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Governments and number of cities

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  • #31
    OK, so the max radius is basically four, but because for some reason diagonals are counted as two not one you can claim that the influence can reach five tiles away.

    so instead of

    I guess the reasoning is that because the diagonal length is longer then the model should be


    It's not that big a hassle in the game, now that I have been playing a bit and so have a better feel for the cities and their growth but its just one of those things that make learning the game more frustrating than fun, with a manual that is so bad. Why couldn't they just say the influence will reach a four tile radius if that is the case.


    • #32
      On my name it says settler?! How do i move that rank up?


      • #33
        How do I go about playing a VERY large computer generated map with 40 cvilizations?

        Is it possable?


        • #34
          It has to do with the number of posts you make on the forums.

          Read the FAQ at
          for more info.

          Have fun posting!


          • #35
            you can only load infantry - no artillery, no tanks, no horse riders


            • #36
              Whether Tanks should load is arguable. Somehow I think that was a mistake in the Units.txt file. But it says Tanks are a 'Small' land unit, and thus can ride in the choppers. I do it all the time.


              • #37
                Nope, max is 32 but don't go over 30.
                CtPMaps (Hosted by Apolyton)


                • #38
                  I actually managed to stumble across it on my own in the end when playing with that text file, but thanks for the help. I haven't had much time to investigate this stuff thoroughly recently you see, but thanks
                  Speaking of Erith:

                  "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith


                  • #39
                    How can I transport a diplomat over water. I have attempted to load a single unit on both a fire trireme and a ship of the line with no luck. Help please!


                    • #40
                      Yeah, I thought tanks wouldn't load either from what I had read here. Surprise, surprise, I've got a cargo heli with 4 tanks on board as we speak... They inadvertently got picked up because they were asleep in the city that built the heli! I know settlers work too!


                      • #41
                        those two ships are military only. carracks, troop ships etc can transport all types of units.


                        • #42
                          I ran into this "problem" last night. Over and over again I was trying to load a knight onto a Coracle and I must have gone through 3 turns before I realized what was going on. I had forgotten to unload a unit I had on the coracle before and so... well, duh.

                          Might be your case too so check to see if you have a unit already on it that prevents you from loading more.

                          'Blood will run'
                          'Blood will run'


                          • #43
                            Ok thanx, im hopeing to get up to a high rank! :P


                            • #44
                              I played around a bit with the lines

                              BORDER_INT_RADIUS 4
                              BORDER_SQUARED_RADIUS 20

                              in ctp2_data\default\gamedata\const.txt

                              as well as the SquaredRadius setting in citysizeX.txt

                              This in order to test different city influence settings and discovered the following:

                              first off.. the border_int_radius seems to do nothing (at least not that affects gameplay, I could be wrong though, correct me if so)

                              The border_squared_radius is interesting, corresponding the SquaredRadius in the citysizeX.txt determines which squares belong to a city influence.

                              I found out the following:

                              Where x is the city.
                              The letters denote areas under city influence (including areas with lower letter).

                              Producing a little table:

                              SquaredRadius     Letter
                              0-3               0
                              4                 A
                              5-7               B
                              8                 C
                              9                 D
                              10-12             E
                              13-15             F
                              16                G
                              17                H
                              18-19             I
                              20-24             J
                              (Yes, I restarted the game MANY times )

                              You can enter larger numbers in the citysizeX.txt, but make sure the BORDER_SQUARED_RADIUS is at least as large as the largest citysize. Don't know if the game will crash but it's illogical

                              Btw, does anyone know why there are 6 citysize files containing the same data?

                              Anyway, I hope someone has any use for this!
                              får jag köpa din syster? tre kameler för din syster!


                              • #45
                                I finally got 60% coverage. After ten turns, the gaia controller in available in 0 turns. I think I have a core and satilite in every city. But the science victory window just sits there with the green bar. It is 2413. What do I need to do?

