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Civnations review of ctp2

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  • Civnations review of ctp2

    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    I wish all of you a happy new year. It has been a considerably long time since I have posted to these forums, and I hope that everyone has had a sterling new year. I am here to offer you the christian perspective on call to power 2, as well as a general review of the game itself.

    Initial comments: spectacular. Frankly, it has been a long while since I have had such a hard time ending a session of civilization. The Call to Power team has done an excellent job of modeling civilization, and conforming themselves to every single ideology that a player can conceive of. How does this break down for those of the christian persuasion? The televangelists are finally somewhat decent, and there are no longer the ludicrous comments originally contained in Call to Power 1. As a result, Christians should NOT boycott this game. This game allows you to build a flourishing christian empire. They allow for those whose political ideologies heavily influenced by theology to build theocracies, and expand the influence of religion abroad. While I think that even more detail can be provided in these areas, and while I think they should have been a bit more generous on the science and production side of the theocratic goverment (christian nations are well known for achieving the greatest scientific advancement), and while I also think they should have made a difference between theocracy and ecclesiocracy (a theocracy believes in the separation of church and state, but NOT God and state), all in all there are a variety of options for the player interested in pursuing civilization with a distinctly christian perspective.

    They also incorporated my suggestion about a having enhanced nuclear diplomacy: way to go! This was an excellent enhancement to the game design and the advanced diplomatic option really add the edge to the game that I was looking for in the older versions. The AIs seem especially intelligent in this game as well. I wish that the instruction manual would have made clearer exactly how you destroy your reputation however. There are times when I request troops withdraw from within my borders, and when they do not comply I declare war. I am not sure if this damages my reputation, but it shouldn't since a legitmate request of troop withdrawl was made in advance. The designers do not go into detail about how the AI thinks about these things specifically. That is something that can be improved. However, nuclear treaties and advanced options more than make up for this drawback.

    Finally, there is no more farfetched speculation about the future of the world. The science fiction has been toned down to a more reasonable level and an emphasis on historicity has been added. This has made the game much more enjoyable.

    BOTTOM LINE: Christians and everyone else- this is definitely an excellent buy, and the best civilization game to date.

    My rating is 9/10.

  • #2
    Just ignoring all your religious tripe for a second:

    "The AI seems especially intelligent"?


    Have you been playing the same game as the rest of us?
    Beware the stare of the hamster!


    • #3
      This sounds like a spoof of the original CivNation...

      cf the original CivNation's posts in:

      [This message has been edited by phoenixcager (edited January 04, 2001).]


      • #4
        Let me make myself abundantly clear.... THIS IS NO SPOOF. I simply have created a new nickname for the new year.

        Jesus Christ is LORD, and His law must rule over the nations, and will rule over the nations.

        Those who do not convert to Jesus Christ will perish utterly. The judgment and wrath of God rests upon all who do not sign the treaty of King Jesus and do not unconditionally surrender to His rule.


        • #5

          Originally posted by CivNation2001 on 01-04-2001 04:45 AM

          Jesus Christ is LORD, and His law must rule over the nations, and will rule over the nations.

          Those who do not convert to Jesus Christ will perish utterly. The judgment and wrath of God rests upon all who do not sign the treaty of King Jesus and do not unconditionally surrender to His rule.

          Yes, that's very nice, but could you restrict your religious ramblings to the off-topic forums? This is a CTP2 discussion forum.
          Beware the stare of the hamster!


          • #6
            Well, one thing is for sure, "The lion will lay down with the lamb". And the lamb, in this case, is the AI. My whole job in this game is to decide when I'm hungry.



            • #7
              I know I shouldn't even reply to this...but man, guys like you really get under my skin.

              I don't have anything against reigion, just people who take every opportunity to ram it down the throats of others and in inappropriate places, like this forum. I honestly believe that zealots like you put more people off of religion than you could possibly convert.

              "I know nobody likes me...why do we have to have Valentines Day to emphasize it?"- Charlie Brown


              • #8
                Heheh, everyone should play civnation in multiplayer, and then whip his christian civ into the ground.

