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City influence and size

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  • City influence and size

    Ok, this is what the manual says (p26)


    As a city grows in population, its area of influence will eventually spread out even further, as much as two more tiles in every direction for extremely large cities.

    so this is meant to mean that the city influence will extend three tiles from the city yes?

    but, also from the manual (p27)


    Also keep in mind that a city's area of influence can expand considerably over the span of time. Although they may start of small and remain so for hundreds of years, eventually cities may grow to control every terrain tile within a five-tile radius of the city centre!

    this seems to suggest that it will extend five tiles from the city?!?

    As I am too impatient to wait until I have played a couple of games through to find out which is the truth can some one else please help me so I can plan where to put my cities - how large an area of influence do they get

    Just the first in a long line of queries I am sure to have.

  • #2
    your city's tile influence grows with it's pop size. it's eventual size depends on your borders (marked in blue...) if you have no other cities close enough to infringe on your borders, it should very large. your first increase should come at pop 8 or thereabouts.


    • #3
      size 7= 2 tiles
      size 19= 3 tiles
      size 30something= 4 tiles

      at around city size 60 the city takes up just about all of the national border.



      • #4
        Yeah, I've noticed the border doesn't change when the cities area of influence changes. So the border is four tiles away, and the city can grow to fill the border

        So the manual isn't right in any place, the city influence max is four tiles, not three or five?


        • #5
          I think it's something like:
          ----5432345---------------------------------- ---543212345--------------------------------- ---432101234--------------------------------- ---543212345--------------------------------- ----5432345---------------------------------- -----54345----------------------------------- ------545------------------------------------

          Thats probably wrong i remember 5 as only affecting 3 tiles each corner but there's definetly 5 and 5 only affects the corners
          this is ****ed up because of the posting system thing try to figure it out

          " mind over body "
          [This message has been edited by Darkknight (edited December 04, 2000).]
          [This message has been edited by Darkknight (edited December 04, 2000).]
          [This message has been edited by Darkknight (edited December 04, 2000).]
          Destruction is a lot easier than construction. The guy who operates a wrecking ball has a easier time than the architect who has to rebuild the house from the pieces.--- Immortal Wombat.


          • #6


            • #7
              OK, so the max radius is basically four, but because for some reason diagonals are counted as two not one you can claim that the influence can reach five tiles away.

              so instead of

              I guess the reasoning is that because the diagonal length is longer then the model should be


              It's not that big a hassle in the game, now that I have been playing a bit and so have a better feel for the cities and their growth but its just one of those things that make learning the game more frustrating than fun, with a manual that is so bad. Why couldn't they just say the influence will reach a four tile radius if that is the case.


              • #8
                I played around a bit with the lines

                BORDER_INT_RADIUS 4
                BORDER_SQUARED_RADIUS 20

                in ctp2_data\default\gamedata\const.txt

                as well as the SquaredRadius setting in citysizeX.txt

                This in order to test different city influence settings and discovered the following:

                first off.. the border_int_radius seems to do nothing (at least not that affects gameplay, I could be wrong though, correct me if so)

                The border_squared_radius is interesting, corresponding the SquaredRadius in the citysizeX.txt determines which squares belong to a city influence.

                I found out the following:

                Where x is the city.
                The letters denote areas under city influence (including areas with lower letter).

                Producing a little table:

                SquaredRadius     Letter
                0-3               0
                4                 A
                5-7               B
                8                 C
                9                 D
                10-12             E
                13-15             F
                16                G
                17                H
                18-19             I
                20-24             J
                (Yes, I restarted the game MANY times )

                You can enter larger numbers in the citysizeX.txt, but make sure the BORDER_SQUARED_RADIUS is at least as large as the largest citysize. Don't know if the game will crash but it's illogical

                Btw, does anyone know why there are 6 citysize files containing the same data?

                Anyway, I hope someone has any use for this!
                får jag köpa din syster? tre kameler för din syster!

