I found a few basic changes that need to be made to make the AI more challenging.
1. Put the offence goals on aggresive civs slightly higher than defence
2. Lower the half the support and lowerd the build cost for defensive units.
3. Raise the priority for defence and offence build lists to just below growth.
4. Change the Power Bonus in goal on defence and attack i raised only attack goals.(Thanks Omni i think it was you that found this one, YES i think it works seems its realted to if the players has higher powerbonus)
5. Double the Evaluate and Max execute for all strategies.
6. Raise the factor of Navy and Air units with 5-10 procent remove the same percent from defence and Ranged
7. DiffDb. Add slightly more production bonus. But most important raise the max ahead numbers. Lower the start happiness and add a capital distance penalty to the human player.
Optional 8. Change the sliders in const and remove producion bonus from sea. Add more production bonus to
Mines. (I made other changes here as i like the old CIV 2 terrain affects)
Optional 9. Remove the regard penalty for moving units in other players territory. You will get a penalty as you break the no tresspass agreement.
Now i think i will move on to do some slic code to fix diplmacy and some other AI baviour.
[This message has been edited by Matte979 (edited December 23, 2000).]
1. Put the offence goals on aggresive civs slightly higher than defence
2. Lower the half the support and lowerd the build cost for defensive units.
3. Raise the priority for defence and offence build lists to just below growth.
4. Change the Power Bonus in goal on defence and attack i raised only attack goals.(Thanks Omni i think it was you that found this one, YES i think it works seems its realted to if the players has higher powerbonus)
5. Double the Evaluate and Max execute for all strategies.
6. Raise the factor of Navy and Air units with 5-10 procent remove the same percent from defence and Ranged
7. DiffDb. Add slightly more production bonus. But most important raise the max ahead numbers. Lower the start happiness and add a capital distance penalty to the human player.
Optional 8. Change the sliders in const and remove producion bonus from sea. Add more production bonus to
Mines. (I made other changes here as i like the old CIV 2 terrain affects)
Optional 9. Remove the regard penalty for moving units in other players territory. You will get a penalty as you break the no tresspass agreement.
Now i think i will move on to do some slic code to fix diplmacy and some other AI baviour.
[This message has been edited by Matte979 (edited December 23, 2000).]