                "They let the ground keep that ancestral treasure,
                gold under gravel, gone to earth,
                as useless to men now as it ever was."
                From Beowulf


                While ignorance may be bliss, intelligence is orgasmic!
                Free Stewart Spink and YYYHey!
                We shall never forget!
                "mono has crazy flow and can rhyme words that shouldn't, like Eminem"
                Drake Tungsten
                "get contacts, get a haircut, get better clothes, and lose some weight"
                Albert Speer


                • #9
                  I can respect your review as a matter of free speech but are you serious? 9/10? My only explanation is you must have meant 9/20. That's it right? If not..are you serious?
                  To be honest I may have thought 8 to 8.5 out of 10 for the first hour or two but the more you play it the more that score drops. 4 or 5 out of 10 at the very best. IMO.
                  I don't mean to criticize your opinion because you have every right but I definitely do not agree.
         long did you play CTP2? How many games in total? I hope you have played games on every difficulty level?

                  PS: I agree with everyone else. Drop the religious rhetoric. I hate it when people talk down to me using God/bible stuff.
                  [This message has been edited by Simpleton (edited January 04, 2001).]
                  "To live again, to be.........again" Captain Kirk in some Star Trek Episode. (The one with the bad guy named Henok)
                  "One day you may have to think for yourself and heaven help us all when that time comes" Some condescending jerk.


                  • #10
                    Well, this is an open base, and CivNation should be able to phrase comments in whatever manner he deems appopriate (or should we institute the "content police"?).

                    CivNation, I do have a question for you - While religions flurished in many forms across the globe since the first tribe formed, it was only within a short time that Jesus, Allah, and Buddha all came about. Frankly, it seems that great civilizations might need a central unifying religion. This being the case, shouldn't that be a major element of the teck tree. After all, we have concepts of government, why not further concepts of religion?

                    Regardless of your thoughts on this matter, it bears examination. For example, I love railroads, I'd talk about them when I can (horay Southern Pacific!). However, I'd fell pretty pissed if the game decided not to include railroads as a tech addition. Frankly, Railroads had a huge impact, and it would really suck if Activision wasn't comefortable with the idea of them and left them out.

                    Anyway, a post is a post. If you feel that someone is ramming something down your throat, close your mouth.



                    • #11
                      Bluevoss, I understand what you mean by"if someone is ramming something down your throat shut your mouth", and trust me, I do. (ask the few Jehovah Witnesses that lived after waking me on a saturday morning) Butthis isn't a platform for Civnation's religious views.

                      I've read the other past posts by him. He's (or even she) is either a zealot or a troll. I really don't care which. I really hope he's a troll, but zealots like that usually cause more harm than good. people get persecuted, burnt at crosses, etc by people that say the say things he did. If you think I'm being harsh, check out his past postings. He advocates stoning! No, I'm sorry, I've spent too many years fighting for the ideals of freedom and being sent to the armpits of the world to abide him.

                      "I know nobody likes me...why do we have to have Valentines Day to emphasize it?"- Charlie Brown


                      • #12

                        And the religious moralizers still wonder why Christianity's popularity is jading.


                        • #13

                          Originally posted by CivNation2001 on 01-04-2001 04:45 AM
                          Those who do not convert to Jesus Christ will perish utterly. The judgment and wrath of God rests upon all who do not sign the treaty of King Jesus and do not unconditionally surrender to His rule.

                          Well, looks like I'll perish then.

                          Rommell to a sub-commander outside Tobruk: "Those Australians are in there somewhere. But where? Let's advance and wait till they shoot, then shoot back."


                          • #14
                            Only the Wizzo Chocolate 'Spring Surprise' could stop things being so toungue-in-cheek
                            "Don't know exactly where I am"


                            • #15

                              Really, what difference does what he says make?

                              As far as zelots resulting in needless deaths, agonies, and such, you can point to the crusades, the inquisition, the conquestidores, and several other (for a want of a better phase) localized horrors.

                              Governments, on the other hand, firebomb entire cities (and have thrown in a couple of nukes, too). They have been behind vertually every horror of every century. So if its overall bodycount, I'm certain that governments have killed, maimed, and tortured far more people than religious institutions.

                              Further, the concept of charity is a christian church function. That dosn't show up in your tech tree - its a church issue. Other insitutions might piggyback on it, but its been largely a Christian effort over the long dark centuries.

                              So if the guy wants to talk about how he views the game from a religious perspective, why the heck not. We have people looking at it from diplomacy, trade, and every other way.

                              Its just words.


