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    Why do people keep trying to live in the illusion that... "Hey, it aint so bad"..."We can 'not fight' and 'shake hands' and do group hugs"?... All I can say is 'ANYONE' who makes excuses for the AI's lack of... of... um BEING THERE 'FULL STOP'!!!, is completely missing the point of playing a strategy game that consists of war! Why on earth do I see people all over these archives offering 'second best' solutions? THE GAME NEEDS TO BE FIXED... II RREEPPEEAATT FFOORR TTHHEE VVIISSIIOONN IIMMPPAARREEDD... The game needs to be FIXED... F-I-X-E-D spells FIXED. Most people don't want to be programmers and the like, or mess around with the making of the game. People just want to come home from the shop and get what they paid for. A complete IDIOT would know that computers these days are capable of MUCH more! I am bewildered, completelty and utterly dumbfounded that ANYONE can say "UM...DER... WOT WONG WIFF IT"?..."IT OKAAAY" SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESH!!!

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  • #2
    yeah, ok , we got it.

