Hehe the game gets funnier in the modern time. I love my subs!!! Unfortunately the AI is very very stupid! It could have crushed me lots of time. It still can, but it is not capable of launching a halfway descent invasion. Their one or two tanks they send in once in a while are easily destroyed by my artillery muachachacha. Artillery is fun!
Next thing that is fun is to roll around with 12 Tanks shooting everything in sight! hehe
I played on Hard Difficulty. In the beginning it was quite a challenge though any halfway experienced Civplayer could win this!
The time I was really vulnerable was by the time Infantryman were discovered. My cities were underdefended, I had virtually no offense capabilities and was at war with almost everyone! And I got out of that alive!!! Mayans declared war on me and I thought "Oh ****" and they must have known that I would be an easy hit cause they wandered around my territory with their cavalries unharmed. I feared they would attack me and such, so I began to build lots and lots of offensive and defensive weaponry, pushing my army up to date. Actually that helped a lot and when they began to nerve me with their ships (destroying my PW,...) I began to build up a great submarine fleet. And that was also a good thing, since it was me then who nerved them.
They did not realize that it would be better for them to build some destroyers or PT Boats and they kept on building Battleships and I kept on sinking them
I have so much money (200,000+) I can immediately buy every wonder I want!
Unless the AI doesnt get cleverer and realizes it would be better to actually plan and do an invasion I am the champ!
Oh and yes my ally is the second best (former best) Player.
I like the game but it has some flaws. 1.) The interface is not that smooth (see my posting in "First Patch CONFIRMED!" thread) and 2.) I didnt get that "Just-one-more-turn" feeling!
Next thing that is fun is to roll around with 12 Tanks shooting everything in sight! hehe
I played on Hard Difficulty. In the beginning it was quite a challenge though any halfway experienced Civplayer could win this!
The time I was really vulnerable was by the time Infantryman were discovered. My cities were underdefended, I had virtually no offense capabilities and was at war with almost everyone! And I got out of that alive!!! Mayans declared war on me and I thought "Oh ****" and they must have known that I would be an easy hit cause they wandered around my territory with their cavalries unharmed. I feared they would attack me and such, so I began to build lots and lots of offensive and defensive weaponry, pushing my army up to date. Actually that helped a lot and when they began to nerve me with their ships (destroying my PW,...) I began to build up a great submarine fleet. And that was also a good thing, since it was me then who nerved them.
They did not realize that it would be better for them to build some destroyers or PT Boats and they kept on building Battleships and I kept on sinking them

I have so much money (200,000+) I can immediately buy every wonder I want!
Unless the AI doesnt get cleverer and realizes it would be better to actually plan and do an invasion I am the champ!
Oh and yes my ally is the second best (former best) Player.
I like the game but it has some flaws. 1.) The interface is not that smooth (see my posting in "First Patch CONFIRMED!" thread) and 2.) I didnt get that "Just-one-more-turn" feeling!