It's a bug? Five bowmen shot down my bomber by themselves!!
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Not good thing: bowman shot down air unit!
With Bomber its better to use the bombard option rather than attacking directly.
Maybe he died because he hasnt enough bombs loaded to kill all the archers. So maybe he could only kill 1 than he ran out of bombs. And then he still tried attacking them and ran out of fuel and crashed. And the archers just shot so that it looks like it was them who shot down the bomberI dont know
No, actually what happened is this.
Bomber pilot does not understand that he is flying a bomber. He is supposed to bombard.
He is brought up old-fashioned way and thinks bomber is a passenger jet.
So he flies bomber to enemy city, lands on some road somewhere, draws up his sleeves, and tries to punch the nearest Archer.
Archer shoots the silly man. He dies.
Moral of story: There's a reason a Bombard command exists in the game. Use it.
It's easy actually - just consider that anytime a unit is not bombarding, that they are trying to involve themselves in close quarters combat.I hate signatures - they showcase my distinct lack of imagination.
No, the incredibly skillful archers managed to hit every single plane in the bomber squadren in the fuel tank, causing all the planes to crash!
"We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills, we shall never surrender!" -Winston Churchill
"Gotta love me"- Baby, Dinosaurs
Ok heres the real deal.
I found this on CNN.
"Al Gore has invented the rocket powered arrow.
Using technology from the Internet "he created that also" He made the arrows at the whitehouse while waiting for the recount to be over. Upon hearing he lost he vented frustration by going back in time and sold his creation."
"A bomber pilot who lost several friends in this whobegone (I made that phrase up) hehe)atrocity. "I saw "Bubba" flying low over the city' I screamed over the radio "Bubba pull up" but he didn't. He took this flaming arrow right in his tailpipe. I screamed "Bubba you done been hit." He didn't reply. He just hit the ground. "I screamed, Bubba you done gone and crashed." Bu the didn't answer. "Why do these things happen? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?"
Anyway that I would clear this up for all who were interested.GasmanT
Those of you who are more Forrest-sided than Bubba-sided just take those CanAttack Land lines out of units.txt for your bombers and fighters, so if you can't remember that there is a BOMBARD command you won't be able to "strafe" instead of bombarding...
My 2 centsCandor dat viribus alas.