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Too Many Citys

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  • Too Many Citys

    I'm in a game where I have about 55 cities, gov = democracy. People are way too unhappy and its causing all kinds of bad things. I got this many cities because I'm trying to conquer the world. I disband any citys I capture that are 3 or less, but what do I do with the cities that are like 10 or above? I tried to switch to communism but I'm starting to get the same message "switch gov types". I had this problem in SMAC also when the AI would build tons of sea bases and it was a real pain to capture and manage them all, ( but at least they didn't cause unhappiness). I'd just as soon as be able to get rid of them. I just had a city in the middle of my empire revolt and go over to a new civ the Native Americans. I changing to entertainers on about 8 cities per turn and the micro management is not fun. Any suggestions?

  • #2
    When I capture cities that I do not want to keep, I simply turn all workers into entertainers, then the city starves in a hurry. I also sell the Granary and Food Silo.
    A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


    • #3
      When the city is starving does it cause discontement in the empire?


      • #4
        I don't think that it causes discontent in the empire, just in the city that is starving, so just make some of your specialists entertainers, and you are fine (at least they die happy .

        If you don't want to wait until the city is small enough to be disbanded, then you can change the maximum size for disbanding in one of the .txt-files (I'm not sure which one, but I've seen it somewhere, and it should not be difficult to figure it out) from 3 to a larger number. Just be careful that you don't accidentally disband your capital...


        • #5

          Originally posted by MrFun on 12-09-2000 03:27 AM
          When I capture cities that I do not want to keep, I simply turn all workers into entertainers, then the city starves in a hurry. I also sell the Granary and Food Silo.

          Good idea...Thanks


          • #6
            I am starting an invasion, which when successful, will have me about 10 cities over my limit as well. I have decided to give the weakest (most useless) cities to my Ally, the Irish. He only has 16 cities, and can have 35. Or maybe I'll use them as bartering chips with the only other AI left, the English, to make her my Ally.


            • #7
              Or, just take the few best cities and leave the broken and battered AI as your toady. Then get a research pact...


              • #8
                I have same problem with too many cities. The game is clearly weighted against early conquest. After democracy or communism, I make a beeline for corporate republic, while micromanaging my entertainers. I prefer not to disband cities, but it is probably necessary if research is slow.


                • #9
                  The solution to this problem was posted by Harlan here

                  in the happiness thread.

                  However we still need to learn how to make the changes or wait for Wes's mod.


                  • #10
                    You can change the number of cities maximum by changing the govern.txt file which is in the ctp_data\default\gamedata folder.

                    Each goverment type is listed there. Just change the number for the entry TooManyCitiesThreshold to be the number you would like.

                    You can also change the amount each city over the limit causes unhappiness by changing the TooManyCitiesCoefficient.

                    I would suggest making a backup of the original govern.txt file in case you want to revert back to the normal numbers, or you can just copy the govern.txt file into a new scenario and make the changes to that, and it will only apply to that scenario.

                    I hope this helps.


                    • #11
                      Hmmm... double post. I thought this was a problem only at AOKH
                      [This message has been edited by Basileus of the Romans (edited January 06, 2001).]
                      "The Tyrant dies and his rule ends. The Martyr dies and his rule begins."
                      -Soren Kierkegaard


                      • #12
                        I normally give my cities away when I am in one of these situations:

                        1. I am at war with Power A and allied with Power B. Power A captures one or more of Power B's cities, and I in turn, capture those cites from Power A. I give the liberated cities back to Power B.

                        2. I have too many cities either from conquest or settlement and it is affecting my happiness.

                        Other than that, I keep my people penned up in their concrete homes

                        "The Tyrant dies and his rule ends. The Martyr dies and his rule begins."
                        -Soren Kierkegaard
                        "The Tyrant dies and his rule ends. The Martyr dies and his rule begins."
                        -Soren Kierkegaard


                        • #13
                          Last night I tried to do exactly that.

                          Bruce of the Aussies captures an Irish city and wants to give it to the English in the hopes of forging an alliance.

                          Go to Proposal window, give city, long list, newer cities not on it. Bugger. So I can only give away my nice well developed, well defended cities safely away from the front line, not the beat up dregs under-defended in a war zone. Bugger, bugger and thrice bugger. Hope I saved recently, before relations with the Irish went to pot.
                          "Don't know exactly where I am"

