks to BlueOrange for the FRENZY script. If you have suggestions/comments, email me.
Rommell to a sub-commander outside Tobruk: "Those Australians are in there somewhere. But where? Let's advance and wait till they shoot, then shoot back."