First thing is First: The only way to world domination and to world peace is through war.
War is the zenith of human thought, and only through war can you win any game of Civ:CTP2. Any civ that will not stand by your side should be eliminated. By the time you reach the Modern era, you should stand strong and keep your allies, and put nothing towards the forging of new alliances. Your enemies have had thier chance, and now they must pay for thier treachery.
Never be fooled into thinking that you and you only know this; many other take this manner of thought as well, but it will be by My teachings that you will know it better than your enemies.
I will be publishing a series of Chapters under Tacticus Alexandrius that will detail all aspects of military victory in CPT2, and by the end of the final chapter, you will realize only one thing; the secret to war is peace.....
Good gaming, and I'll see you soon
NOTE --- I will only post this series should people be reading it and replying to it...i want to see at least a few relplies to this and all following chapters or I will not waste good playing time on posting messages that nobody will read.
War is the zenith of human thought, and only through war can you win any game of Civ:CTP2. Any civ that will not stand by your side should be eliminated. By the time you reach the Modern era, you should stand strong and keep your allies, and put nothing towards the forging of new alliances. Your enemies have had thier chance, and now they must pay for thier treachery.
Never be fooled into thinking that you and you only know this; many other take this manner of thought as well, but it will be by My teachings that you will know it better than your enemies.
I will be publishing a series of Chapters under Tacticus Alexandrius that will detail all aspects of military victory in CPT2, and by the end of the final chapter, you will realize only one thing; the secret to war is peace.....
Good gaming, and I'll see you soon
NOTE --- I will only post this series should people be reading it and replying to it...i want to see at least a few relplies to this and all following chapters or I will not waste good playing time on posting messages that nobody will read